Fillable Printable MLA Style Research Paper
Fillable Printable MLA Style Research Paper

MLA Style Research Paper

Smith 1
John Smith
Professor Williams
American Studies 104
14 March 2008
Found Voices: Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan was perhaps one of the most influential scientific minds
that the world has ever experienced. When he learned that stars were actually
extremely distant suns, his world was changed and the magnitude of the
universe opened up to him. Another strong motivator into science came with
his reading of a popular science fiction book of the time, The Burroughs
Tales. The stories were not extremely sound scientifically, but still
presented ideals of adventure and the unknown. The idea that life could
exist elsewhere in the universe fascinated Sagan and remained with him for
the rest of his life (Eicher).
Perhaps one of Sagan’s most famous individual accomplishments
was his involvement with the Pioneer 10 Space Probe. The probe was created
to be the first object to exit our galaxy. Sagan acknowledged that the chances
of anything actually discovering the probe were astronomical, but believed
that it was important to promote public appreciation for science and thought
the project to be “all in good fun” (McDonough 50).
Public appreciation for science was, in fact, what made Sagan the
“superstar scientist” that we hear of today. His ability to portray complex
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MLA Style Research Paper
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Handbook for Writers of Research
Papers. Created Nov 10, 2009.
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Smith 2
science as attainable was what made him such a sensational figure. The
greatest example of this was his Cosmos Series. In this thirteen part television
series Sagan presented and explained a large variety of scientific topics ranging
from the origin of life to our place in the universe. It was the most watched
series in the United States for ten years after its release in 1980 (Cohen).
Another work of his similar to Cosmos was his book Pale Blue Dot.
In the book Sagan instills a sense of perspective and wonder into man’s
position in the universe (Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot). This is one of the most
widely known works by Sagan and many believe it to be his greatest work.
Along with this interest and promotion of science, Sagan also tried to
push people away from pseudo science. His work in exobiology made it
inevitable that he would eventually have to address the growing belief in
UFOs that was so prevalent in the 60s era. Sagan investigated and
acknowledged extraordinary claims but remained extremely skeptical in his
approach. He believed that investigating and disproving popular paranormal
claims would raise scientific awareness (Morrison, Sagan 30).
Sagan was a strong proponent of ending the arms race. This may have
been motivated in part by his study of exobiology. While considering the
probability of other life in the universe he surmised that industrial societies
would bring about their own extinction rather quickly (Morrison, Carl 57).
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Smith 3
Some of Sagan’s ideas were not as publicly displayed. In 1971 Sagan
published an essay considering the use of marijuana under the pseudonym of
Mr. X. He had had experience with the drug, and claimed that it had provided
him with valuable life experience. He summarized his opinion by saying:
When cannabis is legalized, I hope to see this ratio as one of the
parameters printed on the pack. I hope that time isn't too distant;
the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full
utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight,
sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this
increasingly mad and dangerous world (Sagan).
All of these ideas and opinions together constitute a consistent
message. Sagan was an example of what a scientist and intellectual should
be. He was a rational, skeptical and curious individual whose voice is severely
underrepresented in all aspects of culture and life today. His work in promoting
scientific literacy has had lasting affects and contributed greatly to the collective
human knowledge. He will be remembered as an intelligent and thoughtful
scientist and human being.
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than 4 lines indent an
additional ½ inch with
no quotation marks.

Smith 4
Works Cited
Adler, Jerry. “Unbeliever’s Quest.” Newsweek 31 Mar 1997:
64-66. Print.
Broad, William J. “Even in Death, Carl Sagan’s Influence is Still Cosmic.”
New York Times. New York Times, 1 Dec 1998. Web. 20 Mar 2008.
“Carl Sagan – Pale Blue Dot.” 2 Apr 2007. YouTube. Web. 7 Mar 2009.
Chyba, Christopher. Telephone interview. 22 Mar. 2009.
Drake, Frank. Personal interview. 5 Mar 2009.
Eicher, Dave. "CARL SAGAN, 1934-1996." Astronomy 25.3 (1997): 28.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Mar 2009.
Harrison, Jane. "Incidental music." The Oxford Companion to Music. Ed.
Alison Latham. Oxford Music Online. Web. 14 Dec. 2009.
McDonough, Tom. "Carl Sagan and the Search for E.T." Skeptic 13.1
(2007):49-51. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Mar 2009.
Morrison, David "Carl Sagan’s Life and Legacy as Scientist, Teacher,
and Skeptic." Skeptical Inquirer. January-February 2009. Web.
7 Mar 2009. <>.
Morrison, David. "Sagan and Skepticism." Skeptic 7.1 (1999): 29-31.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Mar 2009.
Include the URL
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Magazine article from a database
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Telephone interview
Personal interview
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source 1 inch
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double space,
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second and
Your last name, and page # on
upper right corner of each page
½ inch from top border.
MLA Style Works Cited
Date of article
Date you accessed article
Online reference source

Smith 5
NASA Panel Discussion. "Complex Life May or May Not Be Rare."
Contemporary Issues Companion: Extraterrestrial Life. Ed. Sylvia
Engdahl. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006.
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 4 Dec. 2009.
Sagan, Carl. "Mr.X," Marijuana Uses. Ed. Lester Grinspoon. Web. 17 Mar 2009.
"Sagan, Carl Edward " Earth Sciences for Students. 4 vols. Online. Macmillan
Reference USA, 2008. Biography Resource Center. Web. 15 Dec. 2009.
“Sleep Disorders” DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition. American Psychiatric Publishing,
Inc. PsychiatryOnline. Web. 15 Dec 2009.
Spangenburg, Ray and Kit Moser. Carl Sagan: A Biography. New York:
Prometheus Books, 2008. Print.
Streep, Mark. “Sagan Pioneer of His Time.” New York Times. 5 Dec. 2008.
LexisNexis. Web. 20 Mar 2009.
“Whirlpool galaxy.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online,
2009. Web. 8 Dec 2009. <>
“Zimbabwe.” CountryWatch. CountryWatch Inc., 2009. Web. 8 Dec 2009.
Zimbalist, Paul A. “Nuclear Winter” World of Earth Science. Ed. K.L. Lerner
and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Vol.2. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 403 – 405.
Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 15 Nov. 2009.
Web site
Book with 2 authors.
Opposing Viewpoints
Database: Chapter of a
book with a corporate
Unsigned online
Unsigned article
from an online
reference source,
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DSM-IV-TR Online
Center Online
Electronic reference
book from a database.