Fillable Printable Sample of Lease Agreement
Fillable Printable Sample of Lease Agreement

Sample of Lease Agreement

STATE PROJECT NO. __________
PARCEL NO(S). _____________
PARISH OF _________________:
THIS AGREEMENT entered into as of the ______ day of ____________, 20___,
represented herein by LLOYD P. SCALLAN, Real Estate Administrator, hereinafter
termed the “Lessor” and (2) ____________________, hereinafter termed the “Lessee.”
WITNESSETH, that Lessor does hereby lease and let unto Lessee, who hereby
agrees to lease from Lessor, the following described property, to-wit:
This lease is made and accepted for a primary term of thirty (30) days beginning
on the ________ day of ________________, 20____, and shall continue from month to
month thereafter until terminated by either party hereto. Notification of the termination of
the lease shall be given by either party by written notice thereof at least ten (10) days
prior to the end of the any thirty (30) day rental term.
The rental payable under this lease shall be at the rate of $_________ per month
payable in advance as follows: The first payment to be made on the commencement
date of this lease for a prorata portion of the month remaining at said time; subsequent
payments shall be made on the first day of each month thereafter. Rent shall be paid by

check or money order made payable to the Department of Transportation and
Development of the State of Louisiana and mailed to ________(Name and address of
District Manager)___________.
It is understood and agreed that subletting or subleasing premises is expressly
It is further agreed that Lessee shall pay for all water, electricity, and gas
furnished to or used on the said premises during the existence of this lease, and shall
pay for all damage to water pipes and drains, and for repairs to sewerage and fixtures
made necessary through the fault and carelessness of Lessee.
It is further agreed that in the event Lessee shall be in default for any ten (10)
day period in payment of the rent hereinabove stipulated, then, and in that event Lessor
may cancel this lease at its option, and Lessor may also sue for such damages as it may
have sustained as result of Lessee’s breach of this contract.
It is further agreed that Lessee shall obtain and provide Lessor with proof of
liability insurance and renter’s insurance for the duration of the lease.
Lessee agrees to keep the leased property in good sanitary condition, and to
comply with all ordinances and regulations prescribed by proper authorities in
connection with sanitation, and to return the property at the expiration of this lease in as
good a condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear excepted, except such as
may result from fire, tornado and any other uncontrollable hazard. Lessor reserves the
right to enter the subject property to conduct any and all inspections deemed necessary
by Lessor upon giving notice to lessee. These inspections will include, but not be limited
to asbestos inspections.
Lessee assumes responsibility for the condition of the premises and specifically
agrees in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, Title 9,
Section 3221, that Lessor shall not be liable in damages for any injury caused by any

vice or defect in said premises to any tenant or occupant or to anyone in said premises
by license of Lessee or occupants, unless Lessor knows of such vice or defect or should
within reason have known thereof, or has received notice of such vice or defect or failed
to remedy the same within a reasonable time thereafter.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF both parties have executed this lease as of the date
hereinabove written.
___________________________ AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE