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Tax Identification Number: ________________________________
This Independent Contractor Agreement is made on this ___________ day of
__________________, 2008, between THE DATA ENTRY COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a Maryland
corporation, (“TDEC”) and _____________________________________________ (“Independent
WHEREAS, TDEC is in the business of providing data entry services to its customers and to that end
desires to employ the services of Independent Contractor to provide data entry services.
WHEREAS, Independent Contractor is in the business of data entry services and desires to provide
such services to TDEC.
NOW, THEREFORE, for in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties, the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Services to be Performed. While generally speaking, the services the Independent
Contractor will be providing for TDEC will be that of data entry, the specifications shall be set
forth on a job to job basis, depending on the particular requirements of each of TDEC’s
customers. Consequently, for each and every job Independent Contractor performs for
TDEC shall be attached to this Agreement as “Exhibit A” on a job by job basis.
2. Fee Arrangement. For the reasons stated in paragraph 1 above, the fee paid to the
Independent Contractor will depend on the specifications for each job. Each job will have its
own fee schedule, which will be a part of “Exhibit A”, and attached to this Agreement.
3. Expenses. Independent Contractor shall be responsible for all expenses incurred while
performing services under this Agreement. This includes license fees, memberships and
dues; automobile and other travel expenses; meals and entertainment; insurance premiums;
and all salary, expenses and other compensation paid to employees or contract personnel
the Independent Contractor hires to complete the work under this Agreement.
4. Independent Contractor Status. Independent Contractor is an Independent Contractor,
not TDEC’s employee. Independent Contractor’s employees or contract personnel are not
TDEC’s employees. Independent Contractor and TDEC agree to the following rights
consistent with an Independent Contractor relationship.
(A). Independent Contractor has the right to perform services for others during the term
of this Agreement.
(B). Independent Contractor has the sole right to control and direct the means manner
and method by which the services required by this Agreement will be performed.
(C). Independent Contractor has the right to perform the services required by this
Agreement at any place, location, or time.
(D). Independent Contractor will furnish all equipment and materials used to provide the
services required by this Agreement.
(E). Independent Contractor has the right to hire assistants as subcontractors, or to use
employees to provide the services required by this Agreement.
(F). The Independent Contractor or Independent Contractor’s employees or contract
personnel shall perform the services required by this Agreement; TDEC shall not hire,
supervise or pay any assistants to help Independent Contractor.
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(G). Neither Independent Contractor or Independent Contractor’s employees or contract
personnel shall receive any training from TDEC in the skills necessary to perform the
services required by this Agreement.
(H). TDEC shall not require Independent Contractor or Independent Contractor’s
employees or contract personnel to devote full time to performing the services required by
this Agreement.
(I). Independent Contractor shall provide all services using its own equipment and at
any place of its choosing.
(J). Independent Contractor shall have no obligation to work any particular hours or any
particular amount of hours and shall further have the right to refuse to accept any project as
Independent Contractor, in its sole judgement, may wish to refuse.
(K). Independent Contractor agrees that, with respect to each project, which it accepts, it
will meet the deadline applicable to such project.
(L). Independent Contractor agrees to perform the services on each project it accepts in
a manner in accord with the format which may be prescribed by regulations applicable to the
project and in a manner in accord with ordinary business customs.
(M). Independent Contractor shall have the right to subcontract any project it accepts,
and if it chooses to subcontract any such project, Independent Contractor agrees to see that
such work is performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
5. Intellectual Property Ownership. To the extent that the work performed by Independent
Contractor under this Agreement (Independent Contractor’s Work) includes any work of
authorship entitled to protection under the copyright laws, the parties agree to the following
(A). Independent Contractor’s Work has been specially ordered and commissioned by
TDEC as a contribution to a collective work, a supplementary work or other category of work
eligible to be treated as a work made for hire under the United States Copyright Act.
(B). Independent Contractor’s Work shall be deemed a commissioned work and a work
made for hire to the greatest extent permitted by law.
(C). TDEC shall be the sole author of Independent Contractor’s Work and any work
embodying the Independent Contractor’s Work according to the United States Copyright Act.
(D). To the extent that Independent Contractor’s Work is not properly characterized as a
work made for hire, Independent Contractor grants to TDEC all right, title and interest in
Independent Contractor’s Work, including all copyright rights, in perpetuity and throughout
the world.
(E). Independent Contractor shall help prepare any papers TDEC considers necessary
to secure any copyrights, patents, trademarks or intellectual property rights at no charge to
TDEC. However, TDEC shall reimburse Independent Contractor for reasonable out-of-
pocket expenses incurred.
