Fillable Printable Printable Packing Checklist
Fillable Printable Printable Packing Checklist
Printable Packing Checklist
Pack List
Pack it light and check it twice
Wallet Sun-tan Lotion
Passport Single Pack of Laundry Soap
Small Amount of USD Lip Balm
Debit Card/ Credit Card Medications (allergy, ibuprofen, potential disease)
Shampoo, Face Wash, Lotion, Razor, Deodorant
Hair Brush, Hair Gel
FOOD AND SNACKS Washcloth / Medium Towel
Instant Coffee packs / favorite tea Earplugs
Granola Bars First Aid Items (Bandaids, etc)
Chicken Salad / Salmon Packs Sanitary Hand Wipes
Vitamins WOMEN:
Water Bottle Makeup
Feminine Items
Sunglasses Phone & Phone Charger
Socks Converter / Adapter
Underwear Camera (if not using camera on phone)
Dirty-clothes Bag Headphones (or Earbuds)
Tennis Shoes Small Flashlight
Casual Shoes WOMEN:
Flip Flops Hair Dryer, Curling Iron, Straightener
Long-sleeve Undershirt EXTRA ITEMS - PACK WHAT YOU NEED
Tank tops to layer Netbook
Light Jackets / Rain Jackets Extra Memory Cards
Cotton Shirts Pillowcase
Jeans One-to-Three Outlet Extension
Light-weight Pants or Shorts Swimsuit
WOMEN: Sweatshirt / Coat for Cold Weather Climate
Cotton Skirt or Light-weight Dress Compression Bags / Large Plastic Food Bags
Scarf - or buy in country Small Lock
Small Gift or Card for Host Homes