Fillable Printable Free Hold Harmless Agreement Real Estate
Fillable Printable Free Hold Harmless Agreement Real Estate

Free Hold Harmless Agreement Real Estate

YourIgloo Inc. Flat Fee MLS Addendum
into by and between YourIgloo Inc. and, hereinafter “Seller(s)” _____________ _________
______________________, at (address)_ _________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ hereinafter “Property”,
and Thomas Gulisano and/or YourIgloo Inc., consultant, agent, facilitator, hereinafter “Agent.”
Seller(s) desires to list their Property for sale on the Multiple Listing Service through the services of
YourIgloo, Inc., and has contracted for this service. The Agent will offer the Seller(s) the benefit of his
knowledge in real estate as needed by the Seller(s). The intent of this Agreement is to indemnify Agent
from any and all claims arising from and related to the listing and sale of Seller(s) Property.
Seller(s) will indemnify and hold harmless Agent from any and all claims, actions and judgments;
including all costs of defense and attorney’s fees incurred in defending against same, arising from
Seller(s) misrepresentation of any material facts concerning the Seller(s) Property.
During the terms of his agreement; Seller(s), agree to pay any Broker or Agent licensed in North
Carolina, who brings a buyer that is satisfactory to the Seller(s), the commission amount stated on
YourIgloo Exclusive Contract of the gross sale price, payable at closing.
This Agreement shall encompass any and all claims against Agent resulting from (i) willful omission and
(ii) negligent omission of any material fact pertaining to the listing and sale of Property, including (but not
limited to) errors and/or omissions in: square footage measurements, room measurements, structure,
mold and equipment age and condition, materials, and omissions or misrepresentations listed on
property disclosures, offers to purchase and contracts.
This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the state of North Carolina.
Entered into this _____day of ___________________, 20______ until property is Sold, Leased, or
Withdrawn by written notice to YourIgloo Inc.
BySeller(s) X_____________________________________X__________________________________,
Email:_________________________________________, Tele:________________________________
YourIgloo Inc. : 530 South Federal Hwy. Suite 203 – Deerfield Beach FL 33441 Tel: (954)421-9885
By:__________________________________________________________,Thomas Gulisano, Broker
Rev 12/00