(F). Independent Contractor agrees to require any employees or contract personnel
Independent Contractor uses to perform services under this Agreement to assign in writing
to Independent Contractor all copyright and other intellectual property rights they may have
in their work product. Independent Contractor shall provide TDEC with a signed copy of
each such assignment.
6. Confidentiality. Independent Contractor will not disclose or use, either during or after the
term of this Agreement, any proprietary or confidential information of TDEC without TDEC’s
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prior written permission except to the extent necessary to perform services on TDEC’s
behalf. Proprietary or confidential information includes:
(A). the written, printed, graphic or electronically recorded materials furnished by TDEC
for Independent Contractor to use;
(B). business plans, customer lists, operating procedures, trade secrets, design
formulas, know-how and processes, computer programs and inventories, discoveries and
improvements of any kind, and
(C). information belonging to customers and suppliers of TDEC about whom
Independent Contractor gained knowledge as a result of Independent Contractor’s services
to TDEC.
Independent Contractor shall not be restricted in using any material which is publicly
available, already in Independent Contractor’s possession or known to Independent Contractor without
restriction, or which is rightfully obtained by Independent Contractor from sources other that TDEC.
Upon termination of Independent Contractor’s services to TDEC, or at TDEC’s request,
Independent Contractor shall deliver to TDEC all material in Independent Contractor’s possession relating to
TDEC’s business.
7. State and Federal Taxes. TDEC will not:
(A). withhold FICA (Social Security and Medicare taxes) from Independent Contractor’s
payments or make FICA payments on Independent Contractor’s behalf;
(B). make state or federal unemployment compensation contributions on Independent
Contractor’s behalf, or
(C). withhold state or federal income tax from Independent Contractor’s payments.
Independent Contractor shall pay all taxes incurred while performing services under this
Agreement – including all applicable income taxes and, if Independent Contractor is not a corporation, self-
employment (Social Security) taxes. Upon demand, Independent Contractor shall provide TDEC with proof
that such payments have been made.
8. Fringe Benefits. Independent Contractor understands that neither Independent Contractor
nor Independent Contractor’s employees or contract personnel are eligible to participate in
any employee pension, health, vacation pay, sick pay or other fringe benefit plan of TDEC.
9. Worker’s Compensation. TDEC shall not obtain workers’ compensation insurance on
behalf of Independent Contractor or Independent Contractor’s employees. If Independent
Contractor hires employees to perform any work under this Agreement, Independent
Contractor will cover them with workers’ compensation insurance and provide TDEC with a
certificate of workers’ compensation insurance before the employees begin the work.
10. Unemployment Compensation. TDEC shall make no state or federal unemployment
compensation payments on behalf of Independent Contractor or Independent Contractor’s
employees or contract personnel. Independent Contractor will not be entitled to these
benefits in connection with work performed under this Agreement.
11. Insurance. TDEC shall not provide any insurance coverage of any kind for Independent
Contractor or Independent Contractor’s employees or contract personnel. Independent
Contractor agrees to maintain an insurance policy of at least $__________ to cover any
negligent acts committed by Independent Contractor or Independent Contractor’s employees
or agents while performing services under this Agreement.
Independent Contractor shall indemnify and hold TDEC harmless from any loss or liability
arising from performing services under this Agreement.
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12. Terminating the Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement any time by giving
thirty (30) days written notice to the other party of the intent to terminate.
13. Exclusive Agreement. This is the entire Agreement between Independent Contractor and
14. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement
will continue in effect.
15. Applicable Law. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of Maryland.
16. Notices. All notices and other communications in connection with this Agreement shall be in
writing and shall be considered given as follows:
(A). when delivered personally to the recipient’s address as stated on this Agreement
(B). three (3) days after being deposited in the United States mail, with postage prepaid
to the recipient’s address as stated on this Agreement, or
(C). when sent by fax or telex to the last fax or telex number of the recipient known to the
person giving notice. Notice is effective upon receipt provided that a duplicate copy of the
notice is promptly given by first class mail, or the recipient delivers a written confirmation of
17. No Partnership. This Agreement does not create a partnership relationship. Independent
Contractor does not have authority to enter into contracts on TDEC’s behalf.
18. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned without prior written approval of both
BY: ________________________________
Name: __________________________ Title:___________________________
BY: ________________________________
Name: __________________________ Title:___________________________
Taxpayer ID Number:______________________