Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Example - Missouri
Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Example - Missouri
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Parenting Plan Example - Missouri
In Re the Marriage of: )
Petitioner )
vs. ) Cause No.
JOHN DOE, ) Division No.
Respondent. )
The children covered under this plan are as follows:
Johnny Doe, Jr. Age: 12 SSN: xxx-xx-5555
Elizabeth Doe Age: 9 SSN: xxx-xx-4444
1. Physical Custody:
Mother and Father shall have JOINT PHYSICAL CUSTODY.
The residence of the Mother shall be the address of the child for mailing and educational
2. Custody, visitation, and residential time:
Custody, visitation, and residential time for each child with each parent shall be
at such times as the parties agree. In the event that the parties cannot agree,
Father shall have custody, visitation, or residential time as set forth below, the
Mother having all other time as her custody, visitation, or residential time.
The Parents agree to accommodate each others work schedules for both Weekend and
Weekday residential time.
3. Weekend:
Every other weekend beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday through
and ending at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday; beginning the weekend following the
date of the judgment. If either parent’s holiday weekend conflicts herewith then
the parent losing their regular weekend shall receive the other parent’s next
regular weekend to thereafter be followed by the original schedule so that each
would have two (2) consecutive weekends.
4. Weekday:
One night – each week from 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday day until 8:00 a.m. on Thursday.
5. Summer:
The Father parent shall have residential time, subject to appro p riate child care,
with the minor child as follows:
A) For two (2) weeks during the summer.
B) The Father parent shall notify the custodial parent in writing of
his intended visitation by April 1
of each year and the Mother shall confirm or
make different mutually agreeable arrangements with the other parent by
April 15
C) If the parents cannot mutually agree or the Father fails to notify the Mother, then
the Father shall receive the followin g visitation:
Three (3) and Four (4) weeks in June to include Father’s Day Weekend.
Designated Vacation Time.
A) In even years, Mother may designate in writing or by email of a two (2)
week consecutive period for which to have vacation time with the
children. Father shall then designate a two (2) week period for himself.
B) In odd years, Father shall designate in writing or by email first.
C) The schedule for notification for any year shall be
April 1
- Notice by person electing first.
May 15
-Notice by person electing second.
6. Holidays:
A) Holidays and special days herein shall prevail over weekend, weekday,
and summer vacation set forth above. Birthday periods shall not prevail
when in conflict with other Holiday and Special Days.
B) Mother shall have custody or visitation with the child on her birthday
and on Mother’s Day each year from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm; plus each
“Holiday Group A” in even-numbered years and “Holiday Group B” in
odd-numbered years.
C) Father shall have custody or visitation with the child on his birthday
and on Father’s Day each year from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm; plus each
“Holiday Group A” in odd-numbered years and “Holiday Group B” in
even-numbered years.
1) President’s Day or Washington’s Birthday (observed) weekend
from 5:00 p.m. the Friday prior through 8:00 a.m. Tuesday.
2) A period of six (6) days during the child’s or children’s school
Spring Break.
3) Independence Day (July 4
) holiday from 5:00 p.m. the next non-
weekend day before to 9:00 a.m. the weekday next following.
4) Columbus Day Weekend from 5:00 p.m. the Friday prior through
8:00 a.m. Tuesday.
5) Each child’s birthday from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. the following
6) Halloween (October 31) from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 .pm.
1) Martin Luther King Day weekend from 5:00 p.m. the Friday prior
through 8:00 a.m. Tuesday.
2) Memorial Day Weekend from 5:00 p.m. the Friday prior through
8:00 a.m. Tuesday.
3) Labor Day Weekend from 5:00 p.m. the Friday prior through
8:00 a.m. Tuesday.
4) Thanksgiving Weekend from 5:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior
through 8:00 a.m. Monday.
5) The day prior to each child’s birthday beginning at 9:00 a.m.
through 9:00 a.m. the day of the birthday.
6) Easter Weekend from 5:00 p.m. Friday through 8:00 a.m. Monday.
Mother to have in even years and Father to have in odd years Christmas
Vacation from December 25
at 10:00 a.m. through December
at 9:00 a.m.
Mother to have in odd years and Father to have in even years Christmas
Vacation from 5:00 p.m. the day the child’s or children’s school
Christmas Vacation begins through 10:00 a.m. on December 25
December 31
beginning at 9:00 a.m. through 8:00 a.m. the day the child’s
or children’s Christmas Vacation ends.
8. Changes to Schedule:
A) Mother and Father shall cooperate to allow the children to meet his
school and social commitments.
B) The parents’ schedules and commitments may require occasional changes
in the parenting time schedule. Parents shall attempt to agree on any
changes, but the parent receiving a request for a change shall have the
final decision on whether the change shall occur.
C) The parent making the request may make such request (check all that
X in person X by phone X email
D) The request for change shall be made no later than:
48 hours prior to the date of the requested change.
E) The parent receiving the request shall respond no later than:
24 hours after receiving the requested change.
F) The response to the request may be made (check all that apply):
X in person X by phone X email
G) Any parent requesting a change of schedule shall be responsible for any
additional child care or transportation costs resulting from the change.
9. Telephone Contact: Each parent shall inform the other of his or her residence address and
telephone number, the address and telephone number of his or her place of employment,
and in the event of extended out-of-town travel, the address and telephone number of his
or her destination. The duty to update this information is a continuing obligation and shall
be done within a reasonable time after any change. Each parent shall have reasonable
access with the child during normal waking hours during any period in which the child
is/are with the other parent, unless otherwise agreed. Reasonable hours are between 8:00
a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
10. Cooperation: Recognizing the needs of the child for a continuing relationship with each
parent, each parent shall exercise their best efforts to foster the respect, love, and
affections of the child toward the other parent and shall avoid any action which would
demean the other parent before the child. To the extent possible, the parties shall
accommodate the social and academic commitments of the child and shall cooperate to
insure that the child shall have regular and frequent contact with each parent. In that
regard, each party shall reasonably consider any requests made by the other party to
change the scheduled custody or visitation periods previously agreed when a timely
request is made for the change by a party or the child. There shall be no restrictions or
limitations on the child’s reasonable access to either parent.
11. Transportation:
A) Transportation arrangements for the child for all scheduled parenting
times, including weekdays, weekends, holidays, and vacation times, shall
be as follows:
The parties will meet at a mutually agreeable and convenient place for the
exchange of the child.
B) The person entitled to pick up the child at the beginning or end of
visitation or meeting at a neutral spot shall be on time. If someone is going
to be late, they shall notify the other party (especially using cell phones if
available) in advance, if possible, and arrange a different time or time and
date. The other party shall wait and be available for a 30 minute waiting
period. After a 30 minute period of waiting, the party there shall be free to
12. Child Care Provider: If both parents will need to use a child care provider during periods
of custody or visitation, they shall use the same child care provider, unless the distance
between their residences or places of employment make the use of the same child care
provider unreasonable.
(Decision-Making Rights and Responsibilities)
1. Legal Custody:
Mother and Father shall have JOINT LEGAL CUSTODY of the child herein
2. Conferring With Each Other:
Mother and Father shall agree before making any final decisions on issues
affecting the growth and development of the child; including, but not
limited to, choice of religious upbringing, choice of child care provider,
choice of school course of study, special tutoring, extracurricular
activities, including, but not limited to, music, art, dance, and other
cultural lessons or activities and gymnastics or other athletic activities,
choice of camp or other comparable summer activity, non-emergency
medical and dental treatment, psychological, psychiatric or like treatment
or counseling, the choice of particular health care providers, the extent of
any travel away from home, part or full-time employment, purchase or
operation of a motor vehicle, contraception and sex education, and
decisions relating to actual or potential litigation on behalf of the
3. Records, Medical, School or Other:
A) Each parent shall have access to medical and school records pertaining to
the child, and be permitted to independently consult with any all
professionals involved with the child. The parents shall cooperate
with each other in sharing information related to the health, education,
and welfare of the child.
B) Each parent shall be responsible for getting records and reports directly
from school and medical care providers.
C) All reports and records made available to:
X Mother
X Father
shall include the address of the other spouse.
4. Communication:
A) Each parent shall inform the other parent as soon as possible of all school,
sporting, and other special activity notices and cooperate in the
child’s consistent attendance at such events.
B) Each parent shall always keep the other parent informed of his or her
actual residence address, mailing address if different, home and work
telephone numbers and any changes within 48 hours of such change
C) Neither parent shall say or do anything in the presence or hearing of the
child that would in any way diminish the child’s love or affection
for the other parent and shall not allow others to do so either.
D) All court related and financial communication between the parents shall
occur at a time when the child are not present and, therefore, sh all not
occur at times of exchanges of the child or during telephone
visits with the child.
E) Neither parent shall schedule activities for the child during the other
parent’s scheduled parenting time without the other parent’s prior
agreement, with the exceptions:
F) Each parent shall provide the other with reasonable notice of all special
events involving the child, especially those which parents may attend,
such as school plays, parent and grandparent days, etc.. Both parents shall
be welcome at school conferences, athletic events, performances, and
other such functions of the child.
G) Each parent shall advise the other of any medical emergency, serious
illness, or injury by the child when in his or her custody, or during
visitation as soon as possible after learning of the same and shall give the
other parent the details of said emergency, injury, or illness, and the name
and telephone number of the attending physician(s), if any. Such
notification shall be no later than 24 hours from the time of the incident,
accident, or illness. Each parent will inform the other before any routine
medical care, treatment or examination by a health care provider,
including said provider’s name, address, and telephone number. Each
party shall direct all doctors involved in any care and treatment of the
child to give the other parent all information pertaining to the children.
5. Decision-Making:
A) Each parent shall make decisions regarding the day-to-day care and
control of each child while the child is with that parent. Regardless of the
decision-making responsibilities stated in this parenting plan, either
parent may make emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of the
child while residing with or in the care of that parent.
B) The parent currently entitled to residential time shall make regular
day to day decisions concerning the child. Example: whether or not
to send a sick child to school.
C) As to the below listed activities, the parents will make decisions as
indicated by the check marks as to the activity.
Decision Making
Rights and
Person Responsible
Person Responsible
Education (what
school the child will
attend, entry into
special classes)
Medical (medical
procedures needed,
medications to be
taken, mental health
treatment decisions)
Dental (procedures
needed, including
care, glasses)
Selection of Health
Care Providers
(doctor, hospital,
therapist, and