Fillable Printable Movie Ticket Form
Fillable Printable Movie Ticket Form

Movie Ticket Form

AFTRA and SAG are now offering discount movies tickets for AMC Theaters and
Regal Cinemas to all active and paid-up Union members. Tickets are $7.50 each
(which includes a handling fee charged by AMC and Regal) and can be ordered by
mail through the Boston AFTRA/SAG office. 2 Ticket minimum purchase, ple ase.
Tickets have no expiration date an d no use restrictions.
Please complete the form below and return with your check or money order to the
Boston AFTRA/SAG office. You will receive your discount tickets by return mail
within 10 days.
Street Address:
State: Zip Code:
Number of Tickets: AM C Theatres
x $7.50
Regal Cinemas______ _x $7.50
= $
(minimum: 2) (Total Amount Due )
Please make Check or Money Ord er Payable to AFTRA/SAG. Send alon g with
completed form to: AFTRA/SAG, 20 Park Plaza, Suite 822, Boston, MA 02116
As a service to their members, AFTRA and SAG bring to your attention promotions of interest.
AFTRA and SAG do not
endorse an y of the product s or ser vices bei ng promoted.