Fillable Printable Morrisons Job Application Form
Fillable Printable Morrisons Job Application Form

Morrisons Job Application Form

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Recruitment Log Ref:
Application Form

Please detail any qualifications relevant to the position you have applied for or that you would like us to be aware of:
Qualification(s) School/College/University
Personal Details
Emergency Contact Details
Vacancy Details
If no, provide date of birth
Are you over 18?
Have you completed this form yourself?
Do you hold a valid full clean driving licence? Yes No OR No driving licence
If no state endorsements and dates
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss etc.) Address
First Name(s)
Surname/Family Name
Tel No. (incl. std code) Post Code
Mobile No. Email address
Contact Name Address
Relationship to you
Tel No. (incl. std code)
Mobile No. Post Code
Position applied for:
If you are not applying for a specific vacancy, what type of work are you looking for?
Where did you find out about the vacancy? e.g. in store, newspaper advert, job centre, other (please state)
Which location/store is of interest?
Are there any other locations you would consider?
Would you be willing to relocate? (Management only)
Yes No
If yes, please give details:
Thank you for applying to us for employment.
The information you are asked to provide will be used to assess your suitability for the position for which you are applying. All
information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Please ensure that you complete all sections of the application form in full, if you need any help completing the form, or you require
the form in an alternative format, please contact the Personnel Department at the store/site of interest.

Previous Employment
Full name and address of employer Outline the nature of your job and your responsibilities
Job Title Date from to
Annual Salary/Hourly Rate Reason for leaving:
Full name and address of employer Outline the nature of your job and your responsibilities
Job Title Date from to
Annual Salary/Hourly Rate Reason for leaving:
Full name and address of employer Outline the nature of your job and your responsibilities
Job Title Date from to
Annual Salary/Hourly Rate Reason for leaving:
Additional Qualifications/Memberships/Licences
Please detail any qualifications or memberships to professional organisations/bodies relevant to the position you have applied for e.g. LGV C+E, First Aid, Fork Lift
Truck, British Pharmaceutical Society. Pharmacy/Medical Professionals please provide registration number.
Qualification/Membership/Reg. No. Organisation Date Awarded
Current/Most Recent Employment Details
Full name and address of employer Outline the nature of your job and your responsibilities
Job Title Date from to Notice period required
Annual Salary/Hourly Rate Additional Benefits:
Reason for leaving:
Please provide dates and reasons of any periods of absence (excluding holidays) from your employment in the last two years lasting longer than two weeks:
(if necessary attach additional sheet)

Equal Opportunity Monitoring
Rehabilitation of Offenders
Asylum & Immigration Act 1996
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence which is not spent under the Rehabilitation
of Offenders Act 1974.
Please tick Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Under the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996, you are required to provide evidence of
your right to work in the UK, if called for an interview you will be advised of the
documents you will need to provide which will then be checked to ensure the company
complies with current legislation
If you have a National Insurance number please write it here:
As an equal opportunities employer the following information is for monitoring
purposes only, and is not part of the selection criteria. Ethnic origin questions are
about colour and broad ethnic groups. Regardless of your nationality, place of birth or
citizenship, you can belong to any of the groups indicated. Describe your race or
cultural origin by CHOOSING ONE SECTION FROM A TO E, then tick the appropriate box
to indicate your cultural background.
WHITE: A1 White British A5 White Irish
AO Any other White background, please state:
MIXED: B1 Mixed White & Black Caribbean B2 Mixed White & Black African
B3 Mixed White & Asian
BO Any other Mixed background, please state:
ASIAN: C1 Asian Indian C2 Asian Pakistani
C3 Asian Bangladeshi
CO Any other Asian background, please state:
BLACK: D1 Black Caribbean D2 Black African
DO Any other Black background, please state:
CHINESE or OTHER: E1 Chinese
EO Any other background, please state:
As a symbol user we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the
minimum criteria.
Please tick if you are disabled

Data Protection
Location issued:
Upon receipt of your application form, Morrisons will be the Data Controller of your personal
data. Morrisons will hold all the information you have given on this application form for legal
requirements and for the purposes of personnel administration and statistical analysis.
Your information will be held on a manual file and will also be entered in its current or altered
format onto the company’s computerised database. No information may be passed onto a third
party unless contracted to Morrisons for specific employment services without your express
agreement unless required by law.
Your signature below indicates your agreement to the above.
I declare that the information given on this application form is, to my knowledge,
true. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or
misleading, my offer of employment may be withdrawn or I may be dismissed from
my employment by the company without notice. I also agree to a medical examination
if required.
If I take up employment I understand it may be necessary for security purposes for
Morrisons to carry out a credit reference check on Senior and Duty Management, all Cash
Office employees, Warehouse, Petrol and Pharmacy Management, Checkout Manager and
Security and Central Salaried Personnel.
Please tick here if you have any objection to such a check being undertaken.
It must be understood that for certain jobs, a refusal may preclude an offer of
employment being made.
At any time after employment has commenced the Company may require the provision of
a Subject Access Report for certain positions. Failure to provide this document or if the
Subject Access Report is deemed to be unacceptable we reserve the right to terminate
your employment. It is the Company’s sole right to determine if the information provided
is unacceptable.
Please tick here if you have any objections about obtaining this report.
Return to: Closing Date:

Offer Details (Internal use only) Checks: References M Check Administrator Name: Date
Position: Induction Location:
Department: Start Date/Time:
Location: Salary/Rate of Pay:
Contract Hours:
Part Time positions indicate weekly schedule:
Status F/T: P/T: Temporary Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc
Hilmore House
Gain Lane
Bradford BD37DL
More reasons to work at
Please indicate any day/times you are unable to attend an interview:
Please give the dates of any holidays or appointments booked in the next 6 months:
Please tell us of any specific details regarding your availability to work:
Please indicate what type of employment you would prefer (please tick appropriate boxes):
Management Permanent Temporary Full time Part time
For part time only, what is the minimum and maximum number of hours you are willing to work per week? Min Max
Applying for a position in a store
Full time appointments (39 hours or more) are fully flexible positions and include working evenings and weekends. For part time positions only (8-30 hours)
please indicate in the applicable boxes the times you are available to work.
EARLY MORNINGS (e.g. starting from 6am)
MORNINGS (e.g. after 8am)
AFTERNOONS (e.g. from midday to 4pm)
EVENINGS (e.g. from 4pm to 10pm)
NIGHTS (e.g. from 10pm to 7am)
Please note that EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES will be sought from your last employer, and after acceptance of employment also from your current employer.
Where there are no relevant employment referees, you must provide two personal referees. These should not be relatives, but could be a school/college tutor or
other professional person.
The company retains the right to withdraw the offer of employment or terminate the contract of employment should unacceptable references be received.
Completion of this application form will be taken as your consent to apply for references.
Name Name
Address Address
Post Code Post Code
Profession Profession
How long have you known this person? How long have you known this person?