
Fillable Printable Michigan Month to Month Rental Agreement

Fillable Printable Michigan Month to Month Rental Agreement

Michigan Month to Month Rental Agreement

Michigan Month to Month Rental Agreement

Michigan Month-to-Month Lease Agreement
This agreement is required to comply with the truth in renting act.
This Agreement of Lease is made this ____ day of __________, by and between
_________________. Lessor whose address for the purpose of notice under Michigan
Complied Laws 554.631 to 554.641 is ________________________________________,
hereinafter referred to as Landlord and __________________ the Lessee, hereinafter referred
to as Tenant, for premises known as ______________________________, to be used and
occupied strictly as a private residence by the Tenant and those individuals whose names,
ages and relation are specifically set forth in the Rental Application and as recited below:
Occupancy: Only the following individuals may occupy the premises:
For a term to commence ____________, and to end at any given time with a 30 day notice
unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided, the Tenant, yielding and paying during the
continuance of this Lease to the Landlord for rent of said premises for the said term the sum
of $_______ Dollars commencing _____________ and a like amount on or before the 1st day
of each calendar month during the term.
Rent checks shall be made payable to __________________, and delivered to the Landlord
at:_____________________________. Landlord reserves the right to demand payment in
certified checks, cashier's checks or money orders for the rent or any other payment which
becomes due from Tenants to Landlord. If the rental payment shall be received after the third
(3rd) day from the due date, the Tenant agrees to pay a $50.00 late payment fee, which shall
be deemed additional rent. Further, in the event any payments are made by check that is not
honored by the financial institution, then, in that event, there will be an additional charge of
$50.00 as an administration fee. Failure to pay rent will result in an eviction and termination
of lease.
1. Rent includes the use of the following appliances: Stove, Refrigerator, Dishwasher,
Microwave, Basement Dehumidifier, Washer and Dryer.
2. Utilities: Tenant beginning _____________ will pay Water, Electricity, Heat, Garbage
Removal, and Phone charges. Tenant shall pay for all utilities metered or billed to the
demised premises and shall arrange for the commencement and termination of these
utilities so as to coincide with the term of this Lease. Tenant shall not terminate any
water, gas, heat, or electricity service to the demised premises during the term herein
granted. Should such termination occur due to conduct of Tenant, Tenant shall be
held responsible in damages for any injury to the property of Landlord and recognizes
further that termination of such services during the term hereof would cause a serious
continuing health and safety hazard to the premises demised or the Landlord's
3. Security Deposit: The Tenant will deposit and the Landlord herewith will acknowledge
the receipt of _________ Dollars, which is to retain as a security deposit that may be
used for the purposes permitted under the Security Deposit Act.
4. Inspection: An Inventory checklist must be completed upon moving into the premises.
5. Pets: Tenant hereby agrees that no pets shall be allowed on the premises without the
express written consent of the Landlord.
6. Hold: Tenant is to occupy the premises as a private residential dwelling. The Tenant
shall peacefully and quietly have, hold and enjoy the premises during the term of the
Lease. Tenant shall comply with all of the rules and regulations governing the
premises and the community.
7. Premises: The Landlord may retain a passkey to the premises. No Tenant shall alter
any lock or install a new lock or a knocker on any door of the demised premises
without the written consent of the Landlord. Premises will be available for inspection
upon a 48-hour notice. If Tenant is unduly hard and destructive to property, so that
Landlord could show cause for eviction in the professional opinion of Landlord and/or
Agent and the Real Estate Agent, lease will be cancelled and Tenant will be required to
vacate within 30 days or written notification and costs to be borne by the Tenant
8. Assign: Tenant shall to neither assign this Lease nor sublet the premises in whole or
in part without first obtaining Landlord's written consent.
9. Liquor or Drugs: The Tenant agrees that drugs or intoxicating liquors will not be sold
or manufactured on the premises. The use of illegal drugs is prohibited.
10. Mortgage: It is expressly agreed that the Landlord reserves the right to subject and
subordinate this lease at all times to the lien of any mortgage or mortgages now or
hereafter placed upon the Landlords interest in the said premises or to subsequent
owners of said property who may acquire the premises subsequent to the date of
execution of this lease including but not limited to, transfers of ownership by
purchase, gift or inheritance.
11. Alterations: That the Tenant will not make any alterations or additions or
improvements to said premises, including keys and locks, without a prior written
consent of the Landlord and that written approval shall not be construed by the Tenant
as an assumption of the expense or liabilities therefore by the Landlord, nor shall such
written approval after the covenants that if Tenant redecorates, Tenant will return
premises to its original decoration at Tenant's own expense at the termination of the
lease unless Tenant has secured written consent of the Landlord to the contrary.
12. Damage: If the House, or any part of the House, shall be partially damaged by fire or
other casualty not due to Tenant's negligence or willful act, or that of Tenant's family,
agent, or visitor, there shall be an abatement of rent corresponding with the time
during which, and the extent to which, the House is untenantable. If Landlord shall
decide not to rebuild or repair, the term of this Lease shall end and the rent shall be
prorated up to the time of the damage.
13. Maintenance and Repairs: That the Tenant will keep the premises, including the
equipment and fixtures of every kind and nature, in good repair during the term of this
lease and at the expiration thereof to yield and deliver up the same in like condition as
when taken, reasonable wear thereof and damage by the elements excepted. Also,
during the continuation of the lease, maintain the landscaping, including but not
limited to fertilizing, weeding, and trimming and Tenant will not remove or rearrange
the landscape without prior written consent of the Landlord. Tenant will be
responsible for snow removal from walkways. In the event Tenant fails to do so,
Landlord shall have the right, among others, to have the lawn, landscaping and snow
removal maintained as aforesaid, and in that event, Tenant shall pay Landlord the cost
thereof immediately following receipt of an invoice therefore. Tenant shall make all
required repairs to the plumbing, range, oven heating apparatus, electric and gas
fixtures, other mechanical devices and systems, floors, ceilings, and wall whenever
damage to such items shall have resulted from Tenant's misuse, waste, or neglect, or
that of the Tenant's family, agent, or visitor.
14. Lease with Option to Buy: Landlord agrees that in the event a decision is made to sell
the leased property, Tenant will have first opportunity to purchase the said leased
property upon written notice of interest.
15. Rules and Regulations for Tenants: No Oil Leaks from cars on driveway, Children shall
only play within the border of the property, No Dogs shall be kept in or about the
premises without the written consent of the Landlord, lawn, trees and shrubbery
maintenance, Parking and Storage.
16. Transfer: Landlord agrees that in the event Tenant is transferred out of the area for
business reasons, this lease may be cancelled upon 30 days written notice from
Tenant's employer and any expense for release to be borne by the Tenant. Privilege
will be granted Landlord and/or Agents to allow showing of home to prospective
17. Other Negotiations:
Tenant's Signature:
Landlord's Signature:
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