
Fillable Printable Hold Harmless Agreement Form

Fillable Printable Hold Harmless Agreement Form

Hold Harmless Agreement Form

Hold Harmless Agreement Form

I, _____________________________________, the parent/legal guardian of the minor child
_________________________________, do her eby agree t o assu me full responsibility for my child a nd
do agree to i n de mni f y, s a v e, ho l d ha rml ess , a nd defend the Ca ddo Parish Sheriff, St eve P rat or , and all of
his employees and agents, acting officially or otherwise, from any and all liability, claims, demands,
actions, ju dgments, exp ens es, c osts, int er est, debts, a nd a t t or ne y’s fees a r is i ng ou t of , claimed on accou nt
of, or i n any manner pred ic ate d upo n any in j ury, or loss of life of any per so n or damag e to the p roperty of
any person or persons w hatsoever, includin g my child, or any third part y, which may oc c ur resulti ng f rom
the participation of my child in the Sheriff’s C.S.I. Camp For Kids, titled: Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office
C.S.I. Camp For Kids, occurring on _________________________________. The pur pose of t his camp
is to teac h children the basics of crime scene investigation.
It is agr eed that participation in this camp is potentially dangerous, and I have b een appris ed of
and understand the liabilities and hazards of participating in this event. I also believe that the benefit to
my c hil d ex c eeds any pote ntial risk. I t is further agreed that the under s igned, our succ essors, estates heir s,
and assignees will refrain from holding the Caddo Parish Sheriff, Steve Prator, and his employees or
ag e nts res pons i bl e for a ny damag e ari sing fro m loss of property, per sonal injury or dea th, loss of ac cess to
property, or ot her consequential damages as a resu lt of par tic i patin g in this p rogram.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Child’s Name (Please Print) Child’s Signature
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (Please Print) Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
In t he event of a n emergency, if the parents/guar dians or the emergency contacts named on the front of
this form cannot be reached, the Caddo Parish Sheriff Office, Steve Prator, or his designee has my
permission to transport my child ___________________________________ to the nearest medical
fac i lity f or treatment.
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date
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