Fillable Printable Hazard Report Form - The Ohio State University
Fillable Printable Hazard Report Form - The Ohio State University

Hazard Report Form - The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University Airport Safety Management Systems
Employees, users, and associated organizations of The Ohio State University Airport are
encouraged to use this form to submit safety hazards that may have been observed or
encountered. Information collected on these hazards will be used to determine trends and
hotspots that could be potential safety risks. The form can be submitted anonymously, if
desired. The system is designed to be non-punitive, and the information collected will
remain internal. Please complete the form and submit via the provided envelope..
Date/Time of Observation: ________________________________________________
Reported By (optional): ________________________________________________
Dept./Org. (optional): ________________________________________________
Location Description: ________________________________________________
Location on Crash Grid: ________________________________________________
(refer to back of form)
Please Check One
Wildlife Incursion [ ]
Aircraft Incursion [ ]
Ground Vehicle/Pedestrian Incursion [ ]
Ramp Safety [ ]
Other [ ]
Objects Involved: ________________________________________________
Persons Involved: ________________________________________________
Wildlife Involved: ________________________________________________
Description: ________________________________________________

The Ohio State University Airport Safety Management Systems
Instructions for Use of Hazard Reporting Form
Please complete all fields with as much detail as possible about a hazard that was
encountered. The hazards could be anything that was seen or encountered on the ramp or
airfield of the OSU Airport that you felt was a threat to safety.
Examples of hazards could be vehicles seen driving too fast, confusing taxiway/runway
intersections, confusing/unsafe procedures, wildlife incidents, or anything that was felt to
be a threat to safety.
Use of this hazard reporting form is completely voluntary, and is non-punitive. It may
also be completed anonymously, if desired. The goal of this hazard reporting process is
to gather data from users of the OSU Airport in an effort to increase safety. OSU Airport
is in the process of a Safety Management Systems (SMS) Implementation Study, which
has been commissioned by the Federal Aviation Administration. Input from stakeholders
like you is critical to obtaining an accurate picture of where safety risks exist.
Once you have completed your form, please return it to Dale Gelter via the Customer
Service Desk, fax it to 614-292-5159, or email to [email protected].
Thank you for your time, participation and commitment to aviation safety!