Fillable Printable Sample Of Nursing Resume
Fillable Printable Sample Of Nursing Resume

Sample Of Nursing Resume

Writing your resume: BSN students
This handout is a basic overview of the resume writing process and offers you samples and tips. The CON Career Advisor offers
appointments and workshops for reviewing resumes. Minimally, ask someone close to you, or your classmates, to look over your
resume. Most people find that someone else’s opinions help since the resume is such a personal document. There usually isn’t a
right or wrong way to do a resume. What matters most is that your strengths and skills are well showcased.
The truth about resumes:
Most recruiters do one of two things when looking at resumes:
1. Scan the resume into a computer program and do a keyword search (looking for specific terms or phrases that the employer
deems important),
2. Scan the resume visually, spending about 15 seconds.
Either way, the first look at the resume is not in depth. This frames how you should think about the document. It has to be
something that someone could look at quickly and garner quality information and it has to be put together well enough to
incorporate some of the keywords for which the recruiter might look.
Most BSN resumes will have a minimum of four sections. Many will have more. The basic four are:
1. Contact Information
2. Education
3. Relevant (or nursing or clinical) Experience
4. Additional Experience (for your previous work experience)
Choose your section headings carefully since they immediately jump out at the reader. Pay attention to your format. There isn’t
a best format, although some are better than others. If you ever need to change something on your resume (which almost all
people do), you’ll be happier if you haven’t used a template. Templates make changing sections and content difficult. The
bottom line is that the format should be clean and organized; things should look consistent and line up well. Also, most BSN
resumes will only need to be one page.
If you’re sending your resume in, you’ll want to print it on high quality resume paper. Neutral colors are best. Resume paper can
be found at any bookstore or office supply store. You don’t have to list every experience you’ve had; pick the most recent and
the most relevant.

Your resume’s content briefly outlines who you are, what you’ve done, and what you’ve learned. Content on a resume is not in
complete sentence format. This is so the reader can get to the point quickly. You don’t need to put anything about references
on the resume - they go on a separate document.
The 3 components to a resume description:
1. Verb (Tired of using the same old verbs? Do an internet search for “resume verbs” and have fun looking at all of your
2. What you did
3. How what you did relates to the bigger picture (why was it important, what strength was developed, why the reader should
In most cases, you can follow one of the formulas below to write the descriptions:
Verb, what you did, how much?
Verb, what you did, how did you do it?
Verb, what you did, why did you do it?
Verb, what you did, what strength or skill was developed?
Verb, what you did, with what?
Some examples…
Educated patients and families on disease prevention techniques
Utilized creativity and problem solving skills with diagnoses for low health literacy populations
Developed detailed care plans for up to 8 patients per day in a fast-paced community clinic

Nicholas Nurse
Present Address: Permanent Address:
3200 Nursing Blvd 30 Home Dr
Columbus, OH 43210 Hometown, OH 43210
The Ohio State University College of Nursing Columbus, OH
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Candidate June 2012
GPA: 3.5/4.0; Clinical with Distinction AU 2010
Relevant Nursing Experience
Ohio State University Medical Center, James Cancer Hospital Columbus, OH
Nursing Leadership Clinical (Precepted) September 2011 – present
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus, OH
Student Nurse Assistant February 2010 - present
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
University of Chicago Hospital Chicago, IL
Extern Summer 2011
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Grant Medical Center, NICU Columbus, OH
Pediatrics Clinical Spring 2011
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Additional Experience
The Limited Cleveland, OH
Sales Associate July 2007 - August 2009
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Additional Skills
Certified Lifeguard
Proficient in Spanish

Naomi Nurse
388 Campus Address Dr. #395, Columbus, OH 43210
Objective: Position as a registered nurse in a high acuity setting that utilizes my Spanish language skills
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Anticipated June 2012
GPA: 3.7/4.0
Relevant Nursing Experience
Precepted Clinical Experience- High Acuity
Mt. Carmel Hospital, Cardiac Step Down Unit, Columbus, OH, January 2010 - present
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Student Nurse Assistant
The Ohio State University Medical Center, Ross Heart Hospital, Columbus, OH, March 2009 - present
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Medical Surgical Clinical
Riverside Hospital, SICU, Columbus, OH, September 2009 – December 2009
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Additional Experience
Front Desk/ Customer Service
Bay Village Golf Club, Bay Village, OH, Summers 2007-2008
See the content section for more tips on writing good resume bullets
Additional Activities and Skills
College of Nursing Mentor Program
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Fluent in Spanish