Fillable Printable Health Assessment Record - Connecticut
Fillable Printable Health Assessment Record - Connecticut
![Health Assessment Record - Connecticut](/resources/formfile/images/10000/health-assessment-record-connecticut-page1.png)
Health Assessment Record - Connecticut
State of Connecticut Department of Education
Health Assessment Record
To Parent or Guardian:
In order to provide the best educational experience, school personnel must understand your child’s health needs. This form requests informat ion
from you (Part I) which will also be helpful to the health care provider when he or she completes the medical evaluation (Part II).
State law requires complete primary immunizations and a health assessment by a legally qualied practitioner of medicine, an advanced
practice registered nurse or registered nurse, a physician assistant or the school medical advisor prior to school entrance in Connecticut (C.G.S.
Secs. 10-204a and 10-206). An immunization update and additional health assessments are required in the 6th or 7th grade and in the 9th or
10th grade. Specic grade level will be determined by the local board of education. This form may also be used for health assessments required
every year for students participating on sports teams.
Part I — To be completed by parent/guardian.
Please answer these health history questions about your child before the physical examination.
Please circle Y if “yes” or N if “no.” Explain all “yes” answers in the space provided below.
Please explain all “yes” answers here. For illnesses/injuries/etc., include the year and/or your child’s age at the time.
Student Name (Last, First, Middle) Birth Date
❑ Male ❑ Female
Primary Care Provider
* If applicable
Please print
To be maintained in the student’s Cumulative School Health Record
HAR-3 REV. 4/2010
Race/Ethnicity ❑ Black, not of Hispanic origin
❑ American Indian/ ❑ White, not of Hispanic origin
Alaskan Native ❑ Asian/Pacic Islander
❑ Hispanic/Latino ❑ Other
Health Insurance Company/Number* or Medicaid/Number*
If your child does not have health insurance, call 1-877-CT-HUSKY
Address (Street, Town and ZIP code)
Parent/Guardian Name (Last, First, Middle)
Home Phone Cell Phone
Does your child have health insurance? Y N
Does your child have dental insurance? Y N
Any health concerns Y N
Allergies to food or bee stings Y N
Allergies to medication Y N
Any other allergies Y N
Any daily medications Y N
Any problems with vision Y N
Uses contacts or glasses Y N
Any problems hearing Y N
Any problems with speech Y N
Hospitalization or Emergency Room visit Y N
Any broken bones or dislocations Y N
Any muscle or joint injuries Y N
Any neck or back injuries Y N
Problems running Y N
“Mono” (past 1 year) Y N
Has only 1 kidney or testicle Y N
Excessive weight gain/loss Y N
Dental braces, caps, or bridges Y N
Concussion Y N
Fainting or blacking out Y N
Chest pain Y N
Heart problems Y N
High blood pressure Y N
Bleeding more than expected Y N
Problems breathing or coughing Y N
Any smoking Y N
Asthma treatment (past 3 years) Y N
Seizure treatment (past 2 years) Y N
Diabetes Y N
Family History
Any relative ever have a sudden unexplained death (less than 50 years old) Y N
Any immediate family members have high cholesterol Y N
Please list any medications your
child will need to take in school:
All medications taken in school require a separate Medication Authorization Form signed by a health care provider and parent/guardian.
