Fillable Printable Landlord Recommendation Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Landlord Recommendation Letter Sample

Landlord Recommendation Letter Sample
Dear Sir,
This is inform that Mr.(name) and his wife is a tenant in (address) and they
have been a wonderful family who always paid the rent on time and he has
been our tenant from ________date and from past two years we never had
any problem with his family. His two kids are also much disciplined and he
keeps his house and the surroundings very clean .He has never given us a
chance to compliant. He is a person who socializes with everyone in the
neighborhood and is very helpful and supportive. He is respected by
everyone is very soft spoken and doest disturb any one with loud music or
any other kind of behavior.
At the time of my illness and stay in the hospital he has helped me a lot and
was there as a family member supporting me and my family. He has given
a notice of one month and would like to move from our house as he has got
better opportunity near your place. It will be so far for him to drive from my
place. We will be refunding his money soon. He had been wonderful
person and with regret I have to part from him. If you have any further
information contact at this number________________.
Your name