Fillable Printable Simple Hold Harmless Agreement
Fillable Printable Simple Hold Harmless Agreement

Simple Hold Harmless Agreement
This is not a formal, legal document but suggested wording to consider for visitors to our
volunteer farms. Personal Ponies is not liable for the any aspects of the pony visit and is
not part of this agreement. The agreement is between the volunteer and the visitor(s).
I _____________________ am fully aware of the risks and hazards connected with
visiting and possibly handling of equines. I voluntarily assume full responsibility for
risks taken by me when visiting this farm. I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any
risk of property damage, personal injury, including death that may be sustained to me, or
to any loss or damage to any property owned by me, as a result of my visit to this farm.
I, ___________________ understand that there is no express or implied warrantee that
shall apply. I accept any and all costs and or treatments for my self and my family should
medical treatments of any kind be needed by me or by by family as a result of my (our)
visit to this farm.
I, __________________, further hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners
of this farm for any reason whatever during my visit to this farm.
It is my express intent that this release/agreement hall bing myself, the members of my
family and spouse if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representative if I am
deceased, and shall be deemed as an agreement to release, waive, discharge, covenant not
to sue, and indemnify the so-named property owners.