Fillable Printable Sample - Formal Letter
Fillable Printable Sample - Formal Letter

Sample - Formal Letter
To get %, divide the number of actual hours of treatment received by the number of hours
they should have received. Example of # of hours they should have received: 4 hours X
13 scheduled treatments = 52 hours/mo.
Patient Name
Some Street
Anywhere, XX 00000
Dear Patient:
We are writing to express our concern for your recent absences and
shortened treatments. In the month of May you missed two (2) treatments
and cut short other treatments by an additional 2 hours. This means you
received less than 81% of your prescribed treatment. We are concerned for
your welfare and want you to maintain the dialysis schedule which is right
for you medically. One week of dialysis is only equal to one half (1/2) day
of normal kidney function. Any amount of missed treatment shortens your
life. A study done in 1998 showed that just two missed treatments a month
can increase chances of death by 51%.
Please try not to miss or cut short any treatment time so that you can remain
as healthy as possible, to live and enjoy your life with few medical
complications. If there is anything we can do to help you obtain your full
treatment, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Super Dude, MD Charming Chick, RN
Medical Director Clinical Director