Fillable Printable Free Lease Agreement Template
Fillable Printable Free Lease Agreement Template

Free Lease Agreement Template

Lease Agreement
Between ______________ United Methodist Church & _________
THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this ___ Day of __________, 200X, by and between
_______________________ UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, a ______________
religious corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Landlord”) and _________________
(hereinafter referred to as “Tenant”).
WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the rental payment plan set out to herein and the
mutual covenants herein contained, the Landlord does hereby lease unto the Tenant and
the Tenant hereby lease from the Landlord certain classrooms and shared common space
within the improvements of the property owned by Landlord known as _____________
United Methodist Church.
This letting is upon the following terms, conditions and covenants, which the Tenant
hereto for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees to keep and perform:
Use- Tenant agrees to use the leased premises for _________________________ and for
all uses necessary and attendant thereto. In the event that the Tenant is subject to any
regulations for the operation of the __________________ in the leased premises, Tenant
shall obtain, and maintain during the full term of this lease, all required licenses for the
operation of the ___________________. Landlord shall not be required to make any
changes to the Leased Premises to permit the Tenant to comply with licensing or
permitting regulations to which the Tenant is subject including, but not limited to, the
installation of any sprinkling system within the Leased Premises. Tenant shall be solely
responsible for any changes or things required to obtain and maintain its license(s) with
______________________(jurisdiction), but shall make no modifications to the Leased
Premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord. Tenant will notify Landlord
of the annual Fire Marshall inspection and Landlord’s designated representative and
Tenants designated representative will accompany the Fire Marshall during the
inspection. All schedule or spot inspections by ____________ authorities will be
conducted by the Tenant (or appropriate officer to be named here).
Rental Term: Payment of Rent and Additional Rent
(a) The lease term hereunder shall be for a term of five months, beginning on the _____
day of ________ 200X and ending on the _____________ day of ____________ 200X.
Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the rental sum of $XX, XXX.XX per month from
_____________, 200X thru ______________, 200X. All monthly payments are payable
on or before the _____ day of each month and every month of the rental term. Tenant
shall pay the monthly rental fees, as set forth above, at the office of the Landlord at
_____________________________ (address), or such other place or by electronic
payment option as the Landlord may designate from time to time, In the event Tenant
fails to pay any rent as and when required on or before the tenth day of the month in
which such rental payment is due, Tenant shall pay a late charge of five-percent (5%) of
the amount then due to the Landlord. (b) Tenant’s staff shall be entitled to remain in the

Leased Premises one (1) week after the term of the Lease to remove or store its materials
as may be necessary.
Good Faith Fee: Tenant agrees to pay Landlord the sum of $XXXX (XXXX dollars) at
the beginning of the lease period. This payment is non – refundable and is not a part of
the security deposit described above.
Facility Improvements for Valid Certificate of Occupancy and other
Licenses/Permits – Tenant agrees to pay full cost of all repairs and refurbishment of the
Leased Premises that are necessary for the issuance of valid Certificate of Occupancy,
and other licenses and permits required by the ______________ Government, D.C.
____________ regulations, and _____________ authorities, or other regulations and/or
authorities relative to the operation of the Tenant
Security Deposit- Tenant will deposit with the Landlord upon occupancy of Leased
Premises by Tenant the total sum of XXX Dollars($X,000.00) to be applied on final
termination of this Lease to the payment of all claims by the Landlord under any the
covenants, clauses, terms, and conditions of this Lease. It is the intent hereof that
independently of said security deposit, Tenant shall perform all of the covenants, clauses,
terms, and conditions of this Lease. It is the intent hereof that independently of said
security deposit, Tenant shall perform all of the covenants, clauses, terms, and conditions
of the Lease to be performed by Tenant, and Landlord shall have rights in this Lease
granted or reserved to it; and after, and only after final termination of this Lease, by
expiration or otherwise, Landlord shall be reimbursed from said security deposit to the
full extent of any lawful claim by it under any terms or provisions of this Lease.
Immediately upon ascertainment of the amount of Landlord’s claim or claims, if any, the
balance of said security deposit, if any, shall be refunded to Tenant, and until such event,
Tenant shall have no right or power to assign, alienate, transfer, set over or otherwise
dispose of or encumber its continent interest in said deposit. If said funds shall be
sufficient to pay the claim or claims of Landlord under this lease, then in such event,
Tenant upon due notice, shall promptly pay any balance remaining. In the event Landlord
does not have any claim or claims and Tenant has otherwise left Leased Premises (both
indoor and outdoor) in a condition that is acceptable to Landlord then security deposit
will be refunded to Tenant within 30 days after expiration of Lease Term.
Premises – Landlord agrees to lease Tenant (description of leased space) for the sole
purpose of using as ________________. (Describe parking access as needed)
Access to Leased Premises – (a) Tenant shall have access to Leased Premises (describe
time leased space is available to tenant – and any exceptions or restrictions or other
(b) describe security measures such as where the Tenant may enter and agreements
related to locking and unlocking doors.

