Fillable Printable Simple Hold Harmless Agreement Template
Fillable Printable Simple Hold Harmless Agreement Template

Simple Hold Harmless Agreement Template

Indemnification and Call in Authority Form
Agreement to Defend, Indemnify, Hold Harmless,
And Assume All Risk of Liability, and Liability Waiver and Release
I, __________________________________________, am a Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Agent, or Property Manager
for a Lake of the Pines owner, and I hereby agree as follows:
I. Indemnification
I shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Lake of the Pines Association, and its directors and employees against any
and all claims, losses, damages, or liability, including, but not limited to attorneys’ fees and/or court costs, arising out of,
or relating to, work that I, or any of my vendors, perform in Lake of the Pines irrespective of whether such claim, loss,
damage, or liability arises from active or passive negligence.
II. Assumption of Risk and Liability Waiver and Release
I am obtaining access into Lake of the Pines Association at my own risk. I assume all risk of injury, illness, damage or
loss to me and/or my property that might result. I agree on behalf of myself and my family, personal representatives,
heirs, executors, administrators, agents and assigns, to release and discharge Lake of the Pines Association and its
directors and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, except arising out of willful act
of misconduct by Lake of the Pines Association.
I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Assumption of Risk and Waiver and Release and fully understand that it is a
release of liability. I am waiving any right that I may have to bring a legal action to assert a claim against Lake of the
Pines Association, except for a willful act of misconduct by Lake of the Pines Association.
By signing this document, the owner has authorized me to have call in authority for the purpose of the Real Estate
Dated: ____________ ____________________________________
Broker/Realtor/Property Manager Signature
III. Call in Authority
Broker/Real Estate Agent/Property Manager identified above, with a valid access card and a completed and approved
Indemnification and Call in Authority Form, may call in vendors.
Valid from _________to __________.
Dated: ______________ ________________________________________________
Owner Signature
Lot#: ______________ Address: _________________________________________
Entered in: _____FP Access Card Verified: __________ LOP EE: ________________