Fillable Printable Massachusetts Month to Month Lease Agreement
Fillable Printable Massachusetts Month to Month Lease Agreement

Massachusetts Month to Month Lease Agreement

PARTIES: Theparties to the agreement are: , Landlord
And:, Tenant
PROPERTY Landlord rents the following to the Tenant: a dwellinglocatedat: .
include the following utilities and appliances:Tenant Landlord
Snow Removal
Lawn Care
It isthetenants responsibility tokeeptheutilities services on at alltimesthroughouttheirtenancy. Theseutilities are
requiredto maintainyourhome in a safeandsanitary conditionper ChapterIIof the State Sanitary CodeofMassachusetts.
TERMS This Agreement shall begin on
Rent payments shallbe$
per month, due and payable on or before theBBBBBB
day of each month. Following the
initial lease term this
agreement will reverttoa Tenancy at Will (monthto month).A late fee of $BBBB per day will be appliedon the
firstday of the month
following thedate therentwas due.
AGENT Agentsof the Landlord are authorizedtoacceptmonthly rent payments,last monthsrentsand security deposits,tomake
repairs and enforce all of the terms of this lease and tenancy,andto give and acceptnotices and sign all correspondence onbehalf of
the landlord
All notices shall be in writing andshall be given tothe Tenantat the dwelling; all Rents and all notices, which shall be in writing, shall
be givento the Landlord at:
In case of Emergency the Tenant shall contact the following:
TAX ESCALATOR If the propertytaxes for the buildingin whichthe leased premises are located increaseduring thetermof
this agreement, the Tenant agrees that the rent for the premises may be increased by the same proportion of the taxincrease as the
proportion of the property that the rented premisescomprise. This proportionisherebydefined as %
. The Landlordmay
charge the proportional increase distributed over the remainder of the tenancy following receiptof an increased tax bill, after showing
said bill(s) along with the bill(s) for the prior year to theTenant.If the Landlord obtains anabatement of the real estatetax levied on
the whole of the propertyof which the premises are apart, aproportionateshareofsuchabatement, less reasonable attorney’sfees, if
any shall be refundedto the Tenant.
UTILITY ESCALATOR If heatingcostsfor the building in whichthe leasedpremises are located increaseduring the termof
this agreement by more than
%, the rent for the premisesmay beincreasedby areasonable amountdeterminedby the Landlord
sufficient to cover the increased exp
ense. The Landlord shall give theTenant 30 days notice of the increase
PARKINGAparking space shall shall notbe provided by the Landlord forcar .

OCCUPANTS No persons other than thoselisted below may occupy the premises without the written permissionof the Landlord.
Relationship to Tenant
Use of Property – the tenant shall use the propertyforresidential purposes only.
Maintaining the Premises – Tenant shall maintain the premises in a neat and clean condition and shall at all times
comply withthe provisionof Chapter II of the State Sanitary Codeof Massachusetts. Safe Condition: theoccupant is
responsible for maintaining free of snowand ice, the means of egress under his or her exclusiveuseandcontrol and the
parking area assigned to his or her address.The heatmust bemaintainedat55(fifty five) degrees from September 15
throughMay 15
each yeartokeeppipesfromfreezing.
3. Alterations – No substantial alteration, addition or improvement shall be made by the Tenant in or to the dwelling unit
without the written permissionof the Landlord.
4. Subleasing – Tenant shallnot assign this agreement or sublet the dwelling unit without the written permissionand consent
of the Landlord
5. Disturbance, Illegal Use – Neither the Tenant nor his/herfamily friends,relatives, invitees, visitors, agents or servants
shall makeor suffer any unlawful, noisy or otherwise offensiveuse of the premises,nor commit orpermit any nuisanceto
exist thereon, nor cause damage to the premises,nor createany substance interferencewith the rights, comfort, safety or
enjoyment of the Landlord or other occupantsof the sameor anyother apartment,nor makeany use whatsoever thereto than
as andfor aprivate residence.
6. Common Areas – Lawn areas shall be kept clear of items daily tomaintaina clean yardandlawncare.No repairs of
any kind madetoautos, permittedon thepremises. No vehicles may be stored on the property and all vehicles must be
registeredand insured under the tenant’s name. Noarticles shall be hung or s
haken from the windows, doors, porches,
balconiesor placedupontheexteriorwindowsills.
7. Notice of need for repair – Tenant agreesandis obligated to notify the Landlord promptly of any need for repair on
the premises or inthe Tenants’ dwelling
. Landlord may only makerepairsunless otherwise agreed. Tenant shall reimburse
Landlord for the reasonable cost for repairsdueto Tenantcaused damagein full, upon demand.
8. Pets are not allowed without the express written permission and consent of the Landlord. Such consent may be revoked at
any time.
9. No Smoking
10. Locks – Landlord shall,withina reasonable period of time followingreceipt ofnoticefromTenant of such condition, repair
or replacedany defectiveexterior locks. Locks shall notbe changed, altered orreplaced nor shallnewlocksbeadded by
tenant without
writtenpermission of Landlord. Any locks so permittedto be installedshall become property of Landlordand
shall notberemovedbyTenant. Tenant shall within 3 days give a duplicatekey to anysuch changed,altered, replacedor
new lockto the Landlord
11. Lockouts – There is a charge to unlock doors. Costs are the actual costs incurred, includingmaterials, labor, and travel.
Termination – Landlord may terminatethislease upon thebreach ofany obligation of the Tenant under this lease. Inthe
event that theTenant fails topay rentwhen it becomesdue,the owner mayterminatethis leasebygiving the Tenantnoticeof
terminationinwritingat least14 days prior to the termination date in accordancewith Mass.General Laws,Chapter 186,
Sec.11. In theevent that theTenant breaches any obligation of
this lease other than nonpayment of rent, Landlord may
terminate this leaseby giving Tenant written notice of termination at leastSEVEN(7) days prior to the termination date.
Any such notice will specify the reason(s) for the termination. Upontermination of this agreement, Tenant shall vacate the
premises,removeall personal property belongingto him, and leavethepremises clean (normal wear and tear excepted).

