Fillable Printable Informed Consent for Massage Therapy
Fillable Printable Informed Consent for Massage Therapy

Informed Consent for Massage Therapy

(Last) (First)
I hereby request and consent to the performance of massage therapy by the therapist/technician named
below or other therapists/technicians at Caruso Chiropractic. Massage in general provides benefits of
stress reduction, relief from muscular tension, spasm, or pain, and it increases circulation and energy
flow. I understand that massage therapists/technicians do not diagnose illness or disease, perform any
spinal manipulations, nor do they prescribe any medical treatments. I am aware that therapeutic
massage is not a substitute for medical examination and I will seek health care for those services. I
accept that massage promises no long-term results nor will it cure my health problems.
The therapist must be aware of all health conditions due to certain contraindications or cautions for
massage. I have disclosed all such conditions. I will also update any changes to my health in future
If at any time during the massage the client or therapist/technician is uncomfortable for any reason, they
shall immediately say so.
Sexual advances of any kind will not be tolerated.
Children are not permitted in the massage room and must have childcare provided for them during the
massage. Caruso Chiropractic does not provide childcare services.
Cancellation Policy: A 24-hour notice is required for cancellation of your massage appointment. After
2 cancellations, you will be billed for the 3
cancellation if your slot is not filled. No call, no shows will
not be rescheduled after their 2
no call, no show.
All information will be kept strictly confidential and will remain with Caruso Chiropractic.
I have read and agree with above information. If I have any questions or concerns, I will let the therapist
know right away.
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date:____________________
Therapist/Technician Signature:_________________________________ Date:___________________

Massage Client Information Form
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Address: _______________________________ City: _____________ State: ______ Zip: __________
Phone: (day) _____________________ (eve) ______________________ Date of Birth: _____________
Occupation: ____________________________ Employer: ____________________________________
Referred by: ____________________________ Physician: ____________________________________
Previous experience with massage: _______________________________________________________
Primary reason for massage: ____________________________________________________________
Emergency contact – name and number: ___________________________________________________
Please mark (X) all conditions that apply now. Put a (P) for past conditions,
an (F) for family history of illness
___ headaches, migraines ___ chronic pain ___ fatigue
___ vision problems, contact lenses ___ Muscle or joint pain ___ tension, stress
___ hearing problems, deafness ___ muscle, bone injuries ___ depression
___ injuries to face or head ___ numbness or tingling ___ sleep difficulties
___ sinus problems ___ sprains, strains ___ allergies, sensitivities
___ dental bridges, braces ___ arthritis, tendonitis ___ rashes, athletes foot
___ jaw pain, TMJ problems ___ cancer, tumors ___ infectious diseases
___ asthma or lung conditions ___ spinal column disorders ___ blood clots
___ constipation, diarrhea ___ diabetes ___ varicose veins
___ hernia ___ pregnancy ___ high/low blood pressure
___ birth control, IUD ___ heart, circulatory problems
___ abdominal or digestive problems___ other medical conditions not listed
Explain any areas noted above:
Current medications including aspirin, ibuprofen, herbs, supplements, etc.:
Please list all forms and frequency of stress reduction activities, hobbies, exercise or sports participation: