Fillable Printable Nursing Assistant Resume
Fillable Printable Nursing Assistant Resume

Nursing Assistant Resume

Jeannie Bowen Weston, RN, MS
Clinical Instructor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
1520 Clifton Road NE, Suite 306
Atlanta, GA 30322
Cell: (404) 754-4935
Fax: (4 04) 727-8514
Ema il:
Dates Degree Institution Major
2011-Present EdD Univ er si ty o f Ala bam a D oct or o f Education,
Tusc aloos a, A labama I nstr uc ti o nal Le aders hip,
Nurse Educator
Dissertation top ic : Clinical
Edu cation for the
Undergraduate Nursing
1982 MS Uni ver s i ty of M ar yl an d, Maternal-Child Nursing
Baltimore, MD
1975 BS W est Virginia Wesleyan College Nursing
Buck han nan, WV
: Course completed as of December 2014:
AEL 667 M ult i cul t ur al Educa ti on for L eaders hip Pers on nel
AIL 600 Integration of Technology in Education and Training
NUR 531 Nursing Faculty Roles and Respons ibilities
BEF 644 Philosophy of Science and its Relation to Education
AI L 602 El ectronic Instructional Design
BER 540 Statistical Methods in Education
AIL 604 Distance Technologies
BER 640 Quantitative Research II
BER 631 Inquiry as Interpretation
NUR 532 Instructional Media in Nursing Education
NUR 620 Curriculum: Theory and Practice
AHE 603 College and University Teaching
BEP 541 Learning Theories and Design of Learning Environments
NUR 540 Nurse Educator Practicum
AEL 681 Ethics and Education
BEF 641 Studies in the Social Foundations of Education
BER 632 Qualitative Research II
AEL 695 Seminar in C ur r ic ul um an d Le aders hip
NUR 696 Doctoral Seminar in Research
AEL 699 Dissertation Research (12 semester hours)

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Present – 01/31/2015 Registered Nurse, Georgia
2010 Cr ys tal Appl e f or Excellence in Teaching – Emory University
2009-2010 Honor Council Chair – Emory Universi ty School of Nursing
2009-2010 Jean Thomas award for Creat iv ity in Teaching
2001 Speaker for Pinning Ceremony, Geor gi a St at e Univ er si ty
2013 Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society for Nursing
2012 Golden Key Internation al Ho nor Society
2013 The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
2012 March of Dimes award for Excellence in Nursing
Fall 2010-2014 Clinical Instructor, Emory Universi ty N ell Hodgson Woodruff School of
Two 12 hour clinical days weekly with guest lecture responsibility
Simulation responsibilities
Fall 2005-2009 Clinical Instructor – Emory University
Co-Course Coordinator Core Classes 1 and 2
Respo nsib ilities: Simulation, PBL (Problem Based Learning Leader),
lecture (pediatric portion)
Coordinator, Lecturer and Clinical Instruction – Pediatric Nursing
Cour se Coor di n ator and Lecturer – PNP Crit ic al Care Course
Pediatric Acute Care Program
Spri ng 2005 Part-time clinical instructor, Emory University
Fall-Sp r ing 2005 Associate Professor of Nursing _ Georgia State University
Cour se Coor di n ator and principle lecturer for Pathophysiology
Clinical Instructor – Pediatrics – Georgia State University
Summ er 20 04 and Associate Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Georgia State
Summ er 20 03 University
Course Coordinator, Principle Lecturer, and Clinical Instructor - Pediatrics
1998-2004 Associate Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Georgia State
Univer si ty, Atl a nt a, GA
Coor dinat or and Pri ncipl e Lecturer Path op hys i ol o gy
Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics
Principle Lecturer, Pediatrics
Clinical Instructor, Basic Skills
Gues t Lec turer , Bas i c Ski ll s
Gues t Lec turer , Pediatr i c Congenital Heart - Master’s Program
Supervision of Directed Readers per semester basis
Gues t Lec turer , Senior Le ad er s hi p Co ur se

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1993-1998 Cl i nic al Ins tr uctor, S ch ool of Nur s i ng , G eorgia Stat e Univers i ty, Atl a nta,
Pe diatric Clin ic al
Gues t Lec turer , Pediatr i cs ;
Course Coordinator, 1995
1983-1984 Clinical Instructor, Georgia Baptist School of Nursing; responsi ble f or
patients cared for by junior and senior diploma nursing students.
Lectured, supervised, and served as resource for students in clinical area.
Evaluated skills/performance and written work by the students. Assured
that students were aware of, understood rat ional e f or , an d carr i e d out the
hos pi tal pe di atr i c poli c i e s / proced ur es and prov ided th or ou gh
1982-1992 Clinical Associate Emory Univers i ty Sc h ool o f Nur s ing- responsible for
lecture material in selected areas of specialty, child development, and
pathophysiology; s er ved as resource for graduate students in research
and clinical experience
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Clinical Nurse Specialist)
1988 – 1992 Cardiovascular Education Specialist, Egleston Children’s Hospital at
Emory, 1405 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Coordinator of Cardiovascular Education Program. Program certified by
the Woodruff Health Sciences Center and accredi t ed f or 11 2 cre di ts fr om
the Georgia Nurses Association. The purpose of the program was and
continues to be to provide a fo un dation i n pe di atr ic cardiovas cular nur si n g
for nur s es in f our areas o f nurs ing prac ti c e: car di a c cat he ter i zat ion lab ,
operating room, patient floor care, and intensive care. Responsibilities
include lecturing, preceptorship of course participants, limited case
manager responsibilities with families and children, and development of
carious programs for continuing education advancement
1981-1988 Clinical Nurse Specialist, Egleston Children’s Hospital at Emory, 1405
Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Responsibilities included assessment and management of children with
acute and chronic health problems, promotion of optimal patient and
family coping, and patient / family education. Staff interactions include in-
service programs, discharge planning, coordination of planning
conferences and health care team collaboration; responsible for preceptor
shi p o f two graduate students each semester in the role of Clinical Nurse
Specialist. Areas of specialization include: renal transplantation with
responsibility for coordination of the work-up process leading to
transplantation and outpatient clinic management in addition to above
described CNS responsibilities; cardio thoracic surgery, pulmonary /
allergy, endocrine / diabetes, ear, nose, and throat with responsibility for
coordination of education and home care for patients with tracheotomies,
critical care medicine, including discharge planning ventilator-dependent
patients. Other responsibilities included preceptorship f or Georgia S ta te
University and Emory University Schools of Nursing Master’s level

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1977-1981 Staff Nurse, Intensive Care Unit, Children’s Hospital National Medical
Center, Washington, DC
Rotated charge nurse in a 16-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit,
coordinating planned and acute admissions, including trauma admissions.
Res p onsi ble for total pati e nt c ar e o f pos toper at iv e car di o thorac ic ,
neur os urgic al , an d other pediatr i c pat ient s adm i tted for intensive care.
Assessed patient status, evaluated needs and developed individualized
car e plans.
1975-1977 Charge Nurse, Department of Burns and General Surgery, Children’s
Hospital National Medical Center, 111 Michigan Avenue, NE,
Washington, DC 20016. Staff and Charge nurse responsibilities for a 6-
bed tertiary care burn unit with 18 step-down beds housing general
sur ger y an d or t h op edi c patients. M ade nur se / pati ent assignm e nts,
supervised nursing assistants, coordinated patient admissions /
discharges, and provided total care for severely burned children and their
families. Assisted with the orientation of new staff members and was
responsible for ongoing staff education related to care for the child who
su ffer ed sever e burns and his / her fam il y.
1971 Head Nurse, Bronco Junction Summer Camp for Asthmatic Children,
Ni tro, West Vir gini a. Directly supervised the infirmary where severe
asthmatic children were admitted for acute management of symptoms.
Res p onsi ble for all m edi cations adm ini s t er ed, reports / assessment of
each child’s individual progress through the summer, and supervision of
three staf f nur ses ; reported directly to the medical director.
Weston, J. (1988). Heart Transplant Parent Teaching Protocol. Egleston Children’s Hospital,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Weston, J., Dinkins, J., Johnson, B. (1987). Manual reviewing congenital heart defects and
associated nursing care, Egleston Children’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia. (under
revision, 1988)
Weston, J., (1987). The Patient’s Guide t o Or th opedic S ur g er y . Editor. Egleston Children’s
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Weston, J., Holt, S., Grosskreutz, G. (19 88). About Your Heart or Lung Surgery. Publisher:
Eglesto n Childr en’ s H ospital , At lant a, Georgi a .
Bowen, J., Colvard, D. (1986). So, You’re Going to Have a Heart Catheterization. Publisher:
Eglesto n Childr en’ s H ospital , At lant a, Georgi a .
Bowen, J. (1986). You an d Your Ki d ney s. Publisher: Egleston Children’s Hospital, Atlanta,
Bowen, J. (1985). Helping Children and Their Familie s Cope with Conge nital Heart Dis ea s e.
Critical Care Quarterly.
Bowen, J., Jordan, C. (1984). When You Have an Operation on Your Head or Back.
Publisher: Egleston Children’s Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bowen, J. (1984). Whe n You Have an Op er ation. Publ isher : Egleston Chil dr e n’ s Hospit al ,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Bowen, J. (1983). Your Heart Test, Publis he r: ACCH

