Fillable Printable Model Parenting Agreement - Alaska
Fillable Printable Model Parenting Agreement - Alaska

Model Parenting Agreement - Alaska

Alaska Court System
Model Parenting Agreement
This form was developed by a superior court judge to help parents reach
agreement on important issues concerning their children. It covers many issues
that parents may not think about when making custody decisions. The form may
be used in a divorce case, a dissolution, a custody case between unmarried
parents, or an action to modify an existing custody order.
If you want this agreement to be part of your custody order, you must file it with
the court. If the judge approves your agreement, it will become part of the
custody order in your case.
The form offers you many options for arranging your children’s custody and care.
Fill out the sections you agree will apply to your children and you. Be sure to
print neatly in black ink. In each section, you can pick one of the choices that
is offered, or you can write your own arrangement in the space marked “Other.”
If you need more space, you can attach additional pages. (If you continue on a
separate page, you need to make it clear which section of the agreement that
you are writing about (for example: "Continuation of agreement on vacations and
travel by children – Sec. 4.4").
Each parent must sign the form in front of a notary public. A court clerk can
provide this notary service for you (at no charge) when you file this agreement
with the court. You must bring a photo ID with you for the notarization.
If you have attached additional pages to the agreement, you should write the
name of the document, the case title, and the case number in the bottom left
corner of each page (for
example: Parenting Agreement, Smith v. Jones,
4FA-01-1234CI). This form is also available on the Alaska Court System’s web
site at
DR-475 (2/10) (cs)

Table of Contents
1. Parents ..........................................................................................................................................1
2. Child(ren).......................................................................................................................................1
3. Legal Custody...............................................................................................................................2
4. Physical Custody .........................................................................................................................2
5. Parents Living in Same Community - Custody Schedule.......................................................3
5.1 Parents Living in Same Community: Regular Schedule - Infants to Age 3 (or Older)
5.2 Parents Living in Same Community: Regular Schedule - at Least Age 3 thru School Age
5.3 Parents Living in Same Community: Summer Schedule - at Least Age 3 thru School Age
5.4 Parents Living in Same Community: Winter School Break (Christmas)
5.5 Parents Living in Same Community: Other Holidays
5.6 Parents Living in Same Community: Birthdays
6. Parents Living in Same Community: Transportation and Exchanges of Child(ren)........11
6.1 Transportation
6.2 Exchanges
7. Move by Parent - Notice and Future Schedule.......................................................................11
8. Parents Living in Different Communities - Custody Schedule ............................................12
8.1 Parents Living in Different Communities: Infant to Age 3 (or Older)
8.2 Parents Living in Different Communities: Summer Visits: at Least Age 3 thru 6 Years
8.3 Parents Living in Different Communities: Summer Visits: At Least Age 6 - School Age
8.4 Parents Living in Different Communities: Failure to Give Notice / Loss of Summer Visit
8.5 Parents Living in Different Communities: Winter School Break (Christmas)
8.6 Parents Living in Different Communities: Spring Break
8.7 Parents Living in Different Communities: Other Holidays
8.8 Parents Living in Different Communities: Birthdays
9. Parents Living in Different Communities: Transportation.................................................. 16
9.1 By Car
9.2 By Airplane
9.3 Airplane Escorts
10. Vacations and Travel by Child(ren) .........................................................................................17
11. Information About Events and Activities................................................................................17
12. Parent Traveling.........................................................................................................................18
13. Changes or Modification of the Agreement............................................................................18
14. Care of Our Child(ren) ...............................................................................................................18
14.1 Parent Remarks and Behavior
14.2 Child(ren) as Messengers
14.3 Discipline
14.4 Education
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15. Decision-Making.........................................................................................................................19
15.1 Communication Between Parents
15.2 Day-to-Day Decisions
15.3 Records
15.4 Braces
16. Disputes ......................................................................................................................................20
17. Contact with the Child(ren) When with the Other Parent......................................................20
17.1 Telephone
17.2 Mail
18. Re-Involving A Parent................................................................................................................21
19. Child Care....................................................................................................................................22
19.1 Parents Living in Same Community - First Option Other Parent
19.2 Parents Living in Different Communities - First Option Other Parent
19.3 Child Care by Other People
20. Grandparents and Extended Family........................................................................................22
21. Parents Same Community or Different Communities: Transition Times ..........................23
22. Federal Taxes .............................................................................................................................23
23. Permanent Fund Dividend ........................................................................................................24

) Case Number
1. Parents.
Name Address
2. Child(ren).
Name DOB Age School
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
(Attach another page for additional children.)
Note: This Parenting Agreement offers you many options to arrange your child(ren)'s custody and
care. Fill out the sections you agree shall apply to your child(ren) and you. Consider what will
happen if a parent moves. Each section gives you choices or you can write in your agreement in
the places marked "Other." If the judge approves your agreement it will become a court order.
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3. Legal Custody. The responsibility for making major decisions affecting the
child(ren)'s welfare including major medical decisions, educational, legal and
religious decisions.
We agree that legal custody of our child(ren) shall be: (choose one)
shared legal custody. We have the ability to communicate
and make joint decisions regarding our child(ren)'s major
medical, educational, legal and religious decisions that shall
be in their best interest.
shared legal custody. Most of the time, we have the ability to
communicate and make joint decisions regarding our
child(ren)'s major medical, educational, legal and religious
decisions that shall be in their best interest. However, after
consultation with each other, if we are unable to decide an
issue, Dad Mom shall make the final decision.
We agree that legal custody of our child(ren) shall be with Dad
Mom. This parent shall keep the other parent advised of our
child(ren)'s health status, education, grades, activities, legal and
religious matters. This parent shall list the other parent on all forms
and registrations as a parent and "emergency contact" person.
4. Physical Custody. The responsibility for the physical care and immediate,
day-to-day supervision of the child(ren).
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Note: Physical custody for child support purposes is governed by Civil Rule 90.3 and not by
the choice made below.
(choose either 4.1 or 4.2)
Shared Physical Custody: We have the ability to communicate
and coordinate with each other to provide for our child(ren)'s
physical care on a day-to-day basis. The schedule set forth below
(in Sec. 5 and/or 8) shall be the shared physical custody schedule
for our child(ren).
4.2 Primary Physical Custody: Our child(ren)'s needs can best be
met by primary physical custody being with Dad Mom and
the child(ren) spending time with Dad Mom for visitation as
set forth on the schedule we have chosen below (in Sec. 5 and/or
4.3 School Calendar. (choose one)
No later than April 1 of each year, Dad Mom shall obtain the
school calendar for the next year and shall mark it with Dad's time
and Mom's time for the school year, holidays and summer under
this agreement and give a copy to the other parent. The parents
shall discuss any differences by May 1 and the parents shall reach
an agreement or use the dispute provisions (Sec. 16) by June 1.
This is the calendar that will be in effect for the following year.

No later than (date) of each year, Dad
Mom shall obtain the school calendar for the next year and shall
mark it with Dad's time and Mom's time for the school year,
holidays and summer under this agreement and give a copy to the
other parent. The parents shall discuss any differences by
(date) and the parents shall reach an agreement or use the dispute
provisions (Sec. 16) by (date). This is the
calendar that will be in effect for the following year.
4.4 Conflicts in Scheduling.
Sometimes "holiday time" may conflict with time set aside for the
other parent. When this happens, the holiday time shall be
observed over all other schedules. For example, if it is Mom's
alternate weekend, but Dad's Labor Day weekend, Mom shall lose
her weekend.
5. Parents Living in Same Community - Custody Schedule.
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Note: Physical custody requires a plan for day-to-day care for child(ren) that fosters stability
and predictability. Some child(ren) can handle frequent changes with each parent and other
child(ren) do better with a central residence. You must consider your child(ren) and what will
help them get enough sleep, be prepared for and participate in their school actively, have
routine meals and hygiene care, and receive nurturing and parental supervision. Some
child(ren) spend school days in one home and weekends in the other, some spend more time
in the summer in one home and school time in the other, some alternate between homes on
a regular schedule. The child(ren)’s age and individual needs and school situation should be
considered. Also, the parent’s work schedules and availability to provide transportation and
supervision may be factors.
5.1 Parents Living in Same Community: Regular Schedule - Infants to
Age 3 (or Older).
Our child(ren) shall be with Dad Mom at the times listed
below and with the other parent at all other times. (choose one)
Tu/Thurs Eve and Sat overnight
Tuesday 4pm-7pm
Thursday 4pm-7pm
Saturday 10am-Sunday 10am
Tu/Thurs Eve and Sat overnight
Tuesday 5pm-7:30pm
Thursday 5pm-7:30pm
Saturday 10am-Sunday 10am
Wed overnight/Sat overnight
Wed 5pm-Thursday 9am
Sat 12noon-Sun 6pm

Wed/Fri eve and Sat overnight
Wed 5pm-7:30pm
Fri 5pm-7:30pm
Sat 5pm-Sun 6pm
Wed eve/Sun daytime
Wed 5pm-7:30pm
Sun 1pm-4pm
Supervised visits
Supervised visits times per week.
The supervisor shall be (person/agency)
The times shall be:
This custody schedule shall remain the same as our
child(ren) get older unless we agree to modify it or a court
modifies the custody.
The custody schedule below in Section 5.2 shall apply when
our child(ren) are older. The custody schedule shall change
at the following time:
If one of us moves, the custody schedule in the “Different
Communities” part of this agreement (Sec. 8) shall apply
unless we agree differently or a court order modifies the
5.2 Parents Living in Same Community: Regular Schedule - At Least
Age 3 thru School Age.
Our child(ren) shall be with Dad Mom at the times listed
below and with the other parent at all other times.
If we have chosen a weekend plan below, then any "no school"
days, such as teacher in-service days, go to the parent with that
Alternate weekends:
Alternate weekends of Friday 6pm to Monday am/school.
Alternate weekends Friday 6pm to Sunday 6pm.
Alternate weekends Saturday 10am to Sunday 6pm.
Alternate weekends from:
Three full weekends a month:
("Full weekend" means a weekend with a Saturday and Sunday in that month.)
First three full weekends of every month from Friday 6pm to
Monday am/school.
First three full weekends of every month from Friday 6pm to
Sunday 6pm.
First three full weekends of every month from Saturday 10am to
Sunday 6pm.
First three full weekends of every month from:
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Every weekend:
Every weekend from Friday 6pm to Monday am/school.
Every weekend from Friday 6pm to Sunday 6pm.
Every weekend from Saturday 10am to Sunday 6pm.
Every weekend from:
Alternate weekends plus weeknight:
Alternate weekends from Friday 6pm - Monday am/school plus
every Wednesday 6pm - 8pm.
Alternate weekends from Friday 6pm - Sunday 6pm plus every
Wednesday 6pm - 8pm.
Alternate weekends from Saturday 10am to Sunday 6pm plus every
Wednesday 6pm - 8pm.
Alternate weekends from: plus every
Day visits only:
Every Saturday from 10am to 6pm.
Every Sunday from 10am to 6pm.
Every (day) from (time) to (time).
Split every week:
Dad Mom from Saturday at 6pm to Wednesday after school and
the other parent from Wednesday after school until
Saturday 6pm.
Dad Mom from Sunday 10am to Wednesday after school and
the other parent from Wednesday after school until
Sunday 10am.
Alternate weeks in each home:
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Note: Alternate weeks or alternate 2 weeks in each home are generally too long
away from each parent for child(ren) below about age 6.
Alternate weeks in Dad's home and Mom's home with exchanges
every Friday at 6pm.
Alternate weeks in Dad's home and Mom's home with exchanges
every (day) at (time).
Alternate two weeks in each home:
Alternate two weeks in Dad's home and Mom's home with
exchanges every Friday at 6pm plus alternate Friday night from
6pm to Saturday noon with other parent.

