Fillable Printable Medical Director Verification - New York
Fillable Printable Medical Director Verification - New York

Medical Director Verification - New York

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Notice to Service
Please identify the physician providing Quality Assurance oversight to your individual agency. If your agency provides Defibrillation, Epi-Pen,
Blood Glucometry, Albuterol or Advance Life Support (ALS), you must have specific approval from your Regional EMS Council’s Medical Advisory
Committee (REMAC) and oversight by a NY state licensed physician. If you change your level of care to a higher ALS level, you must provide the
NYS DOH Bureau of EMS a copy of your REMAC’s written approval notice.
If your service wishes to change to a lower level of care, provide written notice of the change and the level of care to be provided, and the effective
date of implementation, to your REMAC with a copy to the NYS DOH Bureau of EMS.
If your agency has more than one Medical Director, please use copies of this verification and indicate which of your operations or REMAC approvals
apply to the oversight provided by each physician. Please send this form to your DOH EMS Central Office for filing with your service records.
Check all special regional approvals and the single highest level of care applicable to your agency
Defibrillation / PAD Epi Pen Albuterol Blood Glucometry Naloxone
(BLS Level Services) (Epi / Albuterol / Blood Glucometry per regional protocol)
Paramedic Critical Care AEMT Controlled Substances
Level of Care Level of Care Level of Care (BNE License on file)
EMS Agency (Please Type or Print Legibly)
Agency Name
Agency Code Number
Agency Type Ambulance ALSFR BLSFR
Agency CEO
Medical Director
NYS Physician’s License Number
Ambulance/ALSFR Agency Controlled Substance License # if Applicable: 03C –
Ambulance/ALSFR Agency Controlled Substance License Expiration Date:
Medical Director Affirmation of Compliance
I affirm that I am the Physician Medical Director for the above listed EMS Agency. I am responsible for oversight of the pre-hospital
Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement program for this agency. This includes medical oversight on a regular and on-going basis,
in-service training and review of Agency policies that are directly related to medical care.
I am familiar with applicable State and Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee treatment protocols, policies and applicable
state regulations concerning the level of care provided by this Agency.
If the service I provide oversight to is not certified EMS agency and provides AED level care, the service has filed a Notice of Intent to
Provide Public Access Defibrillation (DOH-4135) and a completed Collaborative Agreement with its Regional EMS Council.
Medical Director
Date of Signature
DOH-4362 (4/14)
Medical Director Verification