(c) Landlord agrees that whenever Landlord knows for more than forty – eight hours in
advance of scheduled funerals or other emergency activities to provide at least 48 hours
notice either written or verbal to Tenant when church priority use for funerals or other
church activities that would disrupt the Tenant’s use of leased space.
(d) (This paragraph for example purposes – related to school activities and may not be at
all related to the purpose of your Tenant.) Tenant assumes full responsibility for any
costs associated with the presence of the following small animals in the Leased Premises:
fishes, birds, turtles, hamsters and/ or gerbils. In addition, Tenant will secure all fishes,
birds, turtles, hamsters, and/or gerbils appropriately, and will ensure that such animals are
not left in the Leased Premised during weekends or holidays, with weekends beginning
on the last week day of regular school hours. For example, if the regular school week
ends of Thursday then all animals must be removed from the Leased Premises by the end
of the school day on Thursday. Additionally, Tenant agrees that absolutely no snakes or
reptiles of any sort or type or size can be brought onto or into the Leased Premises for no
period of time and under no circumstances.
Utilities and Maintenance by Tenant- (a) The Landlord shall furnish to the premises the
water, sewer, gas, and electric service. The Landlord shall be responsible for paying
utility companies for the cost of utilities for its premises to include the cost of heating, air
conditioning, electricity, and water and sewer service, and shall be responsible for interior
maintenance and all repairs to the non-structural portions of the Leased Premises
including glass, maintenance items on air conditioning system, heating and plumbing
system and light fixtures (including tubes and ballast therein) necessary to maintain the
premises in good order and repair. Landlord shall make all appropriate efforts so that the
maintenance of the Leased Premises shall not unreasonably interfere with the Tenants’
operation of ________________________.
Operating Expenses – (a) In addition to the monthly rental fee, Tenant agrees to pay
$XXX (XXX dollars) per month for water, gas, and electric usage rental period. Tenant
further agrees to pay additional monthly costs for utilities when utility company rate
increases result in higher utility bills for Landlord. Landlord will determine the utility
company increase and bill Tenant accordingly for any increased monthly costs.
Maintenance by Landlord – The Landlord agrees to maintain the exterior of the herein
described Leased Premises, including the exterior walls, foundation, parking facilities
and roof.
Maintenance by Tenant – (Adjust paragraph according to the needs of each lease.
Following paragraph is for example purposes.) The Tenant agrees to maintain from
Monday thru Friday (and on Saturday) the interior of the Leased Premises including, but
not limited to, all floor clearing and cleaning on a daily basis, of all restrooms and
hallways. Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining and payment for contracting services
to do bi-weekly trash pick-up and seasonal snow removal as necessary to provide access
to the Leased Premises on the days on which the Leased Premises are to be accessed by