Alternate two weeks in Dad's home and Mom's home with
exchanges every Friday at 6pm plus alternate Friday night from
6pm to 10pm with other parent.
Alternate two weeks in Dad's home and Mom's home with
exchanges every (day) at (time) plus
alternate (day) from (time) to
with other parent.
5.3 Parents Living in Same Community: Summer Schedule - at Least
Age 3 thru School Age.
Same schedule as school year:
The same schedule shall continue through the summer.
The same schedule shall continue through the summer except that
either parent may travel with the child(ren) for up to 15 days for a
vacation with notice to the other parent at least 30 days in advance
and a schedule, location and telephone numbers provided at least
10 days before travel.
Opposite schedule as school:
The summer schedule shall be the exact opposite of the school
year schedule for Dad's time and Mom's time.
The summer schedule shall be the exact opposite of the school
year schedule for Dad's time and Mom's time except that either
parent may travel with the child(ren) for up to 15 days for a vacation
with notice to the other parent at least 30 days in advance and a
schedule, location and telephone numbers provided at least 10
days before travel.
Divided summer:
Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) from one week after school is
out until July 15th and Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) from July
15th until one week before school starts. The other parent shall have
reasonable visits arranged between the parents during the summer.
Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) from the time school is out
until (date) and Dad Mom shall have the child(ren)
from (date) until school starts. The other parent shall have
reasonable visits arranged between the parents during the summer.
Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) from one week after school
is out until (date) and Dad Mom shall have the
child(ren) from (date) until one week before school starts.
The other parent shall have the child(ren) every week from Wednesday
night at 6pm to Thursday morning.
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5.4 Parents Living in Same Community: Winter School Break (Christmas)
Note: Consider that this school break is not exactly the same dates every year and
may be as short as 12 days to as long as 20 days. Check your child(ren)’s school
calendar each year. Consider whether you want your child(ren) to have the traditions of
having things the same every year, such as Christmas Eve with one parent and
Christmas Day with the other parent, or if you want them to rotate so that Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day are different every other year for you and for them.
Definition: Winter Break is 6pm the last day of school until 6pm the
day before school starts again.
Winter Break is defined as:
Regular schedule or one parent:
whichever parent the child(ren) are with that year under our regular
custody schedule shall have all of Winter Break.
Dad Mom shall have all of Winter Break every year.
All of break alternate years:
Dad Mom shall have all of Winter Break in even odd years.
Dad Mom shall have all of Winter Break in even odd years.
One-half of break:
Dad Mom shall have first half of Winter Break every year and
Dad Mom shall have second half of Winter Break every year.
Dad Mom shall have first half of Winter Break in even years and
Dad Mom shall have the second half of Winter Break.
The schedule shall be the opposite in odd years.
Christmas Eve/Christmas Day:
the schedule chosen above shall apply.
in addition to the above schedule, the following applies:
One parent Christmas Eve, one parent Christmas Day - same every
Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) from 10am until 10pm
Christmas Eve and Dad Mom shall have the child(ren)
from 10pm Christmas Eve until 6pm Christmas Day every year.
One parent Christmas Eve and one parent Christmas Day - alternate
Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) from 10am until 10pm
Christmas Eve and Dad Mom shall have the child(ren)
from 10pm Christmas Eve until 6pm Christmas Day in even
years. The schedule shall be the opposite in odd years.
One parent both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - alternate years:
Dad Mom shall have the child(ren) Christmas Eve from
10am to Christmas Day at 6pm in even years. The schedule shall
be the opposite in odd years.
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Travel during Winter Break:
Either parent may travel with the child(ren) during their time under
the above schedule.
Dad Mom may travel with the child(ren) for the entire Winter
Break in even years. Dad Mom may travel for the entire
Winter Break in odd years.
If either parent is going to exercise the "travel during Winter Break"
option, they must provide notice to the other parent no later than:
Nov 1 Nov 15 Dec 1 Dec 15 Other:
of when and where they plan to travel with the child(ren). At least
ten days prior to traveling, the parent shall provide a schedule,
location, and phone numbers for the trip.
5.5 Parents Living in Same Community: Other Holidays.
NOTE: By deciding how your child(ren) will spend important days like holidays and
birthdays your child(ren) and you will know what to expect and can plan events and
traditions. Pick only the holiday options that you agree will have priority over your
regular schedule for school, summer, and winter break.
Mother's Day/Father's Day:
If the child(ren) are not already with the mother/father on this
day, then the mother/father shall be entitled to have the
child(ren) for up to 4 hours. The mother/father shall give notice
to the other parent of the schedule at least two days in advance.
Thanksgiving: defined as 10am to 8pm on Thanksgiving Day.
defined as Wednesday after school until
(day & time)
defined as
whichever parent the child(ren) are with that year under our regular
Dad Mom shall have Thanksgiving every year.
Dad Mom shall have Thanksgiving in even years and
Dad Mom shall have Thanksgiving in odd years.
Halloween: defined as 4pm to 8pm on Halloween day.
defined as
whichever parent the child(ren) are with that year under our regular
Dad Mom shall have Halloween every year.
Dad Mom shall have Halloween in even years and
Dad Mom shall have Halloween in odd years.
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