Fillable Printable High School Graduation Certification Form - California
Fillable Printable High School Graduation Certification Form - California

High School Graduation Certification Form - California

First Name MI Last Name Social Security Number or CSAC ID or DREAM ID
(Please circle one)
Address City State Zip Code
Email Address:
High School Graduation Certication Form
For the Entitlement Cal Grant Program
Earlier this year the California Student Aid Commission (Commission) offered you an Entitlement Cal Grant to
help pay for your college expenses. Prior to receiving your Entitlement Cal Grant, you must submit conrma-
tion of your high school graduation to the Commission. Use this form to verify that you have graduated from
high school and meet this requirement for your Cal Grant. Read the information on the reverse side to help
you complete this form correctly.
A I have completed all of my high school requirements, and graduated.
If you checked A, above, please ll in the items below.
Month and year of graduation:
Name of high school or agency:
City, state, country of high school:
B I have passed the California High School Prociency Examination (CHSPE). Issue Date: ________
C I have passed the General Education Development (GED) Test. Issue Date: __________________
D I do not meet any of the three statements above.
Student Certication: By signing the certication below, I am afrming that I have completed all of my high school graduation
requirements, including passing the CAHSEE exam if required by my school. Or, I have passed a high school equivalency test
such as the California High School Prociency Examination or the General Education Development (GED) test. I understand
that it is illegal to report false or misleading information. I have read the information printed above and certify under penalty of
perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct.
Day time telephone number Date
Attention: Conrmation of your high school graduation is required or no Cal Grant payments can be released.
You can certify this online at or at
Step 1 Please check the box of the statement that best ts your educational status.
Step 2
Fall 2014 College of Attendance:
G-8 (02/14)
See reverse side for more information
Please note that the CHSPE is not the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)

Where do I submit my high school graduation certication?
Please submit this form to the address at the bottom of this page or submit it online at
What does completing all graduation requirements mean?
Completing all high school graduation requirements means you have passed all required
coursework and passed any required examinations, including the California High School Exit
Examination (CAHSEE), if required. When leaving high school, graduates would have been
given a diploma, not just a “Certicate of Completion.” If you are unsure, please contact your
high school.
What if I don’t have a diploma but I do have a graduation equivalent?
Instead of graduating, you may have taken and passed the California High School Prociency
Examination (CHSPE) or the General Education Development (GED) Test. A passing score on
either one of these tests is considered “the equivalent of high school graduation” and satises
the high school graduation requirement necessary for a student to participate in the Entitlement
Cal Grant program.
What if I have not graduated from high school or do not have a graduation
equivalent? What can I do?
You are not eligible to receive Entitlement Cal Grant benets if you have not graduated from
high school or achieved the equivalent. However, state law gives potential Entitlement Cal
Grant participants until December 31 of the award year to complete the high school gradua-
tion requirements. If you have not yet graduated, but expect to graduate prior to December 31
of the award year, keep this certication form and submit it after you have completed all your
graduation requirements. If you have not graduated from high school, or achieved the equiva-
lent, by December 31 of the award year, this Cal Grant offer is void. You would have to reapply
next year by the March 2 application deadline.
This certication can be completed online at
If you have questions or need additional information about your Entitlement Cal Grant award,
please contact the California Student Aid Commission by phone at (888) 224-7268 or by email at
Mail this completed form to:
California Student Aid Commission
Grant Programs Operations
PO Box 419028
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9028
High School Graduation Certication Form
For the Entitlement Cal Grant Program
G-8 (02/14)