Fillable Printable Model Cohabitation Agreement for Domestic Partners - South California
Fillable Printable Model Cohabitation Agreement for Domestic Partners - South California

Model Cohabitation Agreement for Domestic Partners - South California
Model Cohabitation Agreement for Domestic Partners – Parties to Share
Residence, Earnings and Accumulated Property – Support Provisions
Editor’s Note:
This agreement is designed for use by two persons of the same or opposite
sex(es) who desire to establish and maintain a non-registered cohabitation
relationship in which one person financially supports the relationship and the other
renders various homemaking services. Exhibits listing any assets currently owned
and obligations currently owed by each party should be attached to the agreement
(see Paragraph 3).
The form generally provides that the parties will jointly own any property
acquired during the relationship (see Paragraph 4). The form also contains an
optional paragraph for use if one of the parties already owns a residence and the
parties agree that any increase in value occurring during the relationship is to be
shared (see Paragraph 5). The signatures of the parties are acknowledged by a
notary public.
This form may also be modified to serve as an agreement between two
unregistered persons who are either (1) both gainfully employed and intend to
share jointly accumulated property, or (2) both gainfully employed and intend to
share only household and related expenses.
Two alternative support provisions provide for the financial support of one
party to the relationship. One provision requires that the gainfully-employed party
support the other party after the relationship ends. This provision protects a party
who has, perhaps, foregone educational and career opportunities for the sake of the
relationship and who depends on the earnings of the other party to the relationship.
The second alternative also provides that the gainfully-employed party is to
provide the other party with support; however, the obligation to provide support is
to continue only so long as the cohabitation relationship continues. This alternative
also includes a provision that the parties disclaim any right to support after the
relationship ends.
This Agreement is made on _________________ [date] between _________________
[name of first party] (First Party or identify by name) and _________________ [name of
second party] (Second Party or identify by name).

The parties are unregistered domestic partners who desire to live together in
an unregistered relationship in which First Party financially supports Second Party,
and Second Party renders services to First Party as companion, housekeeper,
homemaker and cook. The parties desire to combine their efforts and earnings and
share equally the property accumulated through their individual or combined
The parties therefore agree as follows:
1. Sharing of Earnings, Services and Property
(a) First Party shall use best efforts through [his or her] personal services and skills
to generate earnings, salaries, commissions or other income sufficient to provide a
standard of living mutually acceptable to the parties.
(b) Second Party shall render services to First Party as companion, housekeeper,
homemaker and cook, and assume responsibility for related household tasks.
(c) The parties shall combine their efforts and earnings and shall share equally the
property accumulated through their individual or combined efforts, as further
provided in Paragraph 4.
[Use if support is to continue after parties' permanent separation:]
2. Support
First Party shall provide for all of Second Party's financial support,
commencing as of the date of this Agreement and continuing _________________ [specify
period, e.g., for the rest of Second Party's life, notwithstanding the parties'
permanent separation, as defined in Paragraph 9, or until _________________ [specify
period, e.g., one year after the parties' permanent separation, as defined in
Paragraph 9]. This support obligation shall, however, terminate on the first to occur
of any of the following events:
(a) the death of _________________ [specify either party or Second Party],
(b) the marriage of Second Party to a third person or the entry into a registered
domestic partnership by Second Party and a third person; or
(c) the cohabitation of Second Party with a third person.
[Use if support obligation is to cease on parties' permanent separation:]

2. Support
First Party shall provide for all of Second Party's financial support until such
time as the Parties are no longer cohabiting pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement. This support obligation shall cease as of the date of the termination of
this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph 8. Each party waives and disclaims any right
to support from the other party after the termination of this Agreement.
3. Disclosure of Present Assets and Obligations
Each party has fully disclosed to the other party the full extent of all assets
presently owned and obligations presently owed by that party, as set forth in the
attached Exhibits ___________________ [specify exhibit numbers], which are incorporated
into this Agreement by reference.
4. Ownership of Jointly Owned Property
Except for the separately-owned property listed in Exhibit(s) ___________________
[specify exhibit numbers] to this Agreement, the parties shall hold all property,
including all property acquired during the period of their cohabitation under this
Agreement, equally as ___________________ [specify tenants in common or joint tenants
or tenants in common or joint tenants, as may be appropriate]. _________________
[Specify First Party or Second Party or Both parties] shall have [equal] management
and control of the jointly-owned property.
[Optional Provision:]
5. Sharing Increase in Value of Residence
_________________ [First or Second] Party presently holds sole title to the real
property described as _________________ [specify, e.g., a single-family dwelling], located
at ________________ [address], as more specifically described in Exhibit ___________________
[specify exhibit number]. This property will remain _______________ [First or Second]
Party's sole and separate property. However, the parties shall share _________________
[equally or specify formula or percentage for sharing increase] in any increase in the
value of this real property occurring on and after the date of this Agreement and
until the Agreement is terminated. On termination of the Agreement,
_________________[Second or First Party] will be entitled to receive [his or her] share in
the increase in the value of this property, within _________________ [specify period, or a
reasonable time]. [Add if desired: The parties agree that the present value of this real
property is $ _________________ or ________________ [First or Second] Party agrees to hire a
competent appraiser to establish the value of this real property as of the date of this

Agreement. The conclusions of the appraiser so hired will be binding on both
parties, unless they agree otherwise.]
[Optional Provision:]
6. Legal Names of Children of Relationship
The parties agree that any minor child or children of the parties who is/are
their biological offspring, or adopted by them, shall be given the following surname:
[Optional Provision:]
7. Support, Maintenance, and Education of Children of Previous Relationship
_________________ [First Party or Second Party or Both parties] shall provide the
following with respect to _________________ [name(s)], ___________ [a child or children] of
a previous relationship between _________________ [Second or First] Party and a third
person: _________________ [specify nature of support, e.g., all ordinary living expenses,
including reasonable expenses for medical care, dental care, and education]. This
support obligation shall continue _________________ [specify duration of support
obligation, e.g., as to each child named in this Paragraph until the child reaches the
age of majority], [notwithstanding the parties' permanent separation, as defined in
Paragraph 9 or unless this Agreement is terminated before that time pursuant to
Paragraph 8].
8. Termination of Agreement
This Agreement shall terminate as to all unexecuted provisions on the first to
occur of any of the following events:
(a) on the written consent of the parties,
(b) on the marriage, registration or cohabitation of either party with a third person,
(c) on the permanent separation of the parties, as defined in Paragraph 9.
_________________ [Add if support is to extend beyond parties' permanent separation:
However, the termination of this Agreement shall not affect the continuing
obligation of either party set forth in this Agreement to support the other party
(add, if appropriate: or to support any children of a previous relationship),]
9. Permanent Separation

As used in this Agreement, the permanent separation of the parties means
that the parties have been regularly living apart in separate dwelling places for a
period of at least _________________ [specify period, e.g., one month] after one party has
notified the other in writing that [he or she] intends to cease cohabitation with that
10. Division of Property
On termination of this Agreement, the parties shall immediately divide their
jointly-owned property. The jointly-held property shall be divided equally, unless
otherwise agreed to by the parties. [Optional: In addition, _________________ (First or
Second) Party shall be entitled to [his or her] share in the increase in value of the
real property described in Paragraph 5.] [Optional: If the parties are unable to agree
on a division of their property, the parties agree to submit the valuation,
characterization, and division of their property to binding arbitration, as further
provided in Paragraph 11.]
[Optional Provision:]
11. Arbitration of Disputes
If the parties separate and are unable to agree on a division of their property
or on any other right or obligation under this Agreement, then they shall submit the
matter for resolution by arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the
provisions of this Paragraph. The parties shall jointly designate a person to act as
arbitrator. In the event that the parties cannot agree on the designation of an
arbitrator, the following provisions shall apply: Each party shall designate a person
to act as an arbitrator. The two persons designated by the parties shall then agree
on a third person to act as an arbitrator, thereby creating an arbitration panel of
three persons. Each party shall submit to the arbitrator or the arbitration panel, as
the case may be, a written statement regarding all issues in dispute along with any
relevant documents. In making his, her, or its decision, the arbitrator or the
arbitration panel, as the case may be, shall take into account all relevant facts and
circumstances. The decision of the arbitrator or the arbitration panel, as the case
may be, shall be binding on both parties. Each party shall pay _________________ [one-
half or specify other percentage] of the fees, if any, charged by the arbitrator(s) for
their services. However, any issue regarding the custody, visitation, or support of
any child born to the parties or adopted by them shall be submitted to a court of
competent jurisdiction.

