
Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Form Example - Georgia

Fillable Printable Parenting Plan Form Example - Georgia

Parenting Plan Form Example - Georgia

Parenting Plan Form Example - Georgia

In all cases involving permanent custody or custody modification (except when a
parent seeks emergency relief for family violence), each parent shall prepare and
submit a parenting plan, or the parties may jointly submit a parenting plan, as
directed by the Judge.
The parenting plan should be tailored to fit the needs of each individual family but
must at a minimum contain the information required by OCGA section 19-9-1 (b)
and be presented in substantially the following form:
Plaintiff, ) Civil Action
vs. ) Case Number ________________
Defendant. )
( ) The parties have agreed to the terms of this plan and this information has been
furnished by both parties to meet the requirements of OCGA Section 19-9-1. The
parties agree on the terms of the plan and affirm the accuracy of the information
provided, as shown by their signatures at the end of this order.
( ) This plan has been prepared by the judge.
This plan ( ) is a new plan.
( ) modifies an existing
Parenting Plan dated ____________________.
( ) modifies an existing Order dated ___________________________.
Child’s Name Date of Birth
A. Legal Custod
y shall be (choose one:)
( ) with the Mother
( ) with the Father
( ) Joint
B. Primary Physical Custodian
For each of the children named below the primary physical custodian shall be:
d/o/b: ( ) Mother ( ) Father ( ) Joint
d/o/b: ( ) Mother ( ) Father ( ) Joint
d/o/b: ( ) Mother ( ) Father ( ) Joint
d/o/b: ( ) Mother ( ) Father ( ) Joint
d/o/b: ( ) Mother ( ) Father ( ) Joint
C. Day-To-Day Decisions
Each parent shall make decisions regarding the day-to-day care of a child while
the child is residing with that parent, including any emergency decisions affecting
the health or safety of a child.
D. Major Decisions
Major decisions regarding each child shall be made as follows:
Educational decisions ( ) mother ( ) father ( ) joint
Non-emergency health care ( ) mother ( ) father ( ) joint
Religious upbringing ( ) mother ( ) father ( ) joint
Extracurricular activities ( ) mother ( ) father ( ) joint
_____________________ ( ) mother ( ) father ( ) joint
_____________________ ( ) mother ( ) father ( ) joint
E. Disagreements
Where parents have elected joint decision making in Section I.D above, please
explain how any disagreements in decision-maki
ng will be re
I. Custod
y and Decision Making:
II. Parenting Time/Visitation Schedules
A. Parentin
g Time/Visitation
During the term of this parenting pla
n the non-custodial parent shall have at a
minimum the following rights of parenting time/ visitation (choose an item):
( ) The weekend of the first and third Friday of each month.
( ) The weekend of the f
irst, third, and fifth Friday of each month.
( ) The weekend of the
second and fourth Friday of each month.
( ) Every other weekend starting on
( ) Each _________ sta
rting at _________a.m./p.m. and ending __________
( ) Other: ______________________________________________________
( ) and weekday parenting time/ visitation on (cho
ose an item):
( ) None
( ) Every Wednesday Evening
( ) Every other Wednesday during the week prior to a non-visitation
( ) Every ___________________ and _____________ evening.
( ) Other: ______________________________________________
For purposes of this parenting plan, a weekend will start at ______ a.m./p.m. on
[Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Other: _____________ ] and end at _______
a.m./p.m. on [Sunday / Monday / Ot
her: _________________ ].
Weekday vi
sitation will begin at _____ a.m./p.m. and will end [___p.m. / when the
child(ren) return(s) to school or day care the next morning / Other:_____________ ].
This parenting schedule begins:
( ) ____________
________________________ OR ( ) date of the Court’s Order
(day and time)
The day to day s
chedule shall apply unless other arrangements are set forth:
____________________________ beginning _______
Winter Vacation
The ( ) mother ( ) father shall have t
he child(ren) for the first
period from the day
and time school is dismissed until December ______ at __________ a.m./p.m. in
( ) odd numbered years ( ) even numbered years ( ) every year. The other parent
will have the child(ren) for the second period from the day and time indicated
above until 6:00 p.m. on the evening before school resumes. Unless otherwise
indicated, the parties shall alternate the first and second periods each year.
Other agreement of the parents:
Summer Vacation
Define summer vacation period:
The day to day schedule shall apply
unless other arrangements are set forth:
_______________________________ beginning ______
Spring Vacation (if applicable)
The day to day schedule shall apply
unless other arrangements are set forth:
_______________________________ beginning _______________
Fall Vacation (if applicable)
B. Major Holidays and
Vacation Periods
The day to day schedule shall apply unless other arrangements are set f
____________________________ beginning ___________________________.
C. Other Holiday Sched
ule (if applicable)
Indicate if child(ren) will be with the parent in ODD or EVEN numbered years or
