
Fillable Printable Michigan Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

Fillable Printable Michigan Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

Michigan Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

Michigan Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) Page 1 of 6 Pages
Michigan law establishes rights and obligations for parties to
rental agreements. This agreement is required to comply with the
Truth in Renting Act. If you have a question about the
interpretation or legality of a provision of this agreement, you
may want to seek assistance from a lawyer or other qualified
We Agree That
(Landlord’s Name(s))
Leases To
(Tenant’s Name)
(Tenant’s Name)
(Tenant’s Name)
(Tenant’s Name)
The Following Premises To Be Used For Private Residential Pur poses Only
(Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code)
For A T er m
Beginning ____________ ____, 20____, and
Ending ____________ ____, 20____.
Beginning ____________ ____, 20____.
(a) JOINT AND SEVERAL TENANCY: If more than one person signs this lease as a Tenant, their obligations
are joint and several. This means that each person is responsible not only for his or her individual
obligations, but also for the obligations of all other Tenants. This includes paying rent and performing all
other terms of this lease. A judgment entered against one or more Tenant(s) does not bar an action against the
others. Each Tenant must initial this paragraph: (1) ____, (2) ____, (3) ____, (4) ____.
(b) RENT: Tenant must pay Landlord, as rent for the entire term, a total of $___________, being $_________
each month, beginning ____________ ____, 20____, and the same amount on or before the _____ day, or if
that day is not a business day then the first business day after that day, of each succeeding month. Rent must be
paid to the Landlord at the following address :
(Stree t Address, Apar tment, C ity, State, and Zip Co de)
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) Page 2 of 6 Pages
(c) DISCOUNTED RENT: If Landlord receives the rent on time, Tenant will be granted a $_________discount.
The discount is meant to encourage prompt payment of rent. Late rent may subjec t the Tenant to eviction
proceedings and liability for damages.
(d) SECURITY DEPOSIT: Tenant must pay Landlord $_______ on ____________ ____, 20____, which
Landlord holds as a security deposit for Tenant’s performance of all the terms of this lease. The security
deposit may be mingled with the security deposits of Landlord’s other tenants and must be deposited at the
fol low in g fin ancia l ins ti tu t i o n:
(Name of Financial Institution, Stree t Add ress, Ci ty, State , a nd Zip Co de)
You must notify your landlord in writing within 4 days after
you move of a forwarding address where you can be reached
and where you will receive mail; otherwise your landlord
shall be relieved of sending you an itemized list of damages
and the penalties adherent to that failure.
(e) NONREFUNDABLE CLEANING FEE: Tenant must pay a nonrefundable cleaning fee of $________ at the
beginning of the lease term .
(f) OCCUPANCY: Only the persons who sign this lease may reside at the premises. If more than ______ persons
occupy the prem ises, th e La ndlord m ay te rminat e thi s tenan cy or asse ss add ition al rent of $__ _____ __ each m onth fo r
each add ition al per son . Occ upancy must not exceed the numbe r manda ted by local ordinance. This premises is
lic en sed for ____ p er son s. Ten ant m ay accom m odate guest s for r easo nable pe riods (u p to 2 w eeks ); othe r
arr ang emen ts requir e L an dl or d’ s co n sent.
Note: If the p r emises is located in th e city of East Lansing, the occupanc y limit must be d isp laye d on the license and
posted in the premises. T he city may fine violators $1000 a day for over-occupancy.
(g) SLEEPING ROOMS: Basements, attics, and other rooms must not be used as sleeping rooms if they do not
comply with the local ordinance for windows, minimum square footage, exits, and ventilation. This is meant to
protect Tenant’s health and safety. The following areas may not be used as sleeping rooms:
__________________, __________________, __________________, __________________.
Note: T he city of East Lansing may fine violators $1000 or they may be sente nced up to 90 days in jail..
(h) KEYS/LOCKS: Tenant will receive ____ keys from the Landlord. On or before the termination of this lease,
Tenant must return all keys or Tenant will be charged $_________ for changing the locks. If Tenant loses the
keys or gets locked out of the premises, Landlord will provide an extra key to Tenant and may charge Tenant
$_________. Tenant must never gain entrance to the premises by force through a window or door, or
otherwise without a key. Tenant must not change or add locks without Landlord’s written consent.
(i) UNAUTHORIZED USE OF MAILING ADDRESS: Only a Tenant may use the mailing address of the
premises. Allowing someone else to use the mailing address will increase the monthly rent by $_________.
acknowledges receipt of two blank copies of an inventory checklist. Tenant must complete both checklists
and return one to the Landlord within 7 days after Tenant takes possession of the premises. Except for
those items specifically noted by the Tenant in detail on the inventory checklist, Tenant accepts the premises,
and the appliances and furnishings, in good condition. The inventory checklist is used only to assess damages
and is not a warranty or promise by Landlord that any item listed on the checklist, but not present on the
premises, will be provided.