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Bowen, J. (1982). When You Visit the ICU. Publisher: ACCH.
Contributer: Instructors resource manual, ‘my Nursing Lab” supplements, NCLEX review
ques ti o ns , c om p anion webs ite doc um ents, power point su pplem e nts for :
Ball, J., Bindler, R. and Cowen, K. (2010). Child health nursing: Partnering with children and
families. NY, NY: Pearson.
Chapter 25 Alterations in respiratory function
Chapter 26 Alterations in cardiovascular function
Chapter 28 Alterations in hematologic function
Chapter 29 Alterations in cellular growth
Chapter 30 Alterations in gastrointestinal function
Axton, Sharon and Fugate Terry (2009), Pediatric Nursing Care plans for the Hospitalized Child
Linnard-Palmer: ((2008), Pediatric Notes.)
January, 2010 P i lot Stud y th r ough IRB – data collection underway - “The Effects of
Developmental Care on Infants Following Open-Heart Surger y” (tests us e o f th e Br azel ton
Developmental Assessment Tool on th e New born Infant after op en-heart surgery). Co-
2010 – 2011 Dudley Moore Grant – Egleston Hospital ($15,000.00)
1988 Long-Term Care – Planning Conference for CICU
Long-Term Care – Planning Conference for PICU
Chairperson, Patient Education Committee
Instituted Cardiac Clinic
Instituted Tracheotomy Clinic
Coordinator and Teacher, Cardiac Course for Nurse Interns, Egleston Children’s
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, 1987, 1988
1987 Discharge of Child with Tracheostomy
Out patien t clas ses for par e nts o f chil dren with ast hm a
Nur si ng G rand Rou nds – Cardiothoracic ICU
Progr am for di sc h ar gi n g v en ti l at or -dependent patients
1986 Psychosocial Issu es in a High-Tech Pediatric Environment.” First Southeastern
Regi o nal AC C H meet i n g, Atl ant a, Ge or gi a. Coordinat or and Chairperson
1985-1986 “Cognitive and Psychosocial Development of the Infant, Toddler, Preschooler,
School-age and Adolescent Child.” Lecture series, Emory University School of
Nur si ng, Atlanta, Ge or gi a

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1985 “The Renal Patient.” Videotaped series recei ving GN A acc r editation
“The Hospitalized Adolescent.” Annual symposium
“The Adolescent with Kidney Disease.” Support group coordinator
“Outpatient Parent Support Group for Parents of Children who have Kidney
Disease.” Coordinator
1984 Hom e gl ucose moni tori ng for the patient with di a betes mel li tus – program was
star te d and is on going
“Parenting the Chronically Ill Child and High Risk Infant.” Seminar coordinator
1983 Home Care Program for the Child with Diabetes Mellitus”
“Congenital Heart Disease” Lecture Series (awarded 15 hours of CEUs)
1981 Preparation program for parents and children undergoing surgery and ICU
admi ss i o n be gun for car diovas c ul ar pa ti e nt s.
Preparation program for the child having cardiac catheterization.
Coordinator of a weekly adoles c e nt di sc u s si on gr oup.
ICU Parent Support Group – Coordinator
State and Regional Presentations
2012 Third Annual CHOA Nursing Research Symposium: Pilot Study: Use of the
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale with the Cardiothoracic Surgical Infant
Kathy Murphy, MSN, RN, PNP-BC (1A), Jeannie W eston, MS, BSN, CNS,
Consultant (2), Brittany Cox, PT, DPT (1B), Coleeta Davis, MSN-ed, BSN, CCRN
,Kathi Frankel, BSPT, MS, NIDCAP , NDT (1B), Anna lia Polemitis, MPT, CCS,
Tammi Tanner, BSN, RN, CP N, CLNC (1A)
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Sibley Heart Center (1A); Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta, Rehab Services (1B); Emory University, Nell Hodgson Woodruff
Sch ool o f Nur si ng
2012 Pil ot St u dy: Us e o f th e Ne on at al Behavior al As ses s ment Scale wit h the
Cardiothoracic Surgical Infant – Medscape Nursing (abstract)
2012 Pil ot St u dy: Us e o f th e Ne on at al Behavior al As ses s ment Scale with the
Car di ot horac ic Sur gi cal In fa nt Abs tracts for C ar diology 20 12 - Nu rsing Scientist
2011 Making the Connections: Using Pediatric Simulation to Teach Poisoning
1988 Di sc har ging th e Ven t il ator-Dependent Child, Clemson University, South Carolina.
1988 The Parent in Crisis – Grief and Adaptation Responses, Cle ms on University,
South Carolina.
1988 Care of Patient with Tracheotomy, Nurse Intern Program, Egleston Children’s
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
1988 The Child and Death, Nurse Intern Program, Egleston Children’s Hospital,
Atlanta, Georgia.
1988, 1987 Developmental Concepts – The Child’s Perception of Death, Egles t o n Childr en’s
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
1988, 1987 When a Child Suffe rs Sudde n Death – Adap tation o f Parents, Research
Symposium, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia.
1988, 1987 Family Assessment: Fo stering Family-Child Involvement as Primary Nurse ,
Eglesto n Childr en’ s H ospital , At lant a, Ge or gi a .

