Fillable Printable Notice to Employee Template
Fillable Printable Notice to Employee Template

Notice to Employee Template
Dear Name,
This is in regards to your poor attendance; I have noticed that from past
three months you have been taking unplanned leaves. Well once in a while
it’s understood that could be some personal reasons. But you have been
missing from work from past one week and you come back saying your
sister was not well and was hospitalized. It’s really annoying that you dint
even bother to inform or pick up the call when called. I have checked your
leaves you have availed all your leaves and not left with any more. Also you
already have taken 10 unplanned leaves. You know as a company policy a
person cannot avail more than 2 unplanned leaves in a month. It’s only
allowed in emergency cases, but as per my records you have been taking
leaves every month and this is effecting your production which in turn
effects to the team.
I have been questioned by the seniors. Please take it seriously or will have
to face the consequences.
I hope you understand the effect of such warning and will be regular going