I give permission for release and exchange of information on this form
between the school nurse and health care provider for condential
use in meeting my child’s health and educational needs in school.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
Is there anything you want to discuss with the school nurse? Y N If yes, explain:
Part II — Medical Evaluation
Health Care Provider must complete and sign the medical evaluation and physical examination
HAR-3 REV. 4/2010
Signature of health care provider Date Signed Printed/Stamped Provider Name and Phone Number
Physical Exam
Birth DateStudent Name Date of Exam
I have reviewed the health history information provided in Part I of this form
Note: *Mandated Screening/Test to be completed by provider under Connecticut State Law
*Height _____ in. / _____% *Weight _____ lbs. / _____% BMI _____ / _____% Pulse _____ *Blood Pressure _____ / _____
*Gross Dental
Genitalia/ hernia
Describe AbnormalNormal NormalOrtho Describe Abnormal
*Postural ❑ No spinal ❑ Spine abnormality:
abnormality ❑ Mild ❑ Moderate
❑ Marked ❑ Referral made
*Vision Screening
With glasses
Right Left
Without glasses
20/ 20/
❑ Referral made
*Auditory Screening
Right Left
❑ Referral made
❑ Pass ❑ Pass
❑ Fail ❑ Fail
TB: High-risk group? ❑ No ❑ Yes PPD date read: Results: Treatment:
*Chronic Disease Assessment:
Asthma ❑ No ❑ Yes: ❑ Intermittent ❑ Mild Persistent ❑ Moderate Persistent ❑ Severe Persistent ❑ Exercise induced
If yes, please provide a copy of the Asthma Action Plan to School
Anaphylaxis ❑ No ❑ Yes: ❑ Food ❑ Insects ❑ Latex ❑ Unknown source
Allergies If yes, please provide a copy of the Emergency Allergy Plan to School
History of Anaphylaxis ❑ No ❑ Yes Epi Pen required ❑ No ❑ Yes
Diabetes ❑ No ❑ Yes: ❑ Type I ❑ Type II Other Chronic Disease:
Seizures ❑ No ❑ Yes, type:
❑ This student has a developmental, emotional, behavioral or psychiatric condition that may affect his or her educational experience.
Explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Daily Medications (specify): ____________________________________________________________________________________
This student may: ❑ participate fully in the school program
❑ participate in the school program with the following restriction/adaptation: _____________________________
This student may: ❑ participate fully in athletic activities and competitive sports
❑ participate in athletic activities and competitive sports with the following restriction/adaptation: ____________
❑ Yes ❑ No Based on this comprehensive health history and physical examination, this student has maintained his/her level of wellness.
Is this the student’s medical home? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ I would like to discuss information in this report with the school nurse.
Immunization Record
To the Health Care Provider: Please complete and initial below.
Vaccine (Month/Day/Year) Note: *Minimum requirements prior to school enrollment. At subsequent exams, note booster shots only.
Hep A
Hep B
Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3 Dose 4 Dose 5 Dose 6
Students under age 5
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Disease Hx ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
of above (Specify) (Date) (Conrmed by)
Immunization Requirements for Newly Enrolled Students at Connecticut Schools
KINDERGARTEN DTaP: At least 4 doses. The last dose must be given on or after 4th birthday
Polio: At least 3 doses. The last dose must be given on or after 4th birthday
MMR: 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday
Measles: Second dose of measles vaccine (or MMR), given at least 4 weeks after the rst dose
Hib: Children less than 5 yrs of age need 1 dose at 12 months or older Children 5 and older do not need proof of Hib vaccination
Hep B: 3 doses
Varicella: 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday or verication of disease
GRADES 1-6 DTaP /Td/Tdap: At least 4 doses. The last dose must be given on or after 4th birthday
Students who start the series at age 7 or older only need a total of 3 doses
Polio: At least 3 doses. The last dose must be given on or after 4th birthday
MMR: 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday
Measles: Second dose of measles vaccine (or MMR), given at least 4 weeks after the rst dose
Hep B: 3 doses
Varicella: 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday or verication of disease
GRADES 7-12 Td/Tdap: At least 3 doses. The last dose must be given on or after 4th birthday. Students who start the series at age 7 or older
only need a total of 3 doses
Polio: At least 3 doses. The last dose must be given on or after 4th birthday
MMR: 1 dose on or after the 1st birthday
Measles: Second dose of measles vaccine (or MMR), given at least 4 weeks after the rst dose
Hep B: 3 doses
Varicella: 1 dose on or after rst birthday or verication of disease:
VARICELLA VACCINE: For students <13 years of age, 1 dose given on or after the 1st birthday. For students 13 years of
age or older, 2 doses given at least 4 weeks apart
VERIFICATION OF DISEASE: Conrmation in writing by a MD, PA, or APRN that the child has a previous history of
disease, based on family or medical history
Religious _____ Medical: Permanent _____ Temporary _____ Date _____
Recertify Date _________ Recertify Date _________ Recertify Date ________
Initial/Signature of health care provider Date Signed Printed/Stamped Provider Name and Phone Number
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