
Fillable Printable Induction Checklist Sample

Fillable Printable Induction Checklist Sample

Induction Checklist Sample

Induction Checklist Sample

Induction Checklist
The following Induction Checklist is not exhaustive; however it outlines the
typical things that may need to be covered during your first few days and
The list below should be seen as an aide memoir only. The length and depth
of your induction will vary from person to person. Not all items on the list may
be applicable to you.
It is not expected that the individual responsible for coordinating your
induction “brief” you on every item. You could find a great deal of the
information out for yourself. A good source of information is the University
Tick when
Introductions (to be covered on day 1)
Welcome by Line Manager/Team Leader
Introduction to the Department and the Team
Hours of work
Flexible working arrangements
Shown around work area
How to address people
Introduction to Mentor (if appropriate)
Outline of induction programme
Campus Card
The Premises (to be covered on day 1)
Location of toilets and cloakroom
Location of common rooms/tea and coffee
Entrances and exits to the building
Out of hours procedures
Car parking facilities
Fire escapes and fire fighting equipment
Location and layout of work station and
Environmental initiatives
Recycling arrangements and location of
recycling bins
Health and Safety (to be covered on day 1)
Health and Safety representative and contact
University Health and Safety policy and
First Aiders
Fire Officers
Fire Drills
No Smoking Policy
Manual Handling
DSE/VDU assessments and eye tests
Personal Security
Specialist Health and Safety regulations
Emergency Procedures
Equal Opportunities/Diversity
Diversity Website
Key policies and procedures re:
Respect at work and study
Diversity contacts
Harassment contacts
Department and Job Role
The department’s functions
Key duties and responsibilities
Department’s strategic plan
Departmental organisation chart/staff lists
Administrative systems
Need for confidentiality
Key contacts
Financial rules and regulations
Standards of work expected.
Conditions of Work
Hours of work
Time keeping
Lunch breaks
Leave (annual and special)
Absences who to contact and when
Holiday entitlement and procedure
Probationary procedure
Trade Union membership
Key Policies and Procedures
Annual Staff Review
Teaching and Learning Handbook
Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave etc.
Carers Leave/Parental Leave etc.
Work/Life Balance
Respect at Work and Study
Other employment-related policies HR
Induction website
Notice boards
Team meetings
The Web
Voice mail
Protocol when using the telephone
Approved software/hardware
IT policies and procedures
How to use p. c. and rules of use
Log on procedure
Training and Development
Policy and procedure
Development Opportunities
Accessing training and development
Study leave
Learning resources
Sources of coaching and/or mentoring
Environment Issues
Greenspace website
Carbon management plan website
Carbon Management Plan / the Energy Strategy
for the University / the Environmental Policy and
Strategic Plan
Sports and social facilities
Staff Volunteering and Outreach
Medical facilities
Expense Policy
Conventions about earning money outside the
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