Fillable Printable Health History Form - Cornell University
Fillable Printable Health History Form - Cornell University

Health History Form - Cornell University

Please return this form to:
Gannett Health Services
110 Ho Plaza
Ithaca, NY 14853-3101
For information or assistance:
Faculty, Staff, Dependent of Enrolled Student
Health History Form
Welcome to Gannett Health Services. Known as a primary care facility for the health needs of students, Gannett offers a range of services to Cornell employees
and eligible dependents of enrolled students. Gannett is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.
All medical care and counseling at Gannett is confidential. Health care records are completely separate from all other university records. Gannett Health Services
staff confer with one another as needed to provide integrated care for you; in the event of your treatment at Cayuga Medical Center or another hospital, the
hospital and Gannett will share relevant health information for continuity of care. Otherwise, Gannett will not release any information about you without your written
permission, except as authorized or required by law, or in our judgment as necessary to protect you or others from a serious threat to health or safety.
Gannett uses an electronic health records system, which provides a web portal (myGannett) to facilitate secure communication with our established patients.
Part ONe: IdeNtIFIcatION aNd PrIvacY
Status ⃞ Faculty member ⃞ Staff member ⃞ Dependent of enrolled student (specify) ________________________________________________________________________
Name _________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth
(mm-dd-yyyy) __________________________ Gender________________________
(last, first, middle)
Cornell ID# _________________________________________________________________________________ Cornell Net ID _______________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Street or P.O. Box
City State/Province Zip or Postal Code
Phone Numbers Home _______________________________________ Cell _______________________________________ Work _______________________________________
HealtH INSuraNce INFOrmatION
Subscriber Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Relationship _________________________________________________________
Name of Insurance Company ___________________________________________________________________ Policy # _____________________________________________________________
Address of Insurance Company _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Gannett participates with a limited number of insurance plans. Learn more about paying for health care at Gannett:
PerSON tO NOtIFY IN caSe OF emerGeNcY
Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone ________________________________________________________
Relationship ________________________________________________________________________________ Work or cell phone __________________________________________________
Gannett has a long-standing commitment to the rights and privacy of its patients and clients. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 requires all health-
care providers to inform patients/clients of their Notice of Privacy Practices. It describes our policy and the ways in which we use and protect your personal health information.
I acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to read Gannett Health Services’ Notice of Privacy Practices either on paper or at
☛ Signature of patient _______________________________________________________________________________ Date (mm-dd-yyyy) __________________________________________
I consent to have Gannett Health Services use and disclose my protected health information for payment, treatment, and health-care operations purposes. My protected health
information means health, billing, and demographic information about me, collected from me, and created or received by Gannett Health Services. In the event that Gannett Health
Services participates with my health insurance, I authorize the payment of benefits to Gannett Health Services.
☛ Signature of patient ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PermISSION tO treat Requires signature of parent/guardian of student under the age of 18.
I give my permission for my daughter/son/ward to receive heath care from Gannett Heath Services and Cayuga Medical Center (and, if necessary, ambulance services) in the event of
an injury or illness. I understand that I will be responsible for all charges for health services provided by Gannett Health Services and by off-campus providers. I acknowledge that I have
been made aware of Gannett’s Notice of Privacy Practices, which can be reviewed at
☛ Signature of parent/guardian _______________________________________________________________________ Date (mm-dd-yyyy) __________________________________________

Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
⃞ Alcohol use (#drinks/week _____ )
⃞ Tobacco use (#packs/week ____)
⃞ Other drugs
⃞ Asthma
⃞ Autoimmune disorder
⃞ Blood disorders, anemia
⃞ Cancer
Cardiovascular disease
⃞ Heart problem
⃞ High blood pressure
⃞ High cholesterol
⃞ Pacemaker
⃞ Eating disorder
Endocrine disorder
⃞ Diabetes
⃞ Thyroid
⃞ Other
⃞ Eye disease
⃞ Vision deficit
⃞ Gastrointestinal condition
⃞ Head injury/concussion
⃞ Hearing impairment
⃞ Hepatitis B (acute or chronic)
⃞ Hepatitis C
⃞ Hospitalization
⃞ Kidney disease
⃞ Menstrual disorders
⃞ Mental health disorder
⃞ Migraine headaches
⃞ Mobility limitations
Musculoskeletal problems
⃞ Fractures
⃞ Other
⃞ Neurologic concerns
⃞ Seizure disorder
⃞ Surgical operations or procedure(s)
Please provide a brief explanation regarding history above. List metal implants, prostheses, and special needs you have. ____________________________________________________
medIcatIONS (frequent or regular)
⃞ Acne medication
⃞ ADHD medication
⃞ Allergy medication
⃞ Allergy shots
⃞ Antidepressant medication
⃞ Asthma medication
⃞ Birth-control medication
⃞ Blood pressure medication
⃞ Bowel medication
⃞ Headache medication
⃞ Heart-rhythm medication
⃞ Herbal treatments
⃞ Insulin
⃞ Pain medication
⃞ Psychological condition medication
⃞ Seizure medication
⃞ Vitamins
⃞ Other (specify below)
PerSONal HealtH HIStOrY
Check all you have had in the past or have at this time.
Please provide the name, dosage, and indication for the medications you marked above. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Part twO: HealtH HIStOrY
PerSONal HealtH care PrOvIder
Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Work Phone ____________________________________
(last, first, middle) (degree/title)
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street or P.O. Box
City State/Province Zip or Postal Code Country
drug allergies
⃞ No known drug allergies
⃞ Acetaminophen
⃞ Amoxicillin
⃞ Aspirin
⃞ Lidocaine/Xylocaine
⃞ Penicillin
⃞ Sulfa drugs
⃞ Other drug allergy (specify below)
Other allergies
⃞ No known "other" allergies
⃞ Animals
⃞ Foods
⃞ Insect/bee sting
⃞ Latex
⃞ Xray contrast
⃞ Other allergy (specify below)
Please provide a brief explanation of all allergies you indicated above. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Part tHree: ImmuNIzatIONS/tb
The following information may be required or recommended for various work settings. If not, it is optional. However, if you have official documentation of your immunization/TB history
and would like it to be part of your Gannett health record, please provide a copy to Gannett Health Services Health Records Office (FAX: 607.255. 0269).
tetanus. must have original series plus a booster within ten years. list dates of all boosters.
• Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis booster (recommended) Date (mm-dd-yyyy) ____________________________________
• Tetanus/diphtheria booster Date
(mm-dd-yyyy) ____________________________________
• Tetanus booster Date
(mm-dd-yyyy) ____________________________________
Hepatitis a vaccine ⃞ Havrix ⃞ VAQTA
Date #1
(mm-dd-yyyy) __________________________ Date #2 (mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________
HeP a / HeP b combined vaccine
Date #1 (mm-dd-yyyy) __________________________ Date #2 (mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________ Date #3 (mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________
Hepatitis b vaccine Series ⃞ Engerix B ⃞ Recombivax-HB
Date #1
(mm-dd-yyyy) __________________________ Date #2 (mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________ Date #3 (mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________
rabies vaccine
Date #1 (mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________ ⃞ RabAvert ⃞ Imovax ⃞ Unknown
Date #2
(mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________ ⃞ RabAvert ⃞ Imovax ⃞ Unknown
Date #3
(mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________ ⃞ RabAvert ⃞ Imovax ⃞ Unknown
tuberculin (tb) Screening History
check all tuberculin tests that apply.
⃞ PPD, Mantoux (skin tests) Date
(mm-dd-yyyy) ________________________ Result: ___________ mm of induration
⃞ T-SPOT®.TB (blood test) Date (mm-dd-yyyy) ________________________ Result: ⃞ positive ⃞ negative
⃞ QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (blood test) Date (mm-dd-yyyy) ________________________ Result: ⃞ positive ⃞ negative
⃞ Chest Xray Date (mm-dd-yyyy) ________________________ Result: ⃞ normal ⃞ abnormal
⃞ History of treatment for Tuberculosis disease
Start Date
(mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________________________________________________ Duration ________________________________
Type of Treatment ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
⃞ History of treatment for positive PPD without disease
Start Date
(mm-dd-yyyy) ___________________________________________________________________ Duration ________________________________
Type of Treatment ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
*If you have never had Tdap, we recommend
you get it now for protection against pertussis,
which is on the rise in New York State.