Fillable Printable Metric Conversion Charts
Fillable Printable Metric Conversion Charts
![Metric Conversion Charts](/resources/formfile/images/fb/source_images/metric-conversion-charts-d1.png)
Metric Conversion Charts
Metric Conversion Charts
English to Metric Standards
To convert into multiply by
Inches mm 25.4
Inches cm 2.54
Inches Meters 0.0254
Feet Meters 0.3048
Yards km 914.4
Yards Meters 0.9144
Miles km 1.609
Square Inches cm2 6.452
Square Inches m2 0.0929
Square Yards m2 0.8361
Square Miles km2 2.59
Acres hectares 0.4047
Cubic Inches cm3 16.387
Cubic Inches Litres 0.016387
Cubic Feet m3 0.028317
Cubic Feet Litres 28.317
Cubic Yards m3 0.7646
Liquid Ounces cm3 29.57
Gallons U.S.A. m3 0.003785
Gallons U.S.A. Litres 3.785
Grams Grams 0.0648
Ounces Grams 28.35
Ounces Kg 0.02835
Pounds Kg 0.4536
Pounds Tons 0.000454
Tons (U.S.A.) Kg 907.2
Tons (U.S.A.) Tons 0.9072
Tons (long) Kg 1016.0
Tons (long) Tons 1.0160
Miscellaneous conversions
English measures Corresponding metric measures
1 foot per second = 0.3048 Meter per second
1 foot per minute = 0.3048 Meter per minute
1 mile per hour = 1.6093 KiloMeter per hour
1 pound per foot = 1.48819 Kilo per Meter
1 pound per yard = 0.49606 Kilo per Meter
1 pound per Square inch = 0.07031 Kilo per Square CentiMeter
1 pound per Square foot = 4.88261 Kilos per Square Meter
1 ton per Square inch = 10.93704 metric Tons per Square Meter
Imp. Gallon = 1.200 U.S. Gallons = 4.5436 Litres
1 U.S. Gallon = 0.833 Imp. Gallons = 3.7854 Litres
1 Litre = 0.220 Imp. Gallons = 0.2642 U.S. Gallons
Metric to English Standards
To convert into multiply by
Mm Inches 0.03937
Cm Inches 0.3937
Meters Inches 39.37
Meters Feet 3.281
Meters Yards 1.0936
Km Yards 1093.6
Km Miles 0.6214
cm2 Square Inches 0.155
m2 Square Feet 10.764
m2 Square Yards 1.196
km2 Square Miles 0.3861
Hectares acres 2.471
cm3 Cubic Inches 0.06102
cm3 liquid Ounces 0.03381
m3 Cubic Feet 35.314
m3 Cubic Yards 1.308
m3 Gallons U.S.A. 264.2
Litres Square Inches 61.023
Litres Cubic Feet 0.03531
Litres Gallons U.S.A. 0.2642
Grams grains 15.432
Grams Ounces 0.03527
Kg Ounces 35.27
Kg Pounds 2.2046
Kg Tons (U.S.A.) 0.001102
Kg Tons (long) 0.000984
Tons Pounds 2204.6
Tons Tons (U.S.A.) 1.1023
Tons Tons (long 0.9842
English measures Corresponding metric measures
1 Meter per second = 3.2809 Feet per second
1 Meter per minute = 3.2809 Feet per minute
1 KiloMeter per hour = 0.6214 mile per hour
1 Kilo per Meter = 0.67196 pound per foot
1 Kilo per Meter = 2.01587 Pounds per yard
1 Kilo per Square CentiMeter = 14.22282 Pounds per Square
1 Kilo per Square Meter = 0.20481 Pounds per Square foot
1 Kilo per Square milliMeter = 0.63495 Tons per Square inch
1 metric ton per Square Meter = 0.09143 ton per Square foot
1 (Nautical) mile = 1.152 Miles = 1.8532 Meters
(foot board measurement)
= 1/12 Cubic Feet = 1' x 1' x1"
Thermometer Comparison
Fahrenh. degrees F
482 392 302 284 266 248 230 212 194 176 158 140 122 104 86 68 50 41 32 23 14 5 0 -4 -13 -22 -31 -40
Centigrade, degrees
250 200 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -17.8 -20 -25 -30 -40 -40