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) Page 3 of 6 Pages
(k) APPLIANCES AND OTHER FURNISHINGS PROVIDED: Tenant must not remove or loan any item
provided with the premises. Landlord will provide the following checked items:
Stove _________________________ _________________________
Refrigerator _________________________ _________________________
Dishwasher _________________________ _________________________
Washer and Dryer _________________________ _________________________
(l) SMOKE DETECTORS: Landlord must install smoke-detection devices as required by law. The premises
contain _____ smoke-detection devices, all working satisfactorily. Once the tenancy begins, Tenant must
regularly test the detectors to ensure that they are working. Tenant must never remove the battery from the
smoke-detection device except when necessary to replace it. Tenant must inform the Landlord immediately, in
writing, of any defect or malfunction in its operation.
(m) ALTERATIONS: Tenant must not alter the premises without the Landlord’s written consent (e.g., painting,
wallpapering, installing locks). Landlord will discuss with Tenant a preferred method of hanging pictures and
poste rs. Tenant is respo nsi ble for dam age to the wa lls beyond reasonab le wear an d tear.
(n) REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Landlord must provide and maintain the premises in a safe, habitable,
and fit condition. Tenant must notify Landlord IMMEDIATELY, BY PHONE at __________________ of
any gas leaks, electrical problems, water damage, broken appliances, or serious structural damage.
Tenant must notify Landlord, in writing, of all other problems needing repair. Landlord must make all repairs
to the premises that, in Landlord’s sole judgment, are required by law. Landlord must make every effort to do
so within a reasonable time. Whenever repairs are delayed for reasons beyond the Landlord’s control, the
Tenant’s obligations are not affected, nor does any claim accrue to Tenant against the Landlord. Landlord must
maintain those things requiring periodic maintenance (e.g., heating, air conditioning, cracked windows).
(o) PIPE-FREEZE PREVENTION: I f Tenant plans to be aw ay from the premises for any leng th o f tim e, the heat
must b e le ft on during the cold season and the windows closed to avoid broken pipes and water dam ag e.
(p) REPAIRS DUE TO TENANT’S NEGLIGENCE: Damage to the premises caused by Tenant’s negligence,
or their guest’s or invitee’s negligence, whether by act or omission, will be repaired by Landlord and charged to
the Tenant. Whenever repairs are delayed for reasons beyond Landlord’s control, Tenant’s obligations are not
affected, nor does any claim accrue to the Tenant against Landlord. Tenant must immediately pay the repair
costs as additional rent. If Tenant fails to do so, Landlord m ay take legal action to recov er any unpaid rent.
(q) LANDLORD’S RIGHT OF ENTRY: Landlord, or Landlord’s agent, may enter the premises at reasonable
times, with ____-hours notice to the Tenant, to examine, protect, make repairs or alterations, or show
prospective renters and purchasers. In emergency situations, Landlord is not required to give Tenant notice. If
emergency entry occurs, Landlord must, within 2 days, notify Tenant of the date, time, and reason for the entry.
(r) USE OF THE PREMISES: Tenant must use the premises for private residential purposes only. Tenant must
not do any of the following, or allow someone else to do any of the following:
Harass, annoy, or endanger any other tenant or neighbor, or their guests, or create any excessive noise
or public nuisance,
Do anything to the structure or its surroundings that may be hazardous or that will cause Landlord’s
insurance to be cancelled or premiums to increase,
Keep any flammable or explosive materials or any dangerous, hazardous, or toxic substance in or
around the premises,
Deface or damage, or allow another to deface or damage, any part of the premises,
Change the locks or install any additional locks or bolts without Landlord’s written consent,
Place a waterbed or other heavy article on the premises without Landlord’s written consent,
Pour any commercial anti-clogging agent into the sink or drain that may harm the water pipes, or
Install any antenna or satellite without Landlord’s written consent.
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) Page 4 of 6 Pages
(s) ILLEGAL DRUG USE: Tenant must not violate, or knowingly allow another to violate, federal, state, or
local laws regarding the use of controlled substances or the use of alcohol by minors in or around the premises.
When aware of a violation of this provision, Landlord will file a form al police report . Landlord may recover
possession of the premises by summary proceedings when Tenant holds over the prem ises for 24 hours after
service of a written demand for possession for termination of this Lease under this provision.
(t) PETS: Dogs, cats, or other pets are not allowed on the premises without Landlords written consent. If
Landlord’s written consent is given, Tenant agrees to pay a nonrefundable pet fee of $_________.
