Fillable Printable Home Loan Application Form
Fillable Printable Home Loan Application Form

Home Loan Application Form

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Home Loan Application Form
To assist us please complete the following summary by nominating the type of loan and purpose from the table below
Home Loans – owner occupied property Loan purpose
ANZ Standard Variable Rate Home Loan Property purchase
ANZ Simplicity PLUS Home Loan Property to be constructed
ANZ Fixed Rate Home Loan Increase to existing ANZ loan
ANZ Supplementary Loan Refinance/Debt Consolidation/Other
Amount Term (years)
investment Loans – investment property Loan purpose
ANZ Variable Rate Residential Investment Loan Property purchase
ANZ Simplicity PLUS Residential Investment Loan Property to be constructed
ANZ Fixed Rate Residential Investment Loan-Interest-in-Advance Increase to existing ANZ loan
ANZ Fixed Rate Residential Investment Loan Refinance/Debt Consolidation/Other
Amount Term (years)
equity Loans Loan purpose
ANZ Equity Manager Property purchase
ANZ Portfolio Property to be constructed
Increase to existing ANZ loan
Refinance/Debt Consolidation/Other
Limit amount
100% mortgage offset accounts
I/we would like to have an ANZ One offset account linked to my/our loan.
Note: Offset accounts can only be linked to ANZ Standard Variable Rate or ANZ 1 Year Fixed Rate loans
Please nominate branch to be your point of contact
Branch name and address
Now, to apply for your ANZ Home Loan, please complete the following sections 1-4 of this application form
For ANZ Portfolio applications, please also complete section 1.4 (separate form).
Promotion code
ANZ called me
Referral from a friend/family
Other - please specify
How did you Hear about us?
(Tick only one source)

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Home Loan Application Form
Please complete this application and return it together with the information requested below to ANZ. Completion of this form does not ensure the approval of your credit application. You
should complete all sections of the application to provide the information we will require to undertake our assessment. Use this form if the predominant purpose of the facility is for personal,
domestic or household use (50% or more) or personal investment (more than 50%).
please attach the following documents
Please attach copies of the following documents for all applicants (as applicable)
• 1 year business financial statements/tax return (self employed applicants)
• 2 payslips covering the last 3 months with employer’s name
• Last 3 months bank statements (if refinancing).
personaL detaiLs (if insufficient space pLease attacH separate notes)
bank use onLy
Application number
Approved Approved in principle only Declined
security requirements
In most cases ANZ require security to support your application. ANZ Home Loans are
required to be secured by a first registered mortgage over residential property.
Postcode Postcode
applicant 1
Title Surname
Given names Date of birth
Full residential address
Time at current address
Years Months
Phone number – home Phone number – work
Fax number Mobile number
Email address
Mailing address (if applicable)
Previous residential address
Time at previous address
Years Months
Drivers licence number State
Permanent Australian
Yes No
Marital status
Single Married Defacto
Current housing situation
Live with
Live in
Other Specify
Name of spouse (if applicable)
Number of Age (in years) of dependent Total number of dependents
dependents children (if applicable) for both applicants 1 & 2
applicant 2 (if applicable)
Title Surname
Given names Date of birth
Full residential address
Time at current address
Years Months
Phone number – home Phone number – work
Fax number Mobile number
Email address
Mailing address (if applicable)
Previous residential address
Time at previous address
Years Months
Drivers licence number State
Permanent Australian
Yes No
Marital status
Single Married Defacto
Current housing situation
Live with
Live in
Other Specify
Name of spouse (if applicable)
Number of Age (in years) of dependent note: do not show
dependents children (if applicable) dependents already
counted by applicant 1
1.1 Home Loan appLication form

