Fillable Printable Information and Consent for Group Participation Form
Fillable Printable Information and Consent for Group Participation Form

Information and Consent for Group Participation Form
Information and Consent for Group Participation
Entering a therapeutic group can be a highly rewarding and powerful experience. There are some
obvious limitations to group work that will be outlined. Group work can also enhance individual
therapy work but it is not intended to replace individual treatment for various mental health symptoms
or disorders.
The expectation is that group participants commit to 6 months of group participation. You have the
right to discontinue the group at any time for any reason. However, it is requested that you discuss
with the group leader any issues or concerns you may have regarding the group, facilitator, group
process or its members. It is requested that you notify the facilitator if you have a prior commitment or
are unable to attend group. You are allowed two miss two groups without charge in a 6-month period.
After two missed groups, participants are responsible for paying the full fee for the missed group.
Confidentiality including names and identifying information of all group members is to be respected
throughout the course of the group and afterwards as well as it relates to information shared during
group. It is also requested that group members refrain from any intimate outside relationships with one
another during the course of the group series.
It is your responsibility to pay designated fess for group services at the time of group or as mutually
agreed upon. This fee is agreed to be $50 per 90-minute group session. Session fees can be made with
cash, credit/debit card, PayPal or check. No insurance will be filed on groups.
There are many benefits to therapeutic groups including learning new tools and skills, increased self-
awareness, better relationships with others, and improved quality of life. It may be that there are
periods of emotional release and/or establishing new habits and patterns that require extra self-care
and/or altering your current lifestyle in order to best manage the presenting issues and possible
accompanying symptoms. It is also important that you communicate with your individual counselor if
additional work is needed on an issue that arose during group. It is considered the group participant’s
responsibility to seek additional individual sessions in the event that it is needed.
Regarding your right to client confidentiality, you need to be aware that there are a few exceptions to
your right to complete confidentiality. These circumstances include the event that your safety or the
safety of another person is in question. Counselors are also required to break confidentiality in cases of
abuse, court-ordered testimony, or subpoena of client records.
I have read and understood this consent form and agree to voluntarily participate in group therapy
facilitated by Jenna Longmire, M.A., Licensed Professional Counselor. I have received a copy of this
document if requested.
_________________________________________ ___________
Client or guardian’s signature Date
_________________________________________ ___________
Jenna Longmire, MA, LPC Date