Fillable Printable Loyalty Card Application Form - Griffith University
Fillable Printable Loyalty Card Application Form - Griffith University

Loyalty Card Application Form - Griffith University

Loyalty Card Application Form
Card holder details
First Name: Surname:
Address: State: Postcode:
Student Number (if applicable) Phone: D.O.B:
Card type: Junior/Student Adult/General Family
Total fee paid $: Cash Credit Eftpos Cheque
Card number
Card holder name Card holder signature:
Staff member name Staff member signature
Additional family members (if obtaining family membership)
Name D.O.B:
Name D.O.B:
Name D.O.B:
1. Entitlements
1.1 Terms and conditions, entitlements and other membership conditions may change over time. This includes changing a centre’s opening and closing
hours, its services and facilities and fees. Written notice of any such changes will be given 30 days prior.
2. Conditions of entry & use of the Facilities
2.1 All users must present a Loyalty Card or pay the casual fee before entering the GUTC. Tennis centre users (casuals and members) must also sign-in
before court use.
2.2 You should be aware of and obey all posted entry conditions and guidelines in the GUTC and all other verbal instructions from staff. Failure to
comply may result in the suspension or termination of your Loyalty Card.
2.3 Persons entering the GUTC must respect the rights and needs of fellow players and staff and conduct themselves accordingly. Any concerns you
may have in relation to other members or staff is to be put in writing and directed to the Manager, Tennis and Aquatic centre.
2.4 Court use is subject to availability as determined by GUTC staff.
2.5 During free court use periods all players on court must be loyalty card members and must check in at the pro shop so that usage can be recorded.
2.6 If a platinum loyalty card holder receives coaching, they may be able to use a court prior to their squad or coaching group begins but they must
check in with the pro shop for approval.
2.7 No coaching, co-ordinated fixtures or social tennis programs can take place without the approval of GUTC management.
3. Exclusion policy
3.1 By signing this Loyalty Card Agreement (and by signing-in at the GUTC), you agree to abide by these terms and conditions of use. Breaches of any
of these conditions may result in cancellation of your loyalty card (without refund of your fee) and/or your removal from the GUTC.
3.2 The University reserves the right to refuse entry, or to ask a person to leave the GUTC for any reason.
4. Exclusion of liability
4.1 You acknowledge that participation in exercise can carry some risk to your health and that it is your responsibility to assess your level of fitness,
identify any medical conditions that you may suffer from and seek appropriate medical advice where necessary, prior to undertaking activities at
the GUTC.
4.2 You specifically acknowledge that University staff do not supervise the GUTC, or their use by you or other persons. Your use of the GUTC is entirely
at your own risk and responsibility.
4.3 You hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless to the fullest extent permitted by the law, the University, its employees and agents from and
against all actions, claims and demands arising from your use of the Facilities, whether made by you, on your behalf or by other parties, arising out
of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to (or by) you or your property, whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way whatsoever.
Signature: Date
Office use only: