
Fillable Printable Parenting Form - Florida

Fillable Printable Parenting Form - Florida

Parenting Form - Florida

Parenting Form - Florida

Instructions for Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
FORM 12.995(a), PARENTING PLAN (10/11)
When should this form be used?
A Parenting Plan is required in all cases involving time-sharing with minor child(ren), even whentime-
sharing is not in dispute. This form or a similar form should be used in the development of a Parenting
Plan. If the case involves supervised time-sharing, the Supervised/Safety Focused Parenting Plan,
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995 (b) or a similar form should be used. If the
case involves relocation, pursuant to Section 61.13001, Florida Statutes, then a Relocation/Long
Distance Parenting Plan, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(c) or a similar form
should be used.
This form should be typed or printed in black ink. Please either delete or strike-through terms or
paragraphs that are inappropriate or in applicable to your agreement. If an agreement has been
reached, bothparties must sign the Parenting Plan and have their signatures witnessed by a notary
public or deputy clerk. After completing this form, you should file the original with the clerk of the
circuitcourt in the county where the petition was filed and keep a copy for yourrecords. You should
then refer to the instructions for your petition, answer, or answer and counterpetition concerning the
procedures for setting a hearing or trial (final hearing). If the parents have not reached an agreement, a
proposed Parenting Plan may be filed by either parent at the time of or any time prior to the final
hearing. If an agreed Parenting Plan is not filed by the parties, the court shall establish a Plan.
Where can I look for more information?
Before proceeding, you should read “General Information for Self-Represented Litigants” found at the
beginning of these forms.The words that are in bold underline in these instructions are defined
there. For further information, see chapter 61, Florida Statutes, and the instructions for the petition
and/or answer that were filed in this case.
Special notes...
At a minimum, the Parenting Plan must describe in adequate detail:
How the parties will share and be responsible for the daily tasks associated with the upbringing
of the child(ren),
The time-sharing schedule arrangements that specify the time that the minor child(ren) will
spend with each parent,
A designationof who willbe responsible for any and all forms ofhealth care,school-related
matters, including the address tobeused for school-boundary determinationandregistration,
other activities, and
The methods and technologies that the parents will use to communicate with the child(ren).
Instructions for Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
The best interests of the child(ren) is the primaryconsideration in the Parenting Plan. In creating the
Parenting Plan, all circumstances between the parents, including their historic relationship, domestic
violence, and other factors must be taken into consideration. Determination of the best interests of the
child(ren) shall be made by evaluating all of the factorsaffectingthe welfare and interestof the
particular minor child(ren)and the circumstances ofthat family, as listed in section 61.13(3), Florida
Statutes, including, but not limited to:
The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to facilitate and encourage a close
and continuingparent-child relationship, tohonor the time-sharing schedule, and to be
reasonable when changes are required;
The anticipated division of parental responsibilities after the litigation, includingthe extent to
which parental responsibilities will be delegated to third parties;
The demonstrated capacityand disposition of each parent to determine, consider, and act upon
the needs of the child(ren) as opposed to the needs or desires of the parent;
The length of time the child(ren) has lived in a stable, satisfactory environment and the
desirability of maintaining continuity;
The geographic viability of the parenting plan, with special attention paid to the needs of school-
age children and the amount of time to be spent traveling to effectuate the parenting plan. This
factor does not create a presumption for or against relocation of either parent with a child(ren);
The moral fitness of the parents;
The mental and physical health of the parents;
The home, school, and community record of the child(ren);
The reasonable preference of the child(ren), if the court deems the child(ren) tobe of sufficient
intelligence, understanding, and experience to express a preference;
The demonstrated knowledge, capacity, and disposition of each parent to be informed of the
circumstancesof the minor child(ren), including, but not limited to,the child(ren)’s friends,
teachers, medical care providers, daily activities, and favorite things;
The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to provide a consistent routine for
the child(ren), such as discipline, and daily schedules for homework, meals, and bedtime;
The demonstrated capacity of each parent to communicate with and keep the other parent
informed of issuesand activities regardingthe minor child(ren), and the willingness of each
parent to adopt a unified front on all major issues when dealing with the child(ren);
Evidence of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, or child
neglect, regardless of whether a prior or pending action relating to those issues has been
brought. If the court accepts evidence of prior or pending actions regardingdomestic violence,
sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, or child neglect, the court must specifically
acknowledge in writing that such evidencewas considered when evaluatingthe best interests of
the child(ren);
Evidence that either parent has knowingly provided false informationto the court regardingany
prior or pending action regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child
abandonment, or child neglect;
The particular parenting tasks customarily performed by each parent andthe division or
parental responsibilities before the institution of litigation andduringthe pending litigation,
including the extent to which parenting responsibilities were undertaken by third parties;
Instructions for Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
The demonstratedcapacity and disposition of each parent to participate and be involved in the
child(ren)’s school and extracurricular activities;
The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to maintain an environment for the
child(ren) which is free from substance abuse;
The capacity and disposition of each parent to protectthe child(ren) from the ongoing litigation
as demonstrated by not discussing the litigation with the child(ren), not sharing documents or
electronic media related to the litigationwith the child(ren), and refraining from disparaging
comments about the other parent to the child)ren); and
The developmental stages and needs of the child(ren)and the demonstrated capacity and
disposition of each parent to meet the child(ren)’s developmental needs.
This standard form does not include every possible issue that may be relevant to the facts of your case.
The Parenting Plan should be as detailed as possible to address the time-sharing schedule. Additional
provisions should be added to address all of the relevant factors. The parties should give special
consideration to the age and needs of each child.
In developing the Parenting Plan, you may wish to consult or review other materials which are available
at your local library, law library or through national and state family organizations.
Remember, a person who is NOT an attorney is called a nonlawyer. If a nonlawyer helps you fill out
these forms, that person must give you a copy of a Disclosure from Nonlawyer, Florida Family Law Rules
of Procedure Form 12.900 (a), before he or she helps you. A nonlawyer helping you fill out these forms
also must put his or her name, address, and telephone number on the bottom of the last page of every
form he or she helps you complete.
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
IN AND FOR _________________ COUNTY, FLORIDA
Case No: _____________________
Division: _____________________
This parenting plan is: (Choose only one)
[ ] A Parenting Plan submitted to the court with the agreement of the parties.
[ ] A proposed Parenting Plan submitted by or on behalf of:
{Parent’s Name}_______________________________________________.
[ ] A Parenting Plan established by the court.
This parenting plan is: (Choose only one)
[ ] A final Parenting Plan established by the court.
[ ] A temporary Parenting Plan established by the court.
[ ] A modification of a prior final Parenting Plan or prior final order.
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:______________________________________________________
( ) Address Unknown: (Please indicate here if mother’s address is unknown)
( ) Address Confidential: (Please indicate here if mother’s address and phone numbers are
confidential pursuant toeither a ( ) Final Judgment for Protection Against Domestic Violence,
or ( ) other court order ______________________________________________________).
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:______________________________________________________
( ) Address Unknown: (Please indicate here if father’s address is unknown)
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
( ) Address Confidential: (Please indicatehere if father’s address and phone numbers are
confidential pursuant to either a ( ) Final Judgment for Protection Against Domestic Violence or
( ) other court order)__________________________________________________________.)
II.CHILDREN: This parenting plan is for the following child(ren) born to, or adoptedby the parties:
(add additional lines as needed)
Name Date of Birth
The United States is the country of habitual residence of the child(ren).
The State of Florida is the child(ren)’s home state for the purposes of the Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act.
This Parenting Plan is a childcustody determination for the purposes of the Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, the International Child Abduction Remedies Act, 42 U.S.C.
Sections 11601 et seq., the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act, and the Convention on the Civil
Aspects of International Child Abduction enacted at the Hague on October 25, 1980, and for all
other state and federal laws.
Other: ___________________________________________________________________________.
1.Parental Responsibility (Choose only one)
[ ] Shared Parental Responsibility.
It is in the best interestsof the child(ren) that the parents confer and jointlymake all
major decisions affecting the welfare of the child(ren). Major decisions include, but are
not limited to, decisionsabout the child(ren)’s education, healthcare, andother
responsibilities unique to this family.
[ ] Shared Parental Responsibility with Decision Making Authority
It is in the best interests of the child(ren) that the parents confer and attempt to agree
on the major decisions involving the child(ren). If the parents are unable to agree, the
authority for making major decisions regarding the child(ren) shall be as follows:
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
Education/Academic decisions [ ] Mother[ ] Father
Non-emergency health care [ ] Mother[ ] Father
___________________________ [ ] Mother[ ] Father
___________________________ [ ] Mother[ ] Father
___________________________ [ ] Mother[ ] Father
[ ] Sole Parental Responsibility:
It is in the best interests of the child(ren) that the [ ] Mother [ ] Father shallhave sole
authority to make major decisionsfor the child(ren.) It is detrimental to the child(ren) to
have shared parental responsibility.