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1988, 1987 Cardiac Assessment, Critical Care Course, Egleston Children’s Hospital, Atlanta,
1988, 1987 Child and Family Assessment, Critical Care Course, Egleston Children’s
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia
1988, 1987 The Parent in Crisis, Critical Care Course, Egleston Children’s Hospital, Atlanta,
1988, 1987 Cardiac Defects, Critical Ca re Course, Egleston Children’s Hospital, Atlanta,
1988, 1987 Cogniti ve an d P sy ch os ocial Development of the Child, Six-hour lecture series,
Emory University School of Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia.
1987 ICU P sych osis – Di a gn os i s an d M anagem ent, Association for the Care of
Children’s Health (ACCH) Annual International Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
1987 Role of CNS, Pediatric Symposium sponsored by Egleston Children’s Hospital,
Atlanta, Georgia.
1986 Psychosocial Implications for the Child and Family Awaiting Kidney Transplant,
ACCH Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
1986 The Child with a Congenital Heart Defect, Ge or gi a Hear t Associ ation An nual
M eet ing, Jas per, Ge or gi a .
1985 Parent Grief and Adaptation Responses following the Sudden Death of a Child,
Keynote address, American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Annual
M eet ing, Washington, D.C.
1985 The Ki d ney Tr ansplant Patient – Preparing a Child for Surgery and the Intensive
Care Visit, AACN Annual M eeti ng, Washi ngto n, D .C .
1985 The CNS Role for the Renal Transplant Patient, Emory University School of
Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia and Annual Meeting of t he AAC N , Was hingt o n, D.C .
1984 Preparation of the Child for Surgery, Georgia Baptist Hospi t al, Atl a nta, Ge or gi a .
1984 The Troubled Child: Signs of Parental Disorganization, Egleston Children’s
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
1984 Congenital Heart Disease, Em or y U ni ver s it y Sc h o ol of Nurs ing, Atl a nt a,
1984 Emotional Aspects of the Family who has a Child with Congenital Heart
Disease, Georgia Baptist Hos pi t al , At lant a, Georgia.
1983 Str ess Point Pr ep ar ation for th e Chi ld 4-8 Years of Age who must have Cardiac
Surgery, Clinical Nu rs ing Researc h Symposiu m, Emory Univ ersity School of
Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia; Southeastern Regional Critical Care Conference,
Norfolk, Virgini a; and ACC H An nual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
1983 Adolescent Stressors in the ICU, ACCH Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
1983 Parent Stressors in the ICU, ACCH Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
1982 Stres s Point Preparation for the Chi l d 4-8 Years of Age who must have Cardiac
Surgery, American Heart Association Annual Meeting, Poster presentation,
Dallas, Texas.
1976 Psychological Care of the Child who has Suffered Burns, American Burn
Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California.
Gateway Homeless Shelter – Hand and Foot Clinic – 2007-2009
Emory Un i ver sity School of Nursing Service
2006-2009 Preceptorship – vis iti ng s tudents f rom Kor ea
2005- 2007 Admissions Committee – member
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2009-2101 Curriculum Committee
2009- 2011 Class Faculty Ad visor
2007 Member Honor Council
2009-2011 Faculty Cha ir – Honor Counc i l
2006-2008 Woodruff Scholar Selection Committee