Fillable Printable NSS WordMasters 2014 to 2015 Registration Form
Fillable Printable NSS WordMasters 2014 to 2015 Registration Form

NSS WordMasters 2014 to 2015 Registration Form

NSS WordMasters 2014/2015 Registration Form
Welcome to WordMasters 2014-2015! This year, we will have a teacher-led kick-
off breakfast on Tuesday, October 7
at 7:45am in the Dragon Café for all
families who are interested in understanding the WordMasters program, its
benefits, and simple study strategies. Principal Jill Flood will also speak. Students
must be accompanied by an adult. Because the at-home component of vocabulary
is no longer part of the curriculum and vocabulary is an important piece of literacy
development, WordMasters is a terrific way to reinforce this skill. For more
information on the program visit
Registration will begin Monday, September 22
thru Tuesday, October 7
for all
students not enrolled in Language Arts ALP (they participate in their LA classes).
The wordlist for Challenge 1 will be distributed electronically by October 10
for the
November 18
testing date. Subsequent challenges will be held February 3
April 7
, 2015. For more information check the NSS PTA website or email
Liesbeth Carballo at
Please drop this filled out registration form off in the box outside the Main Office or
scan/send to
Student’s name:_____________________________________
Student’s grade & teacher:_____________________________
Parent/guardian email:________________________________
Do you plan to attend the kick-off breakfast? ____yes _____ no
If yes, how many attendees (Adults/children) _______/________