indicate EVERY year:
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents’ Day
Mother’s Day
Memorial Day
Father’s Day
July Fourth
Labor Day
Child(ren)’s Birthday(s)
Mother’s Birthday
Father’s Birthday
Religious Holidays:
_________________ __________________
Other: ________________
Other: ________________ _________________ __________________
Other: ________________ _________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
D. Other extended periods of time during school, etc. (refer to the school
E. Start and end dates for holiday visitation
For the purposes of this parenting plan, the holiday will start and end as follows
(choose one):
( ) Holidays that fall on Friday will include the foll
owing Saturday and Sunday
( ) Holidays that fall on Monday will include the preceding Saturday and Sunday
_________________ _________________
( ) Other: _______________________________________________________
F. Coordination of Parenting Schedules
Check if app
( ) The holiday parenting time/visitation
schedule takes precedence over the
regular parenting time/visitation schedule.
( ) When the child(r
en) is/are with a parent for an extended parenting
time/visitation period (such as summer), the other parent shall be entitled to visit
with the child(ren) during the extended period, as follows:
G. Transportation Arrangements
For visitation, the place of meeting for the exchange of the child(ren) shall be:
The ___________
will be responsible for transp
ortation of the child at the
beginning of visitation.
will be responsible for transp
ortation of the child at the
conclusion of visitation.
Transportation costs,
if any, will be allocated as follows:
Other provisions: ___________________________________
H. Contacting the child
When the child or children are in the
physical custody of one parent, the other
parent will have the right to contact the child or children as follows:
( ) Telephone
( )
( ) Limitations on contact:
( ) Check here if Applicable
Supervised parenting time shall apply during the day-to-day schedule a
s follows:
Place: _______________________________________________________
Person/Organization supervising: _________________________________
Responsibility for cost:
( ) mother ( ) father ( ) both equally
J. Communication Provisions
Please check:
( ) Each parent shall prom
ptly notify the other parent of a change of address,
phone number or cell phone number. A parent changing residence must give at
least 30 days notice of the change and provide the full address of the new
( ) Due to prior acts of family violence, the addre
ss of the child(ren) and victim of
family violence shall be kept confidential. The protected parent shall promptly
notify the other parent, through a third party, of any change in contact information
necessary to conduct visitation
III. Access to Records and Information
Rights of the Parents
Absent agreement to limitations or court ordered limitations,
pursuant to
O.C.G.A. § 19-9-1 (b) (1) (D), both parents are entitled to access to all of the
child(ren)’s records and information, including, but not limited to, education,
health, extracurricular activities, and religious communications. Designation as a
non-custodial parent does not affect a parent’s right to equal access to these
Limitations on access rights:
Other Information Sharing Provisions:
I. Supervision of Parenting Time (if applicable)
IV. Modification of Plan or Disagreements
Parties may, by mutual agreement, vary the parenting time/visitation; how
ever, such
agreement shall not be a binding court order. Custody shall only be modified by court
Should the parents disagree about this parentin
g plan or wish to modify it, they must
make a good faith effort to resolve the issue between them.
V. Special Considerations
Please attach an addendum detailing any special
circumstances of which the Court
should be aware (e.g., health issues, educational issues, etc.)
Parents’ Consent
Please review the following and initial:
1. We recognize that a close and continuing parent-
child relationship and continuity
in the child’s life is in the child’s best interest.
Mother’s Initials: ___________
Father’s Initials: ____________
2. We recognize that our child’s need
s will change and grow as the child matures;
we have made a good faith effort to take these changing needs into account so
that the need for future modifications to the parenting plan are minimized.
Mother’s Initials: ____________ Father’s Initials: ____________
3. We recognize that the parent with physical custo
dy will make the day-to-day
decisions and emergency decisions while the child is residing with such parent.
Mother’s Initials: __________
Father’s Initials: _____________
( ) We knowingly and voluntarily agree on the t
erms of this Parenting Plan. Each of
us affirms that the information we have provided in this Plan is true and correct.
______________________________ _______________________________
Father’s Signature
Mother’s Signature
Civil Action File Number 
The Court has reviewed the foregoing Parenting Plan, and it is hereby made the Order of
this Court.
SO ORDERED, this _____________________________________, 20 _____ .
Plaintiff, )
vs. )
Civil Action
Case Number ________________
Defendant. )
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