
Fillable Printable Healthy Gardening Companion Planting Chart

Fillable Printable Healthy Gardening Companion Planting Chart

Healthy Gardening Companion Planting Chart

Healthy Gardening Companion Planting Chart

Healthy Garden
Workshop Series
Maximizing Your Harvest
Companion Planting:
Companion planting is based on the idea that certain plants can benefit when other plants are
grown in close proximity. These benefits can include redirectio n or repellant of pests and
supplying needed nutrients. For example, legumes - such as peas, beans, and clover - have
the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for their own use as well as for neighboring plants.
Corn requires a lot of nitrogen to grow well. Therefore, planting legumes with corn will help
the corn grow more efficiently.
Use this chart to help find good companion plants, as well as which plants to keep apart.
PLANT Companion Plants Hindered By
Pepper, tomatoes, marigol d
Beans, bush
Cucumbers, stra wberries, plant with corn Onions
Lettuce, onions, ca bbage Pole beans
Beets, potatoes, onions, celery Strawberries, tomatoes
Onions, potatoes, celery, mint Strawberries, tomatoes
Peas, lettuce, chives, radishes, leeks, onions Dill
Potatoes, onions, celery Strawberries, tomatoes
Lettuce, onions, ca bbage Pole beans
Potatoes, peas, beans, cucumber, pumpkins Tomatoes
Legumes, corn, leeks, oni ons, radishes, sunflowers Potatoes, strong herbs
Redroot pigweed, green beans
Carrots, celery, onions Bush beans, pole be ans
Radishes, strawb erries, cucumbers Pole beans, tomatoes
Morning glory Potatoes
Summer savory, chamomile Peas and beans
Carrots, turnips, radishes, cucumb ers, aromatic herbs
Beans, cabbage, corn, eggplant, marigolds, nasturtiums Tomatoes
Redroot pigweed, na sturtiums, mustards All pole plants
Icicle radishes, nasturtiums Potatoes
Sweet Pepper
Basil, okra
Asparagu s, carrots, celery, chiv es, garlic, onions, parsley Potatoes, fennel, cabbage
Harvesting Your Produce:
Knowing when and how to harvest your produce is an important part of gardening. The
closer you can pick the produce to when it will be eaten, the better. Some squash, beans,
and lettuce continue to grow more produce when they are picked often. Below are some tips
to help harvest your plants for maximum flavor and enjoyment.
Harvest when spea rs reach 6 to 8 inches tall by clippin g stalks close to the soil
Pick broccoli when heads form into tight, firm clusters
Cut off the head with 6 inches of stem att ached
Side heads will form after first head is cut.
Cut the outer leaves clo se to ground when 8-10" tall
Make sure to leave 4-6 le aves on the plant so it can continue to grow
Ripe when sh iny and 6-8 inches long
Clip the stem several inches above the vegetable with scissors or a sharp knife
Use immediately or freeze i n an ice cube tray with wat er or a vacuum sealed bag
For leafy herbs, pick the leaves and chop before use
For seedy herbs, break off a small b ran ch of the herb and swipe off the herbs
Pick any flowers immediately or the herb may become bitter
Leaf lettuce will continue to grow if picked often and properly
For leaves, cut outer leaf early at the base of the leaves, ~ 2 inches up from the soil
For heads, ready when firm and tight, cut at the base where the plant meets the soil
Pick when vine starts to dry out
Clip the vine just above the fruit with scissors or a sharp knife
Harvest Jalapeno peppers at 3-4 inche s, green p eppers at the size of a fist
Clip the stem just above the pepper with scissors or a sharp knife
Harvest when the pod is green an d full but still tender, pods are usually ready to be harvested a week
after the plant flowers
Clip the stem just above the pod with sci ssors or a sharp knife
Squash and Cucumbers:
Pick often and more will grow
Pick when ~ 6 inches for a more tender vegetable and better flavor
Clip the vine/stem just abo ve the fruit with scissors or a sharp knife
When red, clip the stem just above the tomato with scissors or a sharp knife
United States Dep artment of Agriculture
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