Fillable Printable Sacrament Meeting Agenda Template
Fillable Printable Sacrament Meeting Agenda Template

Sacrament Meeting Agenda Template

1Your Ward
Sacrament Meeting – Agenda
Greeting and Welcome (new members and visitors) –
Acknowledge Visiting Authorities:
Announcements (see printed program):
Announcement #1
Announcement #2
Opening Hymn: #
Stake Business (if any)
Ward Business
Name & Position
"We have released the following individuals: [list names and positions]. We propose that they be given a vote of thanks for
their service. All those who wish to express their appreciation may manifest it by the uplifted hand."
“We have called the following individuals and ask that they stand and remain standing until vote has been taken: [list names
and positions]. We propose that they be sustained. Those in favor may manifest it by the uplifted hand." [Wait for vote].
"Those opposed, if any, may manifest it." [Wait for vote]. “Thank you. Please be seated."
Present Names of New Ward Members (see membership record printout): “We have received the membership records for
the following individuals, and would ask that they stand as their name is called: [list names]. All those who can accept these
members in full fellowship in the ward, please show it by the uplifted hand.”
Priesthood Sustainings: “We propose that _________ receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained a deacon. Those
in favor may manifest it by the uplifted hand.” [Pause briefly for the sustaining vote.] “Those opposed, if any, may manifest
it.” [Pause briefly to allow for dissenting vote, if any.]
Bishop’s Items
Other (baby blessings/confirmations):
Sacrament Hymn: #
Administration of Sacrament
Present Sacrament Meeting Program
"Please take a moment after the closing prayer to pick up around your surroundings. Please let’s all help keep this beautiful building
clean so the spirit may reside here more easily."
Closing Hymn: #
Intermediate Hymn: #
Sacrament Meeting Count