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Home Loan Application Form
1.2 Home Loan appLication form
empLoyment detaiLs (anZ may verify your empLoyment detaiLs/income witH your empLoyer or accountant)
soLicitor/conveyancing company detaiLs
Name of solicitor/conveyancing company Phone number Fax number
Business address Postcode
applicant 1
Name of the employer/business
Employer/business address
Phone number – work Fax number
Time in current employment Gross annual income
Years Months $
Self employed? Yes No
If No, Public sector Private sector
If No, Full time Part time Casual
If Yes, please specify name of accountant Phone number
Name of previous employer
Position held Time in previous employment
Years Months
Previous employer/business address
Phone number Fax number
your identification
Are you an existing ANZ customer? Yes No
If Yes, please specify branch Account number
If No, please complete an Identification Check Record for each
signatory that does not currently have a bank account/loan established
with ANZ.
applicant 2 (if applicable)
Name of the employer/business
Employer/business address
Phone number – work Fax number
Time in current employment Gross annual income
Years Months $
Self employed? Yes No
If No, Public sector Private sector
If No, Full time Part time Casual
If Yes, please specify name of accountant Phone number
Name of previous employer
Position held Time in previous employment
Years Months
Previous employer/business address
Phone number Fax number
your identification
Are you an existing ANZ customer? Yes No
If Yes, please specify branch Account number
If No, please complete an Identification Check Record for each
signatory that does not currently have a bank account/loan established
with ANZ.

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payment method
I will arrange a salary deduction
I will arrange a periodical payment from my account
account number
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Interest-only No Yes
If Yes, specify Interest-only terms (maximum 10 years)
Years Months
Loan term Fixed rate term
Years Months Years Months
Home Loan Application Form
1.3 Home Loan appLication form
do not use this page for anZ portfolio. please use section 1.4 instead.
compLete for aLL Loans wHere property is purcHased compLete for aLL Loans wHere a refinance is to occur
compLete for aLL Home or residentiaL investment Loans (ie. Leave bLank for anZ equity manager)
Purchase price $
Settlement fees & charges $
Solicitor’s fees $
Other $
Total $
Deposit paid $
Cash contribution $
Other (eg. gift) $
Amount/Limit sought $
Total $
Type of home
To be built Existing
New building Vacant land
Is any part of your contribution to be repaid to third parties?
No Yes
If Yes, please specify amount
Please specify financial institution and attach 3 months of loan
Current balance of loan at
other institution $
Accrued interest and fees $
Other $
Amount/Limit sought $
Total $

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bank use onLy
Application number Branch BSB
0 1
Present Value
ANZ account(s) total $
OFI account(s) total $
Other Cash Assets (Shares/Bonds) $
Property Assets (list Address & Value)
total property assets
Contribution paid to deposit on property $
Total No. of Motor Vehicles No.
Total Value of Motor Vehicles $
Total Other Assets (eg. insured value of contents and valuables,
boat etc) – please specify
total assets (1)
income (average montHLy)
base salary Gross (p.a.) Net (p.m.)
Income earner 1 $ $
Income earner 2 $ $
other income
Regular overtime $
Government benefits/pension $
Part-time/casual employment $
Dividends/Interest $
Commission $
Rent received Gross (p.m.) Net (p.m.)
*Do not show rental property expenses as separate expense items
Other – please specify
total net monthly income (3)
Limit(s) Current Outstanding
ANZ Home/Investment Loan/s $
ANZ Personal Loan $
ANZ Overdraft $ $
ANZ Credit Cards $ $
OFI* Home/Investment Loan/s $
OFI* Personal Loan $
OFI* Overdraft $ $
OFI* Credit/Store
$ $
other liabilities Due
Other – please specify
total Liabilities (2) $
total assets (1)
less total liabilities (2)
net assets (=1-2) $
expenditure (average montHLy)
credit commitments
Loan repayments for this facility $
Loan repayment for other ANZ loans $
Loan repayment for OFI* loans/HPs $
Credit/store cards $
other commitments
Total Living Expenses $
(includes: Motor Vehicle, Rates, Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Food, Clothing, personal,
Home Insurance and Education Expenses)
Rent/Board $
Insurance – Contents/Medical etc $
Life/Income replacement insurance $
Child maintenance $
Other – please specify
total net monthly expenditure (4)
total net monthly income (3)
less total monthly expenditure (4) $
uncommitted monthly income (=3-4)
Home Loan Application Form
all areas must be completed by customers
Name(s) Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
assets LiabiLities
A separate statement of financial position must be completed by each applicant.
Married or defacto applicants have the option to complete a joint statement of
financial position. A separate statement of financial position needs to be completed
for guarantors.
* OFI = Other Financial Institution
Non-continuing liabilityNon-continuing expense
2. personaL statement of financiaL position

