Fillable Printable Individual Warranty Deed - Florida
Fillable Printable Individual Warranty Deed - Florida

Individual Warranty Deed - Florida
Prepared By:___________________________________________________
Return To: ____________________________________________________
Property Appraiser's Parcel I.D. Number: ____________________________
This Warranty Deed made this ______ day of _______________, _______, by
and between ________________________________ hereinafter called the
Grantor; and _____________________________________, hereinafter called
the Grantee, whose mailing address is _________________________________.
WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of
and other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
hereby grants, bargains, and sells unto the Grantee, and Grantee's successors,
heirs, and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land in the County
of __________________, State of Florida, to wit:
TOGETHER with all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto
belonging or in anywise appertaining.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever.
AND the Grantor hereby covenants with the Grantee that the Grantor is lawfully
seized of said land in fee simple; that the Grantor has good right and lawful
authority to sell and convey this land; that the Grantor hereby fully warrants the
title to the land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons
whomsoever; and that the land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes
accruing subsequent to December 31, ______________, and restrictions,
covenants, and easements of record.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the
day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
Witness Signature
Grantor Signature
Printed Name
Printed Name
Witness Signature
Grantor Signature
Printed Name
Printed Name
STATE OF __________________
COUNTY OF __________________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of
______________, _______ by _____________________________________,
who are (is) personally known to me or who have (has) produced
________________________ as identification and who did (did not) take an
Notary Public
(Notarial Seal) _____________________________________________
Printed Name
My Commission Number: ________________________
My Commission Expires: _________________________