- 30 Day Notices to Vacate for Leases of More than One Year - Wisconsin
- Indiana Ten Day Notice to Quit: Eviction Notice for Late Rent
- North Carolina 10-Day Notice to Quit for Nonpayment of Rent
- Missouri Notice to Tenant - Demand for Payment or Possession
- New Hampshire Seven Day Notice to Quit: Nonpayment of Rent
- Utah Three Day Notice to Quit for Nonpayment of Rent
Fillable Printable Iowa 3 Day Notice to Cure or Quit
Fillable Printable Iowa 3 Day Notice to Cure or Quit

Iowa 3 Day Notice to Cure or Quit

, tenant in possession.
You are hereby notified that the rent is now due and payable on the premises
held and occupied by you, being those premises situated in the City of
, County of , State of Iowa,
commonly known as .
Your account is delinquent in the amount of $
rent for the period from to
, being the
You are hereby required to pay said rent IN FULL within THREE (3) days
or to remove from and deliver up possession of the above mentioned
premises, or legal proceedings will be instituted against you to recover
possession of said premises, to declare the forfeiture of the lease or rental
agreement under which you occupy said premises and to recover rents and
damages, together
with costs and other damages
allowed by statute.
Dated this _ day of _, 20 _.
I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, declare under penalty of perjury that I
served the Notice to Cure or Quit of which this is a true copy, on the above mentioned
tenant in possession in the manner indicated below:
☐ On
, 20
, I sent a true copy of the Notice to Cure or Quit to the
tenant at his/her place of residence by certified mail and regular mail. I also posted a
copy of the Notice to Cure or Quit to the tenant’s door at his/her place of residence.
☐ On
, 20
, I handed the Notice to Cure or Quit personally to the
tenant or to a person residing at the tenant’s address who was at least 18 years of age and
the tenant signed acknowledging acceptance.
Tenant’s Signature Date
By personal service of the notice pursuant to Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.305
with attached affidavit of service.
Executed on , 20 at