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Home Loan Application Form
security property details (if more than one security property, please
photocopy this page and use one for each property)
3. security property detaiLs
Gas Electricity Water
Sewerage/septic Road Kerb & channelling
type of property
To be built Established Vacant
House Townhouse Unit
Garage/Carport No. of spaces
Other, please specify (eg tennis court or pool)
Brick Weatherboard Fibro
Brick veneer Tin
Other, please specify
if residential
Number of bedrooms Floor size
if rural
Land area
If this property benefits from views or other notable feature
please specify
Is the certificate of No To be Yes
title held?
If yes, please attach
Is evidence of tenancy No To be Yes
(if applicable) held?
If yes, please attach
Is a copy of the Sale Contract No To be Yes
(if applicable) held? If yes, please attach
Property in the name of
Property address
Approximate year of construction
Current mortgagee name
If residential, is this your principle
place of residence? No Yes
Commercial Industrial Rural
Other, please specify
Volume no. Folio no.
of title
Leasehold Company title*
(*Some restrictions may apply to
lending to company title holders)
Other, please specify
Owner’s estimate
Independent (attach copy)
Purchase or settlement date Amount paid or to be paid
Owner Tenant
Gross rental pa (if applicable)
bank use onLy - anZ manager to complete
Manager’s name Phone number Fax number
Customer lending group name Lending group number Title reference
bank valuing manager to complete
Date Land
Valuation of
buildings Other Total Comments Valuing officer’s name
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
Comments (attach additional notes if insufficient space). Please make any additional comments below, detailing any changes in the property between valuations.

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Home Loan Application Form
4. anZ assured
Not required (Refer to “ANZ Assured or Personal Overdrafts - Terms and Conditions “ brochure for details)
5. anZ credit cards
Yes, I am interested in applying for an ANZ Credit Card. Please send me an application No Yes
6. appLicant/guarantor decLaration
In the following declaration ANZ is Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 and each of its related companies
(including subsidiaries).
collection of your information
ANZ is collecting your personal information to enable it to assess this application and for the purposes described in the product terms and conditions.
Without this information ANZ may not be able to consider or approve your application.
ANZ may also collect your personal information from a credit reporting body for the purposes of assessing your application.
Where you are a prospective guarantor, ANZ is collecting your personal information to enable it to assess you as a guarantor for an application for credit.
You also agree that ANZ may collect information about your credit history from a credit reporting body to assist us in assessing whether to accept you as a
disclosure of your information
You agree that ANZ may disclose your personal information to:
ANZ may disclose information to recipients (including service providers and related entities) which are (1) located outside Australia and/or (2) not
established in or do not carry on business in Australia. You can find details about the location of these recipients in ANZ’s Privacy Policy and at www.
credit reporting
ANZ may also disclose your information, including information about your other credit liabilities, repayments and defaults, to credit reporting
bodies. Information about credit reporting, including: the name and contact details of these credit reporting bodies; when ANZ may disclose
your information to them to include in your credit report; and how you can request credit reporting bodies not use your information in certain
circumstances, is available at For a hard copy of this information, please call 13 13 14 or visit any ANZ branch for a copy of
ANZ’s Privacy Policy.
privacy policy
ANZ’s Privacy Policy ( also contains information about:
• any laws that require or authorise ANZ to collect certain information from you;
• the circumstances in which ANZ may collect your information from other sources (including from a third party);
• how to access your information and seek correction of your information; and
• how you can raise concerns that ANZ has breached the Privacy Act or an applicable Code and how ANZ will deal with these matters.
promotion of other products or services
ANZ may use your personal information to help ANZ promote its products or services or those of its related entities or organisations that are in a product or
marketing alliance with ANZ (alliance partners). ANZ may also disclose your personal information to its related entities or alliance partners to enable them
or ANZ to tell you about a product or service. Where you do not want ANZ to tell you about its products and services or those of its related entities or
alliance partners, you may call 13 13 14 at any time to withdraw your consent.
further information
Your product terms and conditions booklet and our ANZ Privacy Policy contain further information about our handling of the information we collect during
the course of your relationship with ANZ.
If you have provided information about someone else, please show them a copy of this clause so that they may understand how ANZ may use and disclose
their information.
• any person who introduces you to ANZ;
• any agent, contractor or service provider ANZ engages to carry out
or assist its functions and activities;
• an organisation that assists ANZ to identify, prevent or investigate
any fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct (or suspected fraud,
unlawful activity or misconduct);
• your employer;
• another credit provider to assess a credit application (to ANZ or the
other credit provider) or to investigate suspected fraud on your
account (held with ANZ or the other credit provider);
• your referee;
• your joint borrower(s) or account holder(s);
• any related entity of ANZ;
• a guarantor or intending guarantor, to enable that person to
consider whether or not to act as your guarantor; and
• any person who has offered, or is considering whether to offer,
property as security for your credit product.

