Fillable Printable Landlord Reference Form
Fillable Printable Landlord Reference Form

Landlord Reference Form

NAME OF RENTAL DEVELOPMENT:___________________________________________________________________________________
TO CURRENT/PREVIOUS LANDLORD: The renter named below has applied for an apartment at the rental development named above,
which is a Low Income Housing Tax Credit development. As managing agents, we need you help in answering the following questions; your
answers will be used to help determine the renter’s eligibility. Thank you for your cooperation. Enclosed is a self-addresses, stamped envelope
for return of this form to us.
Signature of owner of managing agent Phone Number Date
Applicant’s Signature Date
Co-Applicant’s Signature Date
My/Our signature(s) as (an) applicant(s) authorize the release of the above information.
Renter’s Name:___________________________________________ Landlord’s Name:____________________________________
Renter’s Address:_________________________________________ Landlord’s Address:__________________________________
The following is to be completed by Landlord:
1. When did they rent this property? From:_______________________________ To:_________________________________
Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year
2. Do they still live here now? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Name of persons who signed lease (including owner or managing agent)_________________________________________________________
4. Who lived at this address? _____________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Are you related to them or anyone in their household by blood or marriage or the operation of the law?________________________________
6. What type of structure is this property? House __________ Apartment __________ Room __________
7. What was their monthly rent? $________________________ Was it paid on time? Yes__________ No _________
8. What was their security deposit? $_________________________ Amount refunded to them? $______________________________
9. Why did they move? _________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Did they give proper notice before moving out? Yes __________ N0 __________
11. What were their overall housekeeping habits? ____________________________________________________________________________
12. Was the property left in rentable condition after they moved? Yes __________ No __________
13. Was the property damaged during their stay? Yes __________ No __________
14. Did they have pets? Yes __________ No __________ If yes, what type? ______________________________
15. Did they get along with their neighbors? _________________________________________________________________________________
16. Were they responsible for paying their own heat and lights? Yes __________ No __________
17. Do you own this rental property address listed above? Yes __________ No __________
18. If no, who is the owner? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
19. Would you rent to them again? Yes __________ No __________
20. Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Person Completing Form Title Date