Fillable Printable Letter of Recommendation Tips
Fillable Printable Letter of Recommendation Tips

Letter of Recommendation Tips

Tips to Students:
1. Provide the individual with a copy of your CV
2. Give individual clear & specific deadlines for mailing the letters - SEND ONE COPY TO:
Dr. Molly Osborne
OHSU School of Medicine, L102
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239
3. Follow-up!! Make sure letters are in the Dean’s Office (check your file regula rly!!)
ERAS Programs
Letters of recommendation sent out by the SOM Dean’s Office. If in the text of the letter it states that you
have waived your right to view it, the letter will be treated as confidential.
NON ERAS Programs
Letter writer must send the letters directly to residency program and send a copy to the Dean’s Office for
our records (that way you can make sure this letter has been sent)
**Note: Faculty may mark envelope of letter CONFIDENTIAL if he/she wishes**
Letter Format for the Letter of Recommendation
(Should be on letterhead!)
Addressed to: Dear Residency Di rector
Content to Include
1. Introductory Sentence
EXAMPLE: It gives me great pleasure to recom mend FRED JONES (FULL NAME) to
2. Nature of Relationship With Student
The circumstances by which you know the student, e.g., teacher, advisor. How well you know
the student. Your teaching experience – how often, how many student s.
3. Specific Examples to Address Strength s of Student:
• Fund of knowledge
• Skills – clinical skills, procedural skills, research skills.
• Personal qualities – dependability in stressful situations, reliability, punctuality,
communication skills, empathy with patients, ability to integrate and communicate information
to the medical team and support staff, how well-liked by staff, patients, peers
• Mention any experience(s) that m ight add character/uniqueness to the student.
4. Summary Statement
E.g., In summary, I commend (FULL NAME) as an ex cellent physician for your prog ram. If you
have further questions, please contact me at (GIVE TELEPHONE NUMBER, etc.). Include
student’s practice plans an d special interests in health care delivery.