Fillable Printable Project manager cover letter example
Fillable Printable Project manager cover letter example

Project manager cover letter example

Richard Hill
Project Manager
Sean Merchant
Hiring Manager
Dayjob Ltd
The Big Peg
B18 6NF
Date: 22
May 2012
Dear Mr Merchant
Your company recently advertised on the website for a project manager. After reading the job
description I am confident that I would be a perfect fit for this position as my experience and abilities
precisely match your requirements.
Without wishing to sound boastful I feel that I come to you with a background that is unique and distinctive
from other applicants. I have a long track record of skilfully planning and managing multi million pound
projects, hiring and training efficient cross functional teams, and generating extensive cost savings by
making processes more efficient. These successes coupled with my proven ability to .......................... have
prepared me well for a position at your company. My core strengths include, but are not limited to the
Negotiating difficult decisions with colleagues, senior manager and other third parties.
Delivering results on time, within budget, and to the highest specification.
Developing accurate and achievable project plans.
For additional information about my capabilities please view my attached resume.
Right now I want to work for a reputable and exciting company like yours where there will be a big stage
for my talents. Therefore I would welcome the chance of an interview, where we would be able to discuss in
greater detail the value and strength I can bring to your already successful company.
I thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Richard Hill
123 Some Made Up Road
West Midlands
B111 8AAA
T: 0044 121 638 0026
M: 0087 2220000