Fillable Printable Format For Writing An Official Letter
Fillable Printable Format For Writing An Official Letter

Format For Writing An Official Letter

123 East Street
Barcelona, CA 12345
May 9, 2016
Dr. Edward Jones
Scholarship President
45 School Avenue
Collegetown, NY 56789
Dear Dr. Jones:
My name is Jonathan Doe and I am writing in application for the 2016 Student Leader
Scholarship. As a current high school senior and Valedictorian of my class at Education
Preparatory School, I meet all of your scholarship guidelines.
I am currently enrolled in five Advanced Placement classes where I hold a 4.0 grade point
average. I am the President of the student body, captain of the varsity football and basketball
teams, president of the Robotics Club, and president of my local 4-H chapter. This year I was
voted most likely to succeed by the entire senior class. In my spare time I volunteer at my local
canine rescue and food pantry.
I have attached my resume and three letters of recommendation as requested in the scholarship
application. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Doe