any and all persons determined by Tenant. Tenant assumes full responsibility for clearing
all snow from any and all access points to gain entrance to the parking lot and for
clearing all snow from the parking lot for all the days the Leased Premises are to be used,
including removing snow that accumulates on Saturdays for teachers/administrative staff
to access the building for planning the or administrative purposes, and on Sunday late
afternoon/early evenings in time for classes to be held at the public charter school on
Monday morning.
Keys- Upon signing of this Lease, Landlord will provide ____________ secure keys for
the following doors: (specify) Tenant agrees not to duplicate keys. All __#___ keys must
be returned to Landlord at the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term. Tenant
agrees to provide Landlord with the names of all persons receiving secure keys. Tenant
further agrees to notify Landlord immediately about lost or stolen keys from any of its
staff members who were issued a key, and Tenant agrees to pay the prevailing cost of
replacement keys.
Security Code- Landlord agrees to provide ______ representatives – (name offices)
--with the access code numbers to disarm the security alarm installed on (specify
locations) Tenant agrees to notify Landlord whenever the designated staff is no longer an
employee of Tenant so that changes to the security code numbers can be made as quickly
as possible to ensure ongoing security of Landlord’s total premises. Tenant shall be
responsible for locking all assigned inside and entrance doors and activating the security
alarm before leaving the Leased Premises unless authorized parties of Landlord are
present before Tenant staff departs the Leased Premises.
Building Security- The Tenant will be responsible for implementing an internal security
plan to include the monitoring of the premises during hours of Tenant’s operation. Tenant
agrees to report incidents and/or wrongdoings to Landlord, designated Tenant officials as
well as to the local police department when necessary that in any way jeopardize or
compromise the security, safety, and maintenance of Landlord and Tenant staff, property,
and facilities.
Prohibition on Use of Kitchen Facilities – (This paragraph is also for an example –
omit if not needed and/or customize as necessary.) Tenant shall not use the kitchen to
cook or store food during the term of the Lease. In the event that Tenant, in violation of
the terms hereof, uses the kitchen to cook or store meals for any reason whatsoever, such
use shall be a material breach of this Lease and shall give Landlord the absolute right to
terminate this Lease immediately and Tenant shall vacate the Leased Premises within 24
hours after written notice from the Landlord. A breach of this provision shall not be
subject to any curative rights contained in this lease.
General Provisions- Landlord and Tenant agree that each will provide the other with a
general calendar of regular and special operating hours and events for the Leased
Premises at lease once each quarter for the ensuing quarter beginning at the
commencement of the Lease Term. Each calendar shall provide starting and ending times,
as well as the specific locations to be used and the name of a contact person. The calendar

for the first two quarters of the initial Lease Term shall be provided within 30 days of the
commencement date of this Lease.
Use Restrictions – Notwithstanding the forgoing, Tenant shall not use the Leased
Premises for the purposes of storing, manufacturing, or selling any explosives,
flammable, or other inherently dangerous substance, chemical, thing or device.
Repairs -(This paragraph is also for an example – omit if not needed and/or customize
as necessary.) During the Lease Term, Tenant shall make, at Tenant’s expense, all
necessary repairs to Lease Premises. Repairs shall include such items as routine repairs of
floors, walls, ceilings, and other parts of the Leased Premises damaged or worn through
normal occupancy, except for major mechanical systems or the roof that affect non –
Leased Premises, subject to the obligations of the parties otherwise set forth in this Lease.
Except for emergency repairs which shall be made immediately, all other repairs must be
completed by Tenant in three (3) days after Tenant is made aware of the repair or
Landlord reserve the right to have the work done and submit the bill for the cost of the
work to Tenant for payment. In addition, Tenant and Landlord agree to joint replacement
or completion of repairs when clear responsibility is difficult to determine. All work must
be done of a standard and quality acceptable to Landlord. In addition, all contractors
hired by Tenant must practice safe and clean work habits as well as leave site in an
orderly and safe manner during and after completing work assignments.
Alterations and Improvements – (This paragraph is also for an example – omit if not
needed and/or customize as necessary.) Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, shall have the right
following Landlord’s consent to remodel, redecorate, and make additions, improvements,
and replacements of and to all or any part of the Leased Premises from time to time as
Tenant may deem desirable, provided the same are made in a workman like manner and
utilizing good quality materials. Further, Landlord reserves the right to reject any repairs
made to its property that Landlord determines is of an inferior quality. Tenant agrees to
have any and all repairs/alterations rejected by Landlord to be redone at an acceptable
quality and Tenant assumes full responsibility for all cost and associated expenses related
to undoing and redoing the work. Tenant shall have the right to place and install personal
property, trade fixtures, equipment, and other temporary installations in and upon the
Leased Premises, and fasten the same to the premises. All personal property, equipment,
machinery, trade fixtures, and temporary installations, whether acquired by Tenant at the
commencement of the Lease term or placed or installed on the Leased Premises by
Tenant thereafter, shall remain Tenant’s property free and clear of any claim by Landlord.
Tenant shall have the right to remove the same at any time during the term of this Lease
provided that all damage to the Leased Premises caused by such removal shall be
repaired by Tenant and Tenants expense.
Insurance – Insurance Coverage – (a) Tenant agrees to obtain and maintain insurance
policies that meet or exceed the minimum coverage recommended by _______________.
Tenant agrees to maintain liability insurance on a company reasonably approved by
Landlord in an amount not less than ______________ (All amounts in this paragraph
should be set in consultation with the Landlord’s insurance company) and which shall

