Fillable Printable International Student Affidavit of Support - LDS Business College
Fillable Printable International Student Affidavit of Support - LDS Business College

International Student Affidavit of Support - LDS Business College

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International Student Affidavit of Support
Instructions to the Parent/Sponsor: Please answer all items completely. State monetary
amounts requested below in equivalent US dollars. Amounts must be equal to or greater than the
amounts required. Please discuss these amounts with the applicant before submitting this form.
Please fill out legibly.
If you do not complete all information, it will delay the student’s visa
Estimated Undergraduate expenses for LDS Business College for two semesters (8 months)
Member Non Member
Tuition $3,100 $6,200
Living Expenses $8,000 $8,000
Other (Books, Supplies, Health Insurance) $1,500 $1,500
Total Expenses $12,600 $15,700
An additional U.S. $2,000 per year should be added to the above estimates for each dependent. All fees are subject to change
without notice.
This affidavit is executed on behalf of the following person:
Name: / Net ID: _______________
Surname/Family Name First,Middle
Date of Birth:_____________________ Citizen of (Country):_______________________ Marital Status:______________
Presently Resides At:
Street Address City State Country
Parent/Sponsor(s) Inform ation:
Parent/Sponsor’s Name: /
Surname/Family name First,Middle
Work Telephone: _____________________ Home Telephone: _____________________ Cell Phone:___________________
Email:________________________________________________ Parent/Sponsor’s Age:_________
Relationship to Applicant: Sponsor Father Mother Other (specify):________________________________________
Pos it ion Held Co m pany Name
Net Annual Income (convert to US dollars):________________
Convert the amount of money deposited in saving banks into US Dollars:__________________________
Types of Contribution: (check all that apply) All support Room and board Other:____________
Money/tuition Books and supplies
Total value in US$ per year:____________________ for a period of _____________ years, starting from ___________ to
_____________ or until applicant gr aduates college.

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Parent/Spons or Signature
U.S. Immigration laws require international students to verify their ability to finance their educational and living
expenses for the entire time they are in the United States. Evidence of financial ability, not including travel expenses,
must be provided in one or a combination of the following ways:
1. Proof of the applicant’s personal funds (official bank statement is required to show the entire amount personally committed).
2. Sponsor and/or parent funds (official bank statement that matches the first-year expenses that they have committed to on the
Affidavit of Support [no inter net pr int -outs acceptable]).
3. A letter from the government must accompany this form if the government is contributing to the cost of the applicant’s
Note: Student’s name and Net ID must be on each bank statement. Please keep a copy of documents (e.g. Affidavit of Support,
bank statement) for your own file.
This affidavit is made by m e for the purpose of assuring the U.S. Government that the person(s) named above will not
become a p ublic charge in the United States. I am willing and able to receive, maintain, and support the person(s)
named ab ove. I understand that if I do not provide the student financial assistance, the burden does not shift to LDS
Business College and the student will be required to return home due to lack of funds.