12. Representation by Independent Counsel
Each party hereby acknowledges that [he or she] has been represented by
independent counsel in the negotiation of this Agreement, that the counsel
representing each party was of [his or her] own choosing, and that the Agreement
has been read by the parties and its meaning and legal consequences have been
explained to them by such counsel.
13. Attorney's Fees and Costs
If any legal action is necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the
prevailing party shall receive reasonable attorney's fees and costs, in addition to any
other relief ordered.
14. Entire Agreement; Modification
This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties. This Agreement
supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the
parties relating to their rights and liabilities arising out of their relationship. This
Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument signed by the
15. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction
to be invalid, void or unenforceable, then the remaining portions shall continue in
full force and effect.
16. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of the State [or Commonwealth] of _________________
Executed at ___________________[city], State [or Commonwealth] of _________________, on
__________________ [signature]
_________________ [typed name]

_________________ [signature]
_________________ [typed name]
On ____________________ [date], before me, _________________[name], a Notary Public
in and for the State [Commonwealth] of _________________, County of ___________________,
personally appeared _________________[names of First and Second Parties], who proved
to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are
subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that they executed this instrument
in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the
persons executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State
[Commonwealth] of _________________ that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
___________________ [signature]
Notary Public
1. Living Expenses
(a) _________________[Name of first party] currently earns approximately $_____ per year
from _____ [his or her] employment. _________________[Name of second party] currently
earns approximately $_____ per year from _____ [his or her] employment. Based on
their total monthly income of $_____, the parties shall share their living expenses on a
pro rata basis. _________________[Name of first party] shall contribute _____ percent to
payment of the parties' monthly living expenses, and ________________ [name of second

party] shall contribute _____ percent to payment of the parties' total monthly living
expenses. These percentages shall be adjusted proportionately on any increase or
decrease in either party's earnings [Optional: but no more than once [or other
number of times] per year].
(b) Joint living expenses shall be paid from a joint checking account that the parties
shall open and maintain solely for the purpose of paying such expenses. The
expenses to be paid from the joint checking account shall be limited to:
_________________ [specify covered expenses, e.g., rent; food; utilities; telephone; renters'
insurance; joint entertainment; and joint gifts]. Neither party shall write a check on
the joint checking account established pursuant to this paragraph for any purpose
other than those specified in this paragraph without first obtaining the permission
of the other party.
(c) On _________________ [specify time, e.g., the first of each month], the parties shall
calculate their anticipated expenses during the upcoming month for joint living
expenses. Each party shall deposit [his or her] percentage contribution to the total
estimated joint monthly expenses in the joint checking account no later than
_________________ [specify, e.g., the fifth day of the month]. If the estimated amount
becomes insufficient, the parties will estimate the additional necessary amount and
deposit that amount in a similar manner.
2. Payments From Separate Property
(a) ___________________[Name of first party] shall pay from _____ [his or her] separate
property all of the following: ___________________ [specify, e.g., all maintenance and
replacement expenses for ______ [his or her] vehicle; all purchase and maintenance of
items of clothing; and all personal grooming expenses].
(b) ___________________[Name of second party] shall pay from ______ [his or her] separate
property all of the following: ___________________ [specify, e.g., all maintenance and
replacement expenses for ______ [his or her] vehicle; all purchase and maintenance of
items of clothing; all personal grooming expenses; and all expenses for the care and
feeding of _____ [his or her] pets].
(c) Each party will manage and control _____ [his or her] own separate property and
shall maintain _____ [his or her] own personal checking and savings accounts in
addition to the parties' joint checking account described in Paragraph 1(b).