Fillable Printable Liquid Measure Conversions Chart
Fillable Printable Liquid Measure Conversions Chart

Liquid Measure Conversions Chart

Title: Liquid Measure Conversions
The potential nursing student will learn to convert fluid
ounces to milliliters (cubic centimeters).
Time frame to Complete
One class period
Stackable Cert.
Study / Life skills
Career Pathways
Fire Rescue
Medical Asst.
EKG / Cardio
Practical Nursing
Healthcare Admin
Pharmacy Tech
Standard(s) Addressed in Lesson:
Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate
Benchmark(s) Addressed in Lesson
M.5.13 Convert fluently, between measurement systems (metric, customary, time), from one unit to another in
order to solve contextual problems and express the conversions using appropriate unit labels.
Conversion Chart and Instructions, Conversion Practice Problems
Learner Prior Knowledge:
Some familiarity with traditional and metric liquid measurement would help students.
Step 1 Ask students if they know how much liquid they drink over the course of a day. What unit of measure do
they typically use? Allow for discussion of the health benefits of drinking plenty of fluids (better energy level, joint
lubrication, kidney stone prevention, constipation prevention, cold/flu remediation, replenishment of water lost
through exercise, etc.) Discuss symptoms of dehydration (excessive thirst, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, little or
no urination, muscle weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness). Discuss how excessive thirst and frequent urination
can be indicators of underlying disease such as diabetes. Ask for examples of people who may need to increase
fluid intake (athletes, breast-feeding women). Ask for examples of people whose fluid intake might be restricted
(those with kidney disease or congestive heart failure).
Step 2 Explain that for some of the reasons discussed above, nurses may often be required to monitor the fluid
intake of their patients. Because US products are usually measured in ounces, and nursing records require metric
measurements, they will need to know how to convert from fluid ounces to milliliters.
Step 3 Distribute Conversion Chart and Instructions, and discuss with students. Be sure they understand
how the answers in the sample conversions were reached.

Step 4 Distribute Conversion Practice Problems. Allow students to work independently, giving assistance
where needed.
Step 5 Check work and provide further instruction if needed.
Student will successfully complete Conversion Practice Problems.
Teacher Reflection:
This lesson was created by Middletown ABLE.
Converting Fluid Ounces to Milliliters (Cubic Centimeters)
As a nurse, you may be required to keep track of a patient’s fluid intake. Since
most products in the United States are sold by the fluid ounce, and nursing
documentation requires charting fluid intake by milliliters (mLs), also known as
cubic centimeters (CCs), you will need to convert liquid measures from fluid
ounces to their metric equivalents. The chart below gives you equivalents for
commonly used fluid measurements.
US liquid Measurements and Metric Fluid Measures
U.S. Liquid Metric
1 drop = .06 milliliter (ml)
15 drops = 1 milliliter (ml)
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 5 milliliters (ml)
1 tablespoon (Tbsp) = 15 milliliters (ml)
1 ounce (oz) = 30 milliliters (ml)
1 cup (c) = 240 milliliters (ml)
1 pint = 480 milliliters (ml)
1 quart = 960 milliliters (ml)
4 cups (c) = 960 milliliters (ml)
Sample conversions:
If you know the approximate number of ounces a patient has had, simply multiply
by 30 to get the number of mLs (CCs) a patient has taken in.
If a patient drinks an 8-ounce beverage (one cup) he has ingested 240 milliliters or
cubic centimeters.
If a patient has had 2/3 of a 20-ounce water bottle, she has had 2/3 x 20 ounces, or
about 13.3 ounces. One ounce is 30 milliliters, so multiply 13.3 times 30. The
patient has had 399, or about 400 ounces.
Conversion Practice Problems
The following word problems give practice in converting a patient’s fluid intake
from ounces to milliliters (mLs), also known as cubic centimeters (CCs).
1. Lisa drank a 4-ounce apple juice. How many milliliters did she drink?
2. Joey drank a half-pint carton of chocolate milk. How many mLs did he drink?
3. Mr. Ramirez drank about three fourths of his 20-ounce water bottle. What was
his fluid intake in cubic centimeters?
4. With his lunch, Stephen had half a 10 ounce can of broth and a 12-ounce can of
Coca-Cola. How many CCs did he drink?
5. At breakfast, Mrs. Phelps used about two thirds of her 8-ounce milk on her
cereal. She drank all of her 4-ounce cranberry juice and about half her 6-ounce cup
of tea. How many CCs of liquid did she have?
6. Mrs. Gray drank about half an 8-ounce bottle of Ensure and a couple of
tablespoons of water. In milliliters, what was her fluid intake?
7. At supper, Mr. Geiger had a half a cup of broth, a 6-ounce coffee, 4 ounces of
grape juice, and one fourth of a 20-ounce water bottle. How many cubic
centimeters of liquid did he take in?

Conversion Practice Problems – Answer Key
The following word problems give practice in converting a patient’s fluid intake from ounces to
milliliters (mLs), also known as cubic centimeters (CCs).
1. Lisa drank a 4-ounce apple juice. How many milliliters did she drink? 120 milliliters
2. Joey drank a half-pint carton of chocolate milk. How many mLs did he drink? 240 mLs
3. Mr. Ramirez drank about three fourths of his 20-ounce water bottle. What was his fluid intake
in cubic centimeters? About 450 cubic centimeters
4. With his lunch, Stephen had half a 10-ounce can of broth and a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola.
How many CCs did he drink? 510 CCs
5. At breakfast, Mrs. Phelps used about two thirds of her 8-ounce milk on her cereal. She drank
all of her 4-ounce cranberry juice and about half her 6-ounce cup of tea. How many CCs of
liquid did she have? About 290 CCs
6. Mrs. Gray drank about half an 8-ounce bottle of Ensure and a couple of tablespoons of water.
In milliliters, what was her fluid intake? About 150 milliliters
7. At supper, Mr. Geiger had a half a cup of broth, a 6-ounce coffee, 4 ounces of grape juice, and
one fourth of a 20-ounce water bottle. How many cubic centimeters of liquid did he take in?
690 centimeters