Fillable Printable Harassment Policy Sample
Fillable Printable Harassment Policy Sample

Harassment Policy Sample
Harassment Policy
A. Policy:
Section 1. The members of the______________ Ambulance service are
entitled to a work place free from harassment by other members.
Reported incidents of alleged member harassment will be taken to
an officer and the investigation will be done by the president or
his/her designate, and if proven, will result in disciplinary action.
B. Prohibited Conduct:
Harassment based on national o rigin, race, religion, gender or age.
Section 1. Harassment of this type is conduct, which creates a hostile work
environment characterized by vicious, frequent, and reprehensible
instances of harassment based on national origin, race, religion,
gender, or age. This would include:
A. racial or ethnic slurs;
B. posting or distribution of derogatory bulletins, pictures,
cartoons, etc,;
C. offensive humor, including racial and ethnic jokes;
D. Derogatory comments or remarks concerning member’s age,
national origin, religion, gender or race.
Section 2. Harassment based on national o rigin, race, religion, gender, or age
has also been found to be a violation of the Civil rights Act, when
the harassment creates a hostile environment which goes beyond
casual, infrequent, or isolated instances.
Section 3. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of
a sexual nature. This would include:
A. “Kidding” or “Teasing”;
B. Sexually-oriented or gender-oriented jokes or other offensive
C. Pressure, however subtle, for sexual activ ity;
D. Physical contact, such as patting, touching, brushing against
another’s body in an inappropriate manner, etc.
E. Derogatory gender-based comments, cartoons, bulletins, etc.
Section 4. This conduct is considered a form of sex discrimination and is
prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991 (Title VII)
A. Submission or conduct is explicit or implicit or implied
condition of Membership or:
B. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for
personnel decision affecting the person involved, or:
C. The conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially
interfering with an ind ividual’s work performance or
D. Sexual harassment and harassment based on national origin,
race, religion, gender, or age is strictly prohibited. Members
must be aware that comments gestures, etc. while not intended
to be offensive, may be interpreted as such by others, and act
Section 5. Incidents of harassment prohibited by this policy, if proven, will
result in prompt, corrective action, including discipline up to and
including termination, if warranted.
Section 6. If the effected party is not satisfied with the action taken by the
service the complaint may be presen ted to the next level of the
governing organization for further investigation
C. Procedure: (Confidential)
Harassment based on origin, race, religion, gender or age.
Section 1. Overview
Any member who feels that he or she has been the victim of such
harassment shall no tify their immediate president, or alternatively,
an officer. The president or his/her designee will notify both
parties involved of the receipt of the complaint. The president or
his/her designee will promptly, thoroughly and discreetly
investigate the complaint. To the extent possible, the member’s
confidentiality and that of any witnesses and alleged harass er will
be protected against unnecessary disclosure. If the investigation
reveals that the member has been harassed, disciplinary action will
immediately be taken against appropriate individuals.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the complaint
A. Be knowledgeable as to what constitutes harassment
B. Inform offender that their actions are not welcome
C. Document time, place and any witnesses. Collect any physical
evidence. (letters, notes, etc)
D. Report offense to a supervisor or to the officer
Section 3. Responsibility of all management personnel
A. Know and understand the harassment policy of your service.
B. It is the responsibility of the management to be aware of
harassment in the work p lace and investigate any complaint
C. If members bring a harassment complaint to your attention you
1. Listen
2. Make no judgement
3. Assure members that all information will be kept as
confidential as possib le
4. Collect any physical evidence
a. No retaliation
b. It will be investigated
5. Take complete and concise notes
6. Assure them an immediate investigation will be conducted
(within10 calendar days)
D. Visit with the accused
1. Inform them that a complaint has been filed
2. Let them tell you their side of the incident in question
3. Assure them that immediate action will be taken with the
determination of notification of punishment
E. Interview any witnesses
F. Check personnel files
1. Have there been prior allegations by the complainant
2. Have there been previous allegations toward the harasser
G. Based on the investigative process
1. At an executive officers meeting (within 30 calendar days)
a. Report all findings to th e officers who will determine
guilt or innocence and jointly confirm disciplinary
b. Inform harasser that all incidents must stop
c. Document: All reports, the investigation process, the
determinatio n of guilt or innocence, and disciplinary
actions taken.
Section 4. Appeal process
Both the complainant and the accused shall have the right to appeal any
aspect of the decision with which they disagree.
A. Disagreement with the service executive board may be
appealed to city manager or m ayor
B. All inform ation that was discovered in the investigation shall
be made available to the governing appeal body.