name Landlord as an “additional insured.” Tenant shall supply to Landlord a Certificate
of Insurance prior to the beginning of the term of this Lease and shall thereafter supply to
Landlord annual renewals of the Certificate of Insurance. In addition, Tenant shall
maintain at the begging and throughout the Lease Term general liability ____________
per occurrence, ______________ aggregate; Directors and Officers Liability
___________; (List appropriate professional) Legal Liability _____________), Umbrella
Coverage ___________; Property/Lease Insurance 100 percent of replacement cost;
Boiler and Machinery Insurance _____________; Auto Liability Insurance ___________;
and Workers Compensation as required by the law. In addition, appropriate sexual
harassment insurance coverage of at least _______________ will be obtained and
maintained throughout the term of Lease.
(b) Tenant shall provide Landlord with current Certificates of Insurance evidencing
Tenant’s compliance with the Paragraph. Tenant shall obtain the agreement of Tenant’s
insurers to notify Landlord that a policy is due to expire at least (10) days prior to such
expiration. Landlord shall not be required to maintain insurance against thefts within the
Leased Premises or the Building.
Utilities- Tenant acknowledges that the Leased Premises are designed to provide standard
office use electrical facilities and standard office lighting. Tenant shall not use any
equipment or devices that utilize excessive electrical energy or which may, in Landlord’s
reasonable opinion, overload the wiring or interfere with electrical services for Landlord
Sign Installation – (Before including this paragraph, consider the local codes regarding
signage and cost of licensing if necessary.) Tenant shall be entitled to place a sign for the
Tenant’s program (lovation) provided that (l) Tenant shall pay for all required licenses,
full cost of installation and full cost of removal of the sign; (ll) the design of the sign shall
be approved by the Landlord before installation; and (lll) the specific location of the sign
shall be approved by Landlord before installation. In the event that Landlord requires the
removal of Tenant’s sign for any reason, Tenant shall remove the sign within fifteen (15)
days of written notice to Tenant.
Contacts for Landlord and Tenant – Prior to the beginning of the Lease term, Tenant
shall designate in writing a single person and a single location for which all notices are to
be sent and communications made during the use of the Leased Premises. Tenant shall be
entitled to change the name of such person at any time by providing written notice to
Landlord. Landlord shall provide to Tenant in writing the name of a single person and a
single location for which all notices are to be sent and communications made concerning
the use of the Leased Premises. Landlord shall be entitled to change the name of such
person at any time by providing written notice to Tenant.
Safe Harbor Clause – Safe and Harmless- Tenant agrees to Safe Harbor Clause
whereby any and all legal actions against Tenant shall not apply to Landlord. Conversely,
Landlord agrees to Safe Harbor Clause whereby any and all legal actions against
Landlord shall not apply.

Successors and Assigns – The covenants, conditions and agreements contained in this
Lease shall bind and inure to the benefit of Landlord and Tenant, and their respective
heirs, personal representatives, distributes, executors, administrators, successors, and
permitted assigns.
Severability – If any term, covenant or provision of this lease is found to be illegal or
unenforceable, it is the intention of the parties that, if this Lease can be so construed, this
Lease shall continue in full force and effect without such legal or unenforceable term
covenant or provisions.
Subordination – (a) Tenant shall not assign this lease in whole or in part or sublet the
Leased Premises, or any part or portion thereof, or grant any license or concession of any
part of the property without the written consent of the Landlord. If such assignment or
subletting is permitted, Tenant shall not be relieved from any liability whatsoever under
this Lease.
(b) It is agreed that Landlord shall have the right to place a mortgage or mortgages on the
demised premises and this Lease shall be subordinate to any such mortgage or mortgages,
or superior thereto, as the Mortgagee(s) may elect from time to time. Notice of such
election shall be given to Tenant in connection with any mortgage foreclosure
Quiet Enjoyment - The Landlord covenants and warrants that it has full right and power
to execute and perform this Lease and to grant the estate demised herein, and covenants
that the Tenant, on performing its obligations hereunder, shall peaceably and quietly hold
and enjoy the premises throughout the term and any period in which the Tenant lawfully
holding over.
Remedies – If any default of either party continues uncorrected for sixty (60) days (thirty
(30) days in the case of a default in the payment of rent) after receipt of written notice
from the other party, stating with particularity the nature and extent of the default, the
party giving such notice may cancel this Lease by written notice of cancellation to the
other at the address provided for herein.
Surrender – The Tenant, on the day of the term, or any renewal or extension thereof, will
surrender the premises in as good condition as when the Tenant takes possession, except
for ordinary wear and tear, repairs and replacements required to be made by the Landlord,
loss by fire or casualty, loss by any cause beyond the Tenant’s control, and alterations,
additions and improvements herein permitted.
Indemnity – Each party to this Lease agrees that it will at all times indemnify and hold
the other party harmless against all actions, claims, demands, costs, damages, penalties,
or expense of any kind which may be brought or made against the other party, or which
either party may pay or incur, by reason of the other party’s negligent performance of, or
failure to perform, any of the obligations of this Lease; provided, however, that in no
event shall the Tenant be liable for any loss or damage to the premises caused by fire, the