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Home Loan Application Form
identification procedures
If you do not have an existing ANZ account you must complete the applicable customer identification procedure required by Federal legislation.
decLaration of purpose – under tHe nationaL credit code for a credit contract
I/We declare that the credit to be provided to me/us by ANZ is to be applied wholly or predominantly for: business purposes; or investment purposes
other than investment in residential property (or for both purposes).
You should only sign this declaration if this loan is wholly or predominantly for: business purposes; or investment purposes other than investment
in residential property. By signing this declaration you may lose protection under the National Credit Code.
This declaration applies to the following credit:
Purpose: Amount: $
Purpose: Amount: $
Signature Date Signature Date
nomination for correspondence – under tHe nationaL credit code for a credit contract
important information for people completing this declaration:
Each debtor is entitled to receive a copy of any notice or other document under
the National Credit Code. By completing this declaration, I am/we are giving up the right to be provided with information direct from ANZ. Any
person who has signed this form can advise ANZ at any time in writing that they wish to cancel their nomination.
I/We nominate (full name of person nominated)
Print address of nominated party
Description of Credit (loan type and amount)
to receive notices and other documents under the National Credit Code on behalf of me/all of us.
authority to discuss information with accountant or employer
I/We authorise ANZ to confirm the details contained in my/our Loan Application with my/our accountant, financial adviser or employer.
A copy of this acknowledgement page may be given to my/our accountant, financial adviser or employer as evidence of my/our consent to
them confirming with ANZ any of the details in my/our Loan Application.
decLaration signature
Declaration required in respect of all products applied for pursuant to this application. It is to be signed by all applicants and intending guarantors.
My/Our signature below evidences my/our understanding and consent to all matters set out in this application and this declaration. By signing below,
I/we confirm that the information contained in, and accompanying, the Loan Application (including any information contained in the Personal
Statement of Financial Position) and all the information provided by me/us, is true, correct and complete and given in support of this application.
I/We also declare that any documents provided containing financial information are true copies of the final signed versions of the original documents.
Where the ‘Nomination for Correspondence’ has been completed, by signing this declaration I/we agree to the nominated person receiving notices
and other documents under the National Credit Code on behalf of me/us.
applicant/guarantor co-applicant/guarantor
Signature Date Signature Date
Print name Print name
witness signature (only required where Declaration of Purpose section has been completed)
Signature Date Name