13. Legal Fees – Legalfees incurred as a result of a violation of thisleasewill be the responsibilityof the tenant and will be
14. Maintenance of dwelling – the landlord agrees tomaintainthe dwelling in a structurally soundcondition
And to otherwise comply with ChapterIIoftheState Sanitary Code, Substantial violations of the State Sanitary Code shall
constitute grounds for the abatement of rent.
Inspection by Landlord – Landlord may not enter the dwelling before the termination date ofthe lease,
Except toinspect the premises, to make repairs, or toshowtheunit to afutureTenantor prospective purchaser of the
dwelling. Landlord will contact Tenant before entry to arrange a suitable time withat least a 24 hour notice. Onlyin an
emergency may Landlord enterwithoutprior consent. Ifsuch entry is made
for anemergency, Tenantshall be notified of the
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors - Shall be tested and inspectedby theLandlord at least onceper calendar
. Theremovalof batteries or dismantling of the detectors is not permitted.
Repairs – Landlord agrees to makerepairs in a timelymanner.
18. Destruction of premises – If the premises are rendereduninhabitable byfire,flood, or other natural disaster during the
term of this lease, the agreement is thereuponterminated
. Landlordand or agent arenotresponsible for thepersonal
property in any apartment or in commonareas that may bedamagedunderthe stated circumstances. Itishighly
recommended that apartment insurance be purchased bythetenant to coverthistype of propertydamage.
Security Deposit – The Landlord acknowledgesreceipt of a securitydeposit in the amount of $ . Landlord will
hold thesecurity deposit in aseparate, interest-bearing accountand givethe Tenantreceiptandnotice of the bank and
accountnumber. The Landlordwillgive the Tenantseparate written statement of present conditionof the premises and if the
Tenant disagrees with the Landlord’s statement of condition, theTenant must attacha separate list of any damage existingin
the premises and return the statement totheLandlord. Tenant shall provide the Landlordwitha forwarding address and
onorbeforethe 30
dayfollowing legal terminationof this agreement thetenant shall be mailedreimbursement of
this deposit minus anydamages (normalwear and tearexpected), rentandany other debtsduefrom tenant.
20. Additional Provisions – Any additional provisions should be attached, initialed, and dated by bothparties and become
partof this agreement
21. Changes – No changes to this lease shall be made except by written agreement betweenLandlordand Tenant. This
includes the addition of persons living inthe dwelling.
22. Severability – If any provision of this lease shall be held unenforceable, it shallnot affect the validity of any other
remaining provisionsof this lease
23. Receipt of copy of Lease – By signing this lease,Tenant acknowledgesreceiptof an executedcopy of this lease.
Wherefore,wetheundersigned, agree to thislease bysigning two copieson this
day of , 20___.
Agent/Property Manager/Owner
Co-Tenant (if applicable)