2.Day-to-Day Decisions
Unless otherwise specified in this plan, each parent shall make decisions regarding day-to-
day care and control of each child while the child is with that parent. Regardless of the
allocation of decision making in the parenting plan, either parent may make emergency
decisions affecting the health or safety of the child(ren) when the child is residing with that
parent. A parent who makes an emergency decision shall share the decision with the other
parent as soon as reasonably possible.
3.Extra-curricular Activities ( Choose all that apply)
[ ] Either parent may register the child(ren) and allow them to participate in the activity of
the child(ren)’s choice.
[ ] The parents must mutually agree to all extra-curricular activities.
[ ] The parent with the minor child(ren) shall transport the minor child(ren) to and/or from
all mutually agreed upon extra-curricular activities, providing all necessary uniforms and
equipment within the parent’s possession.
[ ] The costs of the extra-curricular activities shall be paid by:
Mother ______% Father __________ %
[ ] The uniforms and equipment required for the extra-curricular activities shall be paid by:
Mother _______ % Father ____________%
[ ] Other: _____________________________________________________ .
V.INFORMATION SHARING. Unless otherwise indicated or ordered by the Court:
Unless otherwise prohibited by law, each parent shall have access to medical and school records
and information pertaining to the child(ren) and shall be permitted to independently consult
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
with any and all professionals involved with the child(ren). The parents shall cooperate with
each other in sharing information related to the health, education, and welfare of the child(ren)
and they shall sign any necessary documentation ensuring that both parents have access to said
Each parent shall be responsible for obtaining records and reports directly from the school and
health care providers.
Both parents have equal rights to inspect and receive governmental agency and law
enforcement records concerning the child(ren).
Both parents shall have equal and independent authority to confer with the child(ren)’s
school, day care, health care providers, and other programs with regard to the child(ren)’s
educational, emotional, and social progress.
Both parents shall be listed as “emergency contacts for the child(ren).
Each parent has a continuing responsibility to provide a residential, mailing, and contact address
and contact telephone number to the other parent. Each parent shall notify the other parent in
writing within 24 hours of any changes. Each parent shall notify the court in writing within seven
(7) days of any changes.
Other: _________________________________________________________________
1.School Calendar
If necessary, on or before ______________ of each year, both parents should obtain a copy
of the school calendar for the next school year. The parents shall discuss the calendars and
the time-sharing schedule so that any differences or questions can be resolved.
The parents shall follow the school calendar of: (Choose all that apply)
[ ] the oldest child
[ ] the youngest child
[ ] the school calendar for ______________ County
[ ] the school calendar for _________________ School
2.Academic Break Definition
When defining academic break periods, the period shall begin at the end of the last
scheduled day of classes before the holiday or break and shall start on the first day of
regularly scheduled classes after the holiday or break.
3.Schedule Changes (Choose all that apply)
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
[ ] A parent making a request for a schedule change will make the request as soon as
possible, but in any event, except in cases of emergency, no less than
________________before the change is to occur.
[ ] A parent requesting a change of schedule shall be responsible for any additional child
care, or transportation costs caused by the change.
[ ] Other ______________________________________________________.
1.Weekday and Weekend Schedule
The following schedule shall apply beginning on ________________________ with the
[ ] Mother [ ] Father and continue as follows:
A.The child(ren) shall spend time with the Mother on the following dates and times:
WEEKENDS: [ ] Every [ ] Every Other [ ] Other (specify) _____________________
From____________________________ to _________________________________
WEEKDAYS: Specify days_______________________________________________
From _____________________________ to _______________________________
OTHER: (Specify) _____________________________________________________
B.The child(ren) shall spend time with the Father on the following dates and times:
WEEKENDS: [ ] Every [ ] Every Other [ ] Other (specify) ____________________
From____________________________ to _________________________________
WEEKDAYS: Specify days_______________________________________________
From _____________________________ to _______________________________
OTHER: (Specify) _____________________________________________________
C.Please indicate if there is a different time sharing schedule for any child. Complete a
separate Attachment for each child for whom there is a different time sharing
[ ] There is a different time-sharing schedule for the following child(ren) in Attachment
______________________________, and _________________________.
(Name of Child) (Name of Child)
2.Holiday Schedule (Choose only one)
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
[ ] No holiday time sharing shall apply. The regular time-sharing schedule set forth above
shall apply.
[ ] Holiday time-sharing shall be as the parties agree.
[ ] Holiday time-sharing shall be in accordance with the following schedule. The Holiday
schedule will take priority over the regular weekday, weekend, and summer schedules.
Fill in the blanks with Mother or Father to indicate where the child(ren) will be for the
holidays. Provide the beginning and ending times. If a holiday is not specified as even,
odd, or every year with one parent, then the child(ren) will remain with the parent in
accordance with the regular schedule
Holidays Even YearsOdd Years Every Year Begin/End Time
Mother’s Day______________________________________________
Father’s day__________ ___________________ _________________
President’s Day______________________________________________
Martin Luther King Day __________ _________ __________ _________________
Easter __________ _________ __________ _________________
Passover__________ _________ __________ _________________
Memorial Day Weekend ______________________________________________
of July __________ _________ __________ _________________
Labor Day Weekend__________ _________ __________ _________________
Columbus Day Weekend _____________________________________________
Halloween__________ _________ __________ _________________
Thanksgiving__________ _________ __________ _________________
Veteran’s Day__________ _________ __________ _________________
Hanukkah__________ _________ __________ _________________
Yom Kippur__________ _________ __________ _________________
Rosh Hashanah__________ _________ ___________________________
Child(ren)’s Birthdays______________________________________________
_______________ ______________________________________________
_______________ ______________________________________________
This holiday schedule may affect the regular Time-Sharing Schedule. Parents may wish to specify
one or more of the following options:
[ ] When the parents are using an alternating weekend plan and the holiday schedule
would result in one parent having the child(ren) for three weekends in a row, the
parents will exchange the following weekend, so that each has two weekends in a row
before the regular alternating weekend pattern resumes.
[ ] If a parent has the child(ren) on a weekend immediately before or after an unspecified
holiday or non-school day, they shall have the child(ren) for the holiday or non-school
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
3.Winter Break
A.Entire Winter Break (Choose only one)
[ ] The [ ] Mother [ ] Father shall have the child(ren) from the day and time school is
dismissed until December _____ at ___ a.m./p. m in [ ]odd-numbered years [ ] even-
numbered years [ ] every year. The other parent will have the children for the second
portion of the Winter Break. The parties shall alternate the arrangement each year.
[ ] The [] Mother [ ] Father shall have the child(ren) for the entire Winter Break during
[ ] odd-numbered years [ ] even-numbered years [] every year.
[ ] Other: ______________________________________________________________
B.Specific Winter Holidays
If not addressed above, the specific Winter Holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve,
Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc. and shall be shared as follows:
4.Spring Break (Choose only one)
[ ] The parents shall follow the regular schedule.
[ ] The parents shall alternate the entire Spring Break with the Mother having the
child(ren) during the [ ]odd-numbered years [ ]even numbered years.
[ ] The [ ] Father [ ] Mother shall have the child(ren) for the entire Spring Break every year.
[ ] The Spring Break will be evenly divided. The first half of the Spring Break will go to the
parent whose regularly scheduled weekend falls on the first half and the second half
going to the parent whose weekend falls during the second half.
[ ] Other:_________________________________________________________________.
5.Summer Break(Choose only one)
[ ] The parents shall follow the regular schedule through the summer.
[ ] The [ ] Mother [ ] Father shall have the entire Summer Break from __________ after
school is out until _______________ before school starts.
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.995(a), Parenting Plan (10/11)
[ ] The parents shall equally divide the Summer Break. During [ ] odd-numbered years
[ ] even numbered years, the [ ] Mother [] Father shall have the children from
________ after school is out until ________. The other parent shall have the child(ren)
for the second one-half of the Summer Break.The parents shall alternate the first and
second one-halves each year unless otherwise agreed. During the extended periods of
time-sharing, the other parent shall have the child(ren)
[ ] Other:__________________________________________________________________
6.Number of Overnights:
Based upon the time-sharing schedule, the Mother has a total of _____ overnights per year
and the Father has a total of _____ overnights per year. Note: The two numbers must
equal 365.
7.[ ] If not set forth above, the parties shall have time-sharing in accordance with the
schedule which is attached and incorporated herein.
1.Transportation (Choose only one)
[ ] The [ ] Mother [ ] Father shall provide all transportation.
[ ] The parent beginning their time-sharing shall provide transportation for the child(ren).
[ ] The parent ending their time-sharing shall provide transportation for the child(ren).
[ ] Other: _________________________________________________________________.
Both parents shall have the child(ren) ready on time with sufficient clothing packed and
ready at the agreed upon time of exchange. If a parent is more than ______ minutes late
without contacting the other parent to make other arrangements, the parent with the
child(ren) may proceed with other plans and activities. (Choose only one):
[ ] Exchanges shall be at Mother’s and Father’s homes unless both parents agree to a
different meeting place.
[ ] Exchanges shall occur at __________________________________________________
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