elements or any cause covered by the extended coverage insurance required to be carried
out by the Landlord.
Notices – Any notice required by this Lease shall be sent to the Landlord at
______________________, Attention: ________________, ____(office)___; and to
Tenant at _____________________, Attention: ______________, _____(office), or at
such other place as each party may designate from time to time in writing to the other.
Waiver – It is understood and agreed that nothing herein shall be construed to be a
waiver of any of the terms, covenants, and conditions herein contained, unless the same
be in writing, signed by the party to be charged with such waiver, and no waiver or the
breach of any covenant or any subsequent breach thereof.
Consent by Landlord – Where consent of Landlord is required in this Lease, such
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
Persons Bound – The provisions of this lease shall bind and benefit the parties hereto
and their respective heirs, personal representatives, executors, successors, and permitted
Miscellaneous (examples follow – you will need to decide what belongs here)– Landlord
has advised Tenant that water filters have been installed on the water fountain on the first
and second levels of the Education Wing. In the event that the District of Columbia
Health Department determines at any time that the water is not potable, then the Landlord
has the absolute right to turn off all water fountains and require that Tenant use bottled
water for all drinking purposes, the cost of which is paid solely by Tenant.
Inspections – Landlord shall have the right to enter upon the Leased Premises at
reasonable hours to inspect the same, provided Landlord shall not thereby unreasonably
interfere with Tenant’s business on the Lease Premises.
Default – If the Tenant shall default in fulfilling any of the terms, covenants, agreements
provided in this lease, and shall have failed to cure such default within twenty (20) days
after receiving written notice thereof from Landlord, the Landlord may terminate this
lease by giving written notice of such termination to Tenant, whereupon this Lease shall
cease and terminate and Tenant shall immediately be obliged to quit the Leased Premises.
Eviction – In case of the violation of any of the covenants, agreements, rules, regulations
by the Tenant, contained in this lease, including but not limited too, failure to pay the rent
within ten (10) days after the same is due and payable, the Landlord may re-enter and if
need be forthwith dispossess and eject Tenant. No such termination of this lease,
however, not recovering possession of the premises, shall deprive the Landlord of any
action against the Tenant for rent or damage which may be due or sustained prior to the
termination of this lease.

Possession by Landlord – In the event of the Tenant’s abandonment of the premises, or
otherwise, the Landlord may take possession of the same, and rent, if possible, to others,
paying to the Tenant at the end of the term, any surplus the Landlord may have as a result
of the said rent it may receive from others, after paying all proper charges, such as
advertising, commission, etc. In the case of a deficiency, the Tenant shall be liable to the
Landlord for the amount thereof as it accrues from month to month, or at the end of the
term as the Landlord may elect.
Landlords Freedom from Liability – The Tenant will indemnify and save harmless the
Landlord for and against any and all liability, arising from injury during said term to
person or property, occasioned wholly or in part by an act or omission of the Tenant.
Tenant will also pay for the repair of all injury done by the installation or removal of
furniture and property, so as to restore the demised premises to its original state as of the
time of commencement of this Lease, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
Tenants Accidental Losses – The Landlord shall not be liable for any damage to
personal property caused by other tenants or persons in said building, resulting from the
escape if steam, gas, electricity, or water, or from rain, snow or dampness or by tempest
or other act of God or by the act of rioters or public enemies, and not caused by the acts
or omissions of Landlord.
Surrender of Premises and Holder Rent – Upon the expiration or earlier termination of
this lease, Tenant shall surrender and yield up the Leased Premises to the Landlord in
broom clean condition and otherwise in a condition equal to or better than the condition
on the commencement date of this Lease, ordinary wear and tear and damage by casualty
excepted. If Tenant or any assignee, subtenant or licensee of Tenant shall not immediately
surrender the Premises (or any portion thereof) on the date of expiration or earlier
termination of this Lease Term, then Tenant shall automatically become a tenant at
sufferance upon all the terms and conditions contained herein, except as to Lease Term,;
provided, however, if Tenant holds over and fails to surrender the Leased Premises to
Landlord for more than thirty (30) days following written notice from Landlord to
surrender the Leased Premises after the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease
Term, then thereafter the rent payable by Tenant thereunder shall be increased to one-
hundred fifty percent (150%) of the monthly rent. Landlord’s acceptance of such monthly
rent from Tenant shall not in any manner impair or adversely affect Landlord’s other
rights and remedies hereunder, including, but not limited to, Landlords right to evict
Tenant from Leased Premises.
Right to Show Premises/Rights of Entry and Inspection – For the period of three (3)
months prior to the expiration of the original term of this lease, or any renewal or
extension thereof, the Landlord shall have the right to display on the exterior of the
premises but not in any window or doorway thereof, the customary sign “For Rent” and
that during such period Landlord may show the premises and all parts thereof to
prospective tenants between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00pm on any, including legal
holiday) on which Tenant shall conduct business. In addition to the Landlord’s right to
show the Leased Premises, Tenant grants to the Landlord and its agents, engineers, and

