Fillable Printable Interview Consent Form - UTAS
Fillable Printable Interview Consent Form - UTAS

Interview Consent Form - UTAS

Interview Consent Form
Name of unit ________________________________________________
Name of assignment__________________________________________
School of English, Journalism and European Languages
1. I agree to be interviewed for the purposes of the student assignment named above.
2. The purpose and nature of the interview has been explained to me, and I have read
the assignment and/or information sheet as provided by the student.
3. I agree that the interview may be electronically recorded.
4. Any questions that I asked about the purpose and nature of the interview and
assignment have been answered to my satisfaction.
5. Choose a), b) or c):
a) I agree that my name may be used for the purposes of the assignment only and not
for publication.
b) I understand that the student may wish to pursue publication at a later date and my
name may be used.
c) I do not wish my name to be used or cited, or my identity otherwise disclosed, in
the assignment.
Name of interviewee_______________________________________
Signature of interviewee____________________________________
6. I have explained the project and the implications of being interviewed to the
interviewee and I believe that the consent is informed and that he/she understands the
implications of participation.
Name of interviewer________________________________________
Signature of interviewer_____________________________________