(u) PARKING: Landlord will provide parking for Tenant’s automobiles. Tenant must keep the parking area free
of all debris. Automobiles must be parked only in assigned areas as follows:
CAR #1_________________________________________________ (year, make, model, and plate number),
belonging to ___________________________ must be parked ____________________________________.
CAR #2_________________________________________________ (year, make, model, and plate number),
belonging to ___________________________ must be parked ____________________________________.
CAR #3_________________________________________________ (year, make, model, and plate number),
belonging to ___________________________ must be parked ____________________________________.
CAR #4_________________________________________________ (year, make, model, and plate number),
belonging to ___________________________ must be parked ____________________________________.
(v) MISCELLANEOUS COSTS AND OBLIGATIONS: Check the appropriate box below:
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable pays for electricity.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable pays for gas or fuel oil.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable pays for wa ter an d sewag e .
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable pays for trash removal.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must dispose of all trash by placing in a designated
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must mow the lawn.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must water the lawn.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must rake the leaves.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must remove snow and ice from the driveway, parking
area, walkway, and steps.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must change the screens and storm doors as weather
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must______________________________________.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must______________________________________.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must______________________________________.
Tenant Landlord Not Applicable must______________________________________.
(w) PEACEFUL AND QUIET USE OF PREMISES: In exchange for Tenant’s timely payment of rent and
performance of all the terms of this lease, Landlord must provide peaceful and quiet use of the premises
throughout the tenancy.
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) Page 5 of 6 Pages
(x) SUBLET AND ASSIGNMENT: Tenant must not sublet the premises or assign any interest in this lease
without Landlord’s written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld). If Landlord gives written consent,
Landlord must also provide Tenant with an appropriate sublease form.
(y) RENTER’S INSURANCE: Tenant is strongly advised to carry renter’s insurance on his or her personal
property (e.g., clothing, furniture, household items). Landlord is not responsible for damage to Tenant’s
personal property, unless Landlord’s negligence or intentional act or omission causes the damage.
(z) LEASE ADDENDUM, RULES, AND REGULATIONS: If the premises is located in the City of East
Lansing, the East Lansing Lease Addendum must be attached. Additional pages or rules and regulations,
signed by all parties, are incorporated as part of this Lease, and Landlord must provide copies to the Tenant.
rent or violates any other ter m of this lease, Landlord may term inate the tenan cy , re-enter the premises, and reg ain
possession in a ccordance w i th the law. If Landlord v iolates any term of this lease, Tenant may term inate the tenancy.
Tenant ’s occup ancy, Land l ord must complete a termination inventory checklist to assess damages that
Landlord claims were caused by the Tenant. This includes unpaid rent, unpaid utilities, and damages beyond
reasonable wear and tear. Tenant may ask to be present when the termination inventory checklist is to be
completed. Landlord must mail to the Tenant, within 30 days of Tenant’s termination of occupancy, an
itemized list of damages claimed for which the security deposit may be usedprov ided, of course, that the
Tenant has given a forwarding address.
(cc) END OF LEASE TERM: When the lease term ends, Tenant must promptly vacate the premises, remove all
personal property, and return all keys. Tenant must dispose of all trash and leave the premises clean.
(dd) CHANGES TO THIS LEASE: This lease, and any additional pages or rules and reg ulations incorporated,
contains the entire agreement between Landlord and Tenant; no oral agreement is valid. Ch ang es to the term s of
this Lease must be in writing, signed by all parties.
(ee) ENFORCEMENT OF LEASE PROVISIONS: Failure to strictly enforce any provision of this lease, by
either the Landlord or the Tenant, does not constitute acceptance of a change in its terms. Landlord and Tenant
are still obligated to perform as indicated in this lease.
(ff) ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: _____________________________________________________________
This RESIDENTIAL-LEASE AGREEMENT is signed on ____________ ____, 20____.
Each pe rs on who si g ns it
ackn owledges, by their si gnature, that
they have read it, under stand it, and voluntarily agree to it.
Further, e ach person is ment ally competen t and 18 years or older.
Landlord’s Signature(s): ______________________________ ______________________________
Tenant’s Signature(s): ______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) Page 6 of 6 Pages
This document was drafted as a community-service project
by student residents under the supervision of clinical faculty at the
541 E. Grand River Avenue, P.O. Box 310
East Lansing, MI 48826
Phone (517) 336-8088, ext. 20, Fax (517) 336-8089
We provide free legal services to low-income persons.
Contributions are appreciated and used to support our general operations.
The Internal Revenue Service has granted us §501(c)(3) charitable, tax-exempt status.
Contributions are eligible for the charitable tax deduction under Internal Revenue Code §170.
R:\LLT Gu i d e\M odel Lease Agre emen t up dat ed 12-4-09.doc
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