Fillable Printable Kentucky Fried Chicken Application for Employment
Fillable Printable Kentucky Fried Chicken Application for Employment

Kentucky Fried Chicken Application for Employment

Is This Your First Job?
Full Time Starting W age
Part Time Desired $
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
From To
Please Tell Us About You
Last Name MIFirst Name
Zip CountyCurent Address City State
Social Security Number Telephone (Home) Telephone (Cell)
What Would You Like To Do At KFC?
What Schools Have You Attended?
Example: Customer Service, Food Preparation, Management, Other
Write in
Each Day
Name, City, State
Dates Diploma or
Degree Received
Supervisor Name
Name of Company and Address (If current employer, may we contact?) Yes No Telephone Supervisor Name
Dates Worked What Did You Do? Last Salary / Wage
Dates Worked What Did You Do? Last Salary / Wage
Why Did You Leave?
Who Else Can Tell Us About You? (Professional References)
Name Relationship City, State Telephone
Dates Worked What Did You Do? Last Salary / Wage
Why Did You Leave?
Kentucky Fried Chicken - Application for Employment
We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, marital, or veteran status, the presence of non-job-
related medical conditions, or handicap, or any other legally protected status.
Name of Company and Address (If current employer, may we contact?) Yes No Telephone Supervisor Name
Why Did You Leave?
Three Most Recent Jobs
Name of Company and Address (If current employer, may we contact?) Yes No Telephone
KFC Job Application Page 1 of 2

No Are you at least 16 years old?
No Have you ever filed an application with KFC before?
No Have you ever been employed with KFC? If Yes, W here & W hen
No Do you have relatives employed with KFC? If Yes, List Names
No Do you have friends employed with KFC? If Yes, List Names
Yes No Are you employed now?
No Are you willing to have a drug screen?
No Have you ever been convicted of a crime (not including minor traffic violations)?
No Are you currently charged with a crime?
No Have you ever threatened or committed an act of violence, harassment, or discrimination?
No Are you prevented from becoming lawfully employed in this country because of Visa or Immigration Status?
Other Information About Yourself
Nature of My Employment. If I work for KFC, I agree that I will be an at will employee, which means that either I or KFC may end my
employment at anytime, with or without cause. I agree that no written materials or verbal statements by KFC will constitute an express or
implied contract of employment. I agree that I will treat confidentially all infomation I will learn in the course of my employment with KFC.
My Participation in KFC's Drug Free Environment. I am not a current user of illegal drugs, and I agree I will never work under the
influence of drugs or alcohol. I agree to submit to any lawful test for illegal use of drugs, or working under the influence of alcohol. I agree
that KFC may refuse to hire me, or may terminate my employment, if I fail, or refuse to submit to, such a test at any time.
Applicant's Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________
The information I have given on this application is true and complete. I agree to promptly notify KFC if I am later charged with or convicted
of a crime. I agree that any false information or omission allows KFC to refuse to hire me, or to terminate my employment. I agree that a
photocopy or imaged copy of this signed agreement will be as valid and enforceable as the original.
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