other representatives, full access to the premises as it may deem necessary and to
complete any necessary repairs to the Leased Premises, in its reasonable discretion;
provided, however, that any such studies or repairs shall be accomplished so as not to
unreasonably disrupt the legitimate commercial activities then being conducted on the
premises by the Tenant.
Sexual Misconduct Forms – Tenant shall provide to Landlord a Sexual Misconduct
Form, as required by the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist
Church, for each adult hired by Tenant who will be in the Leased Premises at any time
during the term of this Lease. Landlord shall supply the required Sexual Misconduct
Form and Tenant agrees that no employee of Tenant shall enter the Leased Premises until
such time as Tenant has provided a Sexual Misconduct Form signed by such employee of
Tenant. In addition, Tenant must provide Landlord with a certified statement from the
Board of Trustees indicating that all employees have successfully completed criminal
background checks.
Fire Clause – It is mutually agreed that in case of injury to the premises by fire, the
Landlord shall cause the damage to be repaired, the rent suspended only for such a time,
an only in the proportion, as the premises shall remain untenantable; but if the building be
destroyed or so damaged that the Landlord shall, in its sole discretion, decide it is not
advisable to repair, this Lease shall cease and terminate and the Tenant shall pay the rent
to the time of injury.
(a) If the Leased Premises or any other part of the Building is damaged by fire or
other casualty resulting from any act or negligence of Tenant or any of Tenant’s
agents, employees, or invitees, rent shall not be diminished or abated while such
damages are under repair, and Tenant shall be responsible for the costs of repair
not covered by insurance.
(b) Landlord shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance on the Building and
the Leased Premises in such amounts as Landlord shall deem appropriate. Tenant
shall be responsible, at its expense, for fire and extended coverage insurance on
all of its personal property, including removable trade fixtures, located in the
Leased Premises.
Eminent Domain – If the whole or any part of the Leased Premises shall be required or
condemned by Eminent Domain for any public or quasi-public use or purpose, then the
term of the Lease shall cease and terminate from the date of title vesting in such
proceeding and Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord or against the total award for
the value of any unexpired portion of the lease term otherwise, and Tenant shall not be
entitled to any part of any award that may be made for such taking, nor to any damages
therefore except that the rent shall be adjusted as of the date of such termination of this
Additional Use of Landlord’s Facilities (Again, this paragraph is for example only, to
help in your consideration of what may be needed.) – (a) Tenant shall be entitled to use
the existing bulletin boards located in the hallway of the Second Floor, except for the
bulletin board directly in front of the main church office. Tenant is required to request

Landlord permission before using the bulletin board directly in front of the main church
(b) Tenant agrees not to place or store any items in the halls, stairways, or any of
Landlord’s space that is not covered in this Lease (e.g. Fellowship Hall, Music Room,
Narthex, Sanctuary, Kitchen) (c) Tenant shall install prior to the first three weeks of
school a security bell or buzzer at the door from the parking lot into the Educational
Building Annex and at the G Street entrance into the Education Wing.
Marginal Notations – Paragraph captions and marginal notations of this Lease are for
convenience only and do not in any way limit or amplify the terms and provisions