Fillable Printable KFC Team Member Selection Tool Application Form
Fillable Printable KFC Team Member Selection Tool Application Form

KFC Team Member Selection Tool Application Form

Team Member Selection Tool
Application Form
Dear Applicant
Please Complete this Application and Fax to 086 647 3709
This Application Form will be used in the recruitment process to measure your fit with KFC
The questions are focused on the requirements of the KFC Team Member job
If you are short-listed (based on your Application) you will be asked to come in and write a Selection Test
Please complete the application form in your own handwriting
Please write clearly
If you do not understand a question, ask the manager to explain
Make sure everything you answer is the truth!
Failure to answer the questions correctly will be a breach of conditions of employment which could lead to the
termination of your contract if you were successful
Please fax the completed form to 0865499990

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1. Personal details
First names:
Cell phone
Residential address (where do you live?):
Postal address:
2. Legal and payroll requirements
Do you have a valid ID? Yes No
Do you have a bank account?
(current or savings)
Yes No
Number: Name of bank:
Are you a South African citizen? Yes No
If NO, please name the country where you are a citizen:
Are you over 16 yrs old?
Yes No
This information is asked to ensure our records are in line with the Department of Central Statistics’ requirements and to ensure the Company’s obligation in terms of employment equity
Ethnic group? African Coloured Indian White Other (please specify): Male Female
3. Languages
Make a for your answer
A little, but
not so good
In which languages will you be able to communicate
with customers?
Can you SPEAK English? 1. 4.
Can you UNDERSTAND English? 2. 5.
Can you READ English? 3. 6.

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4. School education
Do you have Grade 12?
Or, have you completed anything similar to Grade 12
Or, are you completing Grade 12 on a part-
time basis?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
If not, what is your highest grade
or standard passed at school?
Name of school/institution:
Town: Year finished (or when will you finish):
Name of school and town:
5. Other courses
Have you started/completed any other training courses?
Name of institute
(college / university / company)
Name of qualification / course
Year completed / due to comp
6. KFC terms and conditions of employment
We do business every day of the year. Are you able to:
Work in shifts? Yes Maybe No
Work late? Yes Maybe No
Work on public holidays? Yes Maybe No
Work over weekends? Yes Maybe No
If maybe or no, please give your reasons:
Would you be able to arrange transport to get to work in time?
Yes Maybe No
If you were successful, when can you start?
Should we have positions available at other restaurants,
are you willing to move to another suburb or town?
Yes Maybe No
Would you settle for a:
Full-time position? Yes No
Part-time or Casual position? Yes No

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7. Will you cope with the demands of this job?
The job you are applying for requires that you can cope well with strenuous physical demands such as:
Being able to:
stay on your feet for several hours
move around easily
lift goods
Working with:
frozen products
raw chicken
flour / spice dust
under pressure
in high kitchen temperatures
in extreme low temperatures of a cold room
Would you be comfortable and able to cope with all these physical demands?
Yes No Not sure Please give reasons:
Part of your job may be to interact with customers. This requires that you can hear customers well, even when it is noisy.
Would you be comfortable and able to interact with customers in this manner?
Yes No Not sure Please give reasons:
Do you have any disability to declare that will affect your work or health negatively?
8. General involvement and responsibilities
In your life, is there anything you feel proud of, or got recognition for that you want to mention? For example: in the community, in your
studies, in a group, in a sport; in arts; at school, at church; at home; as a mother/father; or at a previous place of work.
Please give details:
Were there times in the last 5 years
where you were unemployed?
Yes No
What did you do during this time?
Do you need to support
yourself or others financially?
Yes No

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9. Employment history
Are you employed at the moment? Yes No Part-time/casual
Give your employment details:
Name of employer Name of your job Your 2 main tasks in this job? When did you work here? Why did you leave?
10. Interests
Which of your jobs did you enjoy most, and why?
Which of your jobs did you dislike most, and why?
Suppose you have not worked before, or, you could choose another job
What jobs do you see yourself doing, and why?
How many years do you see
yourself working at KFC?
What makes you excited
about working at KFC?

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11. Why KFC?
Were you told about this job by someone at KFC?
Yes No
IF YES, by whom?
Give their full names and KFC restaurant they work at:
Have you ever:
Applied for a job at KFC? Yes* No
Worked for KFC? Yes* No
IF YES*, please provide details:
Where? Length of service? Position? Reason for leaving?
12. References
(people we can contact)
A person you have worked for
(if you have not worked before, a person who was your leader)
A person from the last school you attended
(or another person you worked for)
Place you worked:
When did you work here:
Name of person we can contact:
Cell phone number:
Telephone number (at switchboard):
Name of school
(or placed you worked)
Where is this (town):
Year you left:
Name of person we can contact:
Telephone number:
13. Next of Kin
(family we can contact)
Cell phone or work number:
Cell phone or work number:

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Please ask the manager to explain if you do not understand this part:
14. Credit and criminal profile
A. Have you been convicted of a criminal offence in the last 5 years? Yes No
B. Are there any other facts, circumstances or information, which you believe might affect your possible placement with
KFC that you have not told us about?
Yes No
NOTE If the answer to any of the above is “Yes”, you may be required to disclose, in confidence, any details to the manager / interviewer
Do you give consent to KFC making credit, criminal and other reference checks to determine correctness or otherwise of
any response that you have given above?.
Yes No
15. Declaration
I hereby declare that all particulars and answers in this application form are true and that no relevant facts have been
Yes No
I agree that this application and declaration shall be the basis of any contract between KFC and me and that the withholding
of any material information or failure to answer the questions correctly will be a breach of condition of employment which could
lead to the termination of my contract.
Yes No
Your signature: Date: Your name and surname